Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

See where "Palestinianism" takes you, Pakistanis? Do people like Falcon29 and their twisted "cause" really deserve your continued loyalty?

Well well thats really sweet when it comes from a people whoms state was completeley exterminated from earths surface by the Roman legions, then its entire population expelled from the land to live around like scattered waiths until this day.

Tell me, do you think Israel and jewish extremism has done and is doing something differently than the Outremer did during its «heydays» ? Was the frankish barbarians less brutal when they killed virtually all civillian muslims and jews after they entered the holy city?

Did their crusader state not also plead for help from western european kings, time after time, and got it? With waves and waves of barbarians flocking into Palestine and filling it with stench of brutish unbathed bodies?

Did that stop the resistance against Outremer? Did Urbano succed. Did the Knight Hospitaliers succed …or they got exterminated? You must surely know the answer to all those questions.
I’m beginning to suspect that all those YouTube analysts who said the Hezbollah will make shami kebabs out of Israel were clueless. The ease with which Israel has been exterminating Hezbollah is a shock.

Those same YouTube analysts have been saying that Iran will make kofte kebab out of Israel. I’m not so sure now.

Muslims will win one day, inshallah, but only after they’re united under a single leader.

Israeli analysts themselves have hyped Hezbollah up, clever, they had their number all along
I still think that Hezbollah was not prepared for this war

their comms has always been compromised

Israel seems to find, locate and hit anyone in the Hezbollah chain of command at will

I really dont know how this issue possible

even Hezbollah has few traitors and still Israel can reach them anywhere at anytime

Iran should stand down now, live to fight another day otherwise Iran will suffer

take the emery when you are strong not when you are weak

its not about Israel its about USA
I still think that Hezbollah was not prepared for this war

their comms has always been compromised

Israel seems to find, locate and hit anyone in the Hezbollah chain of command at will

I really dont know how this issue possible

even Hezbollah has few traitors and still Israel can reach them anywhere at anytime

Iran should stand down now, live to fight another day otherwise Iran will suffer

take the emery when you are strong not when you are weak

its not about Israel its about USA
Hezbollah is not able to stand down. Israel has upper hand they will try to destroy Hezbollah as much as possible to the extent they will need many years to recover. So they are between a rock and hard place. Fight your way out or run off and get shot in the back looks only options right now, both options can be deadly.
"Israel's war is not with you, but with Hezbollah" - Israel's message to Lebanese civilians several days ago, urging them to evacuate from places held by Hezbollah terrorists.
I’m sure it gives relief and calm to the Children being blown to smithereens.
I still think that Hezbollah was not prepared for this war

their comms has always been compromised

Israel seems to find, locate and hit anyone in the Hezbollah chain of command at will

I really dont know how this issue possible

even Hezbollah has few traitors and still Israel can reach them anywhere at anytime

Iran should stand down now, live to fight another day otherwise Iran will suffer

take the emery when you are strong not when you are weak

its not about Israel its about USA
They underestimated how pathetic and Cucked USA would be and how the Epstein's would use this to their advantage.

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