Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

In the Korean War, China fought head-on against the U.S. military with deadly force and suffered one million casualties, but managed to drive the U.S. forces south and reach a cease-fire.
In the Vietnam War, the people of Vietnam finally defeated the U.S. forces with the blood of 2 million people.
When Ho Chi Minh was questioned by the Western media about the large number of casualties in the war against the U.S., he said that in war, sacrifices are inevitable and that he would fight on for 10 years, 20 years, until the day of victory.
As a result of these sacrifices, there is peace and prosperity in Asia today.
We must shed a great deal of blood somewhere in order to defeat the reaper of Western society, which spreads destruction while waving false human rights.
This is a sad truth.
Surrender or negotiate, these ideas have always brought about the wrong results.
If you want peace, you have to accept the sacrifice and fight for it somewhere.
Chinese and Vietnamese had the advantage of manpower and terrain along with the support of the mighty Soviets of that era ..... unfortunately , Muslim countries of the middle East don't have such advantage along with the abscence of military technology and industrial capabilities ..........there is no hochi min trail in middle East .....in the open desert everything is nothing more than sitting fucks ......Iraq war should be a good example for keyboard warriors,.........a good general will always avoid a war in which he has no chance of victory .....
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Victims in-chief had always one clear advantage, steering the narrative... paint the boogie man.

Just like any compulsive liar they got lost in their web. Now no one needs-be-told the real demon.
Ismael and Hassan, what else was left in their plates?
Accomplished what they aimed to do now billions formerly aimless, confused and stumped stand fully awake in shock of seeing the house of mirrors collapsing around them... and became martyr for their cause in doing so...

The demon in the death throws was created as the single worst political/religious entity known to mankind... creating a fully just conclusion.
The face of evil though will live in infamy... miliekowsky!


The objective of Israel here with this ground invasion is :-

1. To not allow Hezbollah a time to settle down.
2. Shift the battlefield towards South Lebanon.
3. Stop constant rocket attacks coming out of Lebanon.

How would Hezbollah counter this?

I guess she is prepared too....


Unlike Hamas, Hezbollah has favourable terrain and the all important ATGMs and heavy mortars to wipe out Zionist formations massing for an attack.

We have to assume Israel will not pursue the same tactics as last time, they have likely studied their errors closely and and and all the intelligence they have....

If it's the case they understand Iran and hezb well, then the only surprise factors are external support
We have to assume Israel will not pursue the same tactics as last time, they have likely studied their errors closely and and and all the intelligence they have....

If it's the case they understand Iran and hezb well, then the only surprise factors are external support

There is nothing to get around Hezbollah infantry popping out from mountain holes in southern Lebanon and firing off ATGMs and heavy mortars and destroying tanks and armoured vehicles at will.

This mass campaign of bombing and assassination is in effect the entity being scared of a ground invasion as they know that Hezbollah has the upper hand in ground defence on home ground. Just before he died Nasrallah was "inviting" the entity to fight a ground war in Lebanon.
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There is nothing to get around Hezbollah infantry popping out from moutain holes in southern Lebanon and firing off ATGMs and heavy mortars and destroying tanks and armoured vehicles at will.

This mass campaign of bombing and assassination is in effect the entity being scared of a ground invasion as they know that Hezbollah has the upper hand in ground defence on home ground. Just before he died Nasrallah was "inviting" the entity to fight a ground war in Lebanon.
Your are clutching on the straws ...before ground invasion israeliese will ferret out and destroy all the hezbulla capabilities .
There is nothing to get around Hezbollah infantry popping out from moutain holes in southern Lebanon and firing off ATGMs and heavy mortars and destroying tanks and armoured vehicles at will.

This mass campaign of bombing and assassination is in effect the entity being scared of a ground invasion as they know that Hezbollah has the upper hand in ground defence on home ground. Just before he died Nasrallah was "inviting" the entity to fight a ground war in Lebanon.

Your are clutching on the straws ...before ground invasion israeliese will ferret out and destroy all the hezbulla capabilities .

Both statements have some truth I am sure

But after Israel has broken all norms and has impunity and are highly ideologically motivated you must assume a very realistic and grounded view

I don't think it made me appreciated but I very bluntly said people were utterly delusional and child like in their analysis of Gaza, everyone started dreaming imaginary alliances after every statement
That is more or less one of the popular versions out there
It is all questionable interpretation. I can provide a much better and realistic interpretation in view of global realities but I shall stay on topic.
It's now or never time for people of Lebanon to rise and break the shackles of slavery.

They must reclaim their country from the clutches of Hezbollah.

This is NOT their war. This was never their war. Let Iran-Israel sort it out.

I told you before, this guy is Pa-jeet larping as an Afghan.
Your are clutching on the straws ...before ground invasion israeliese will ferret out and destroy all the hezbulla capabilities .

How are they going to destroy the bulk of the 10s of thousands of Hezbollah infrantry dug into the hills of southern Lebanon with their portable ATGMs and heavy mortars?

You are linking together two completely different things and somehow think it is difficult to bomb and kill the Hezbollah leadership in a compromised country like Lebanon with no air defence.

If you paid attention to what Nasrallah was saying just before his death, he was implying his imminent death and was "inviting" the entity to dare to fight in South Lebanon.

I was one of the few that have already criticised Hezbollah for not going all in with Hamas last year and said they were being too timid which would cost them dearly. Their timidity in not using their full offensive potential has cost them dearly so far but their strength on the ground in South Lebanon remains by in large.

We will see who is "clutching at straws" very soon.
It is all questionable interpretation. I can provide a much better and realistic interpretation in view of global realities but I shall stay on topic.

It's not off topic sir

Religious and eschatological prophecy is firmly in play, I don't believe this should be avoided

Even the west is tentatively talking about this more and more because you cannot avoid the beliefs of those in power
How are they going to destroy the bulk of the 10s of thousands of Hezbollah infrantry dug into the hills of southern Lebanon with their portable ATGMs and heavy mortars?

You are linking together two completely different things and somehow think it is difficult to bomb and kill the Hezbollah leadership in a compromised country like Lebabon with no air defence.

If you paid attention to what Nasrallah was saying just before his death, he was implying his imminent death and was "inviting" the entity to dare to fight in South Lebanon.

I was one of the few that have already criticised Hezbollah for not going all in with Hamas last year and said they were being too timid which would cost them dearly. Their timidity in not using their full offensive potential has cost them dearly so far but their strength on the ground in South Lebanon remains by in large.

We will see who is "clutching at straws" very soon.
I will be happy if hezbulla puts up a good fight but the chances are slim .
There is nothing to get around Hezbollah infantry popping out from moutain holes in southern Lebanon and firing off ATGMs and heavy mortars and destroying tanks and armoured vehicles at will.

This mass campaign of bombing and assassination is in effect the entity being scared of a ground invasion as they know that Hezbollah has the upper hand in ground defence on home ground. Just before he died Nasrallah was "inviting" the entity to fight a ground war in Lebanon.
Hassan Nasrallah was one of the most powerful men in the Middle East. He is now DEAD, this is before anything on the ground. This does not look good but some continue to downplay losses and underestimate the other side, a trend that continues since 2006.

About time that Lebanon focus on preserving itself and I hope that other are taking notes.

My assumptions in the older forum are all on the mark. I will refer back to these assumptions later.
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