Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Hassan Nasrallah was one of the most powerful men in the Middle East. He is now DEAD, this is before anything on the ground. This does not look good but some continue to downplay and underestimate the other side, a trend that continues since 2006.

About time that Lebanon focus on preserving itself and I hope that other are taking notes.

My assumptions in the older forum are all on the mark.

A few months ago it looked like the entity was struggling and now it looks like the resistance is on the back foot.

Yes Hezbollah has been weakened but to write them off at this stage is premature.

Nasrallah already has a replacement who has been groomed for many years to take his place and so let us see what happens.

95% of Hezbollah military personnel have so far been unaffected by either injury or killed and so we should not blow this out of proportion.

Hezbollah strength is on the ground in South Lebanon and unlike Hamas, their ATGMS and heavy mortars will destroy any Zionist armoured vehicle, with or without active protection systems like Trophy.
We weren't crazy when months ago we claimed that Israel is on a mission to steal more land. All Arab countries are fair game. That includes Saudi Arabia and the rest.

It's never been more obvious that's the aim

Before they might pretend we are liberal secular

Not now

It seems as if turkey and Saudi will wait for the other to fall assuming they are immune

Some Jews even want the holy sites
Your are clutching on the straws ...before ground invasion israeliese will ferret out and destroy all the hezbulla capabilities .

Almost a year IDF has failed to eliminate Mujahideen in Gaza / West Bank. Largest drain to army is land efforts out of supply line. Israel risks lot of land forces in these forward efforts. Infantry requires armored cover and armored cover requires constant fuel. Three fronts for armoured cover and fuel is a lot. Lebanon is a mountainous hilly terrain not good for Armoured push.
This statement makes no sense. In fact, it is proof that the Israeli government is in disarray. Who are they going to negotiate with after eliminating almost all of Hezbollah's top leadership? They just killed what was considered a moderate so that perhaps a more aggressive one could come along. Is that who they are going to negotiate with or will they need to kill him too to play the cards in the hope that another moderate will come along and reach an agreement?
Finally, I don't want to put the blame and responsibility on Iran alone. It is commendable that Iran has taken up the fight where the rest of the Muslim world has failed, but it cannot fight the combined financial, technological, and military might of the Western world. There is much that Pakistan could have done given its close access to Chinese tech, especially in the area of SAMs to protect Lebanon, but Pakistani generals will never do anything that can harm their investments and retirement plans in the West or GCC.
That's a very good point. Hezbollah is not backed by a military superpower, they are backed by Iran which is not a military power. That alone prevents Hezbollah from having a capability that allows them to face Israel on equal terms. They do so within both capabilities, just as Iran does. Israel, on the other hand, is supported and sustained by its allies who are military powers. There is no comparison here.
This statement makes no sense. In fact, it is proof that the Israeli government is in disarray. Who are they going to negotiate with after eliminating almost all of Hezbollah's top leadership? They just killed what was considered a moderate so that perhaps a more aggressive one could come along. Is that who they are going to negotiate with or will they need to kill him too to play the cards in the hope that another moderate will come along and reach an agreement?

It seems you guys don't know much about prophecies but still like write long compositions about it on a forum that too in a volatile time like this.

Let me give you a short chronological idea of the events :

The Black flags, an Islamic nation rooted in different sentiment than others pop up and challenges regional developments and the super powers of the world are unable to stop it from gaining strength and dictating (according to authentic Hadith). The nation is located around the direction of ancient khurasan. (Wink)

That nation then wages struggle because they were being restricted financially and in other ways by the superpowers. (They will be denied goods belonging to them according to the hadith, which sounds a lot like sanctions in the modern day) This nation is also the one that conquers Jerusalem and sets up the Mahdi's governance.

The mahdi comes after Israel is defeated by the Black Flag nation (the color of Marking sorrow or grief) which is the integral part of shia Islamic creed. Hate it as much as u want to or think whatever u like to. The Black Flag nation fights without the mahdi against Israel and defeats it and then waits for his coming to set up his governance in Jerusalem. That's what happens.

Then the mahdi comes and takes over and is supported by the Black Flag nations as well as all the others, sunni shia alike and is able to achieve extraordinary civil reform in a short amount of time. People believe in god again and wake up in a rejuvenated spirit holding hand in hand with each other.

By then the Muslims form a strong alliance with RUM (Rum in the time of the prophet was used to identify the state of eastern Christian Orthodoxy and it's king (Czar or Tsar), which in other words mean Russia. So Muslims led now by Mahdi and Russia form an alliance and launch a campaign against US-led NATO.

This is the third world world but not Armageddon or Malhama. Then the Muslims and Russians win the war and conquer Europe. America is nowhere mentioned after this event nd is most like to be absolutely destroyed in a pre emptive Russian nuclear strike (which makes sense because Russia has shorter nuclear reaction time and if America tries going preemptive Russia will still strike first). But after this joint victory when Muslim demand their fair share, the Russians and the subjugated Europeans betray them and attempt to drive the Muslims off of Europe and conduct a genocide of civilians likened to the holocaust and go after turkey. At that point the mahdi steps in asks the Russians to stop and say that they will be forced to intervene if Russia moves against any Muslim countries. At that point the two former allies gear up for fight. Both sides mobilise and conduct the most brutal and horrifying war in the history of the mankind with nuclear strikes on each other. But in the last phase of the conflict the Muslim relying on superior manpower manage to mobilise and resupply and crush the enemy. So that's Malhama al Kubra for you or Armageddon. The Dajjal comes after this Victory when the Muslims are about to get into the Christian land to settle and Inherit. Then they forget about all of this and focus solely on the Dajjal.

That's the whole of it.
There's a lot of errors here. But I will pick one. Rum has nothing to do with Russia. Rum was the eastern Roman Empire, known as the Byzantine Empire, which is located in modern day Turkey. So what you are basically saying is that Turkey will destroy the U.S.

Although, it would probably be more accurate to say Italy is the successor to Byzantium, so Italy will side with muslims and destroy the U.S
We weren't crazy when months ago we claimed that Israel is on a mission to steal more land. All Arab countries are fair game. That includes Saudi Arabia and the rest.

I dont have problem with Israel taking UAE. It suits them well.

Its a good bargain. Leave the Palestinians to live in Peace and let jews join their «cousins» in UAE. They already built a huge polytheistic temple there so building the 3rd temple in UAE should be no problem.
I dont have problem with Israel taking UAE. It suits them well.

Its a good bargain. Leave the Palestinians to live in Peace and let jews join their «cousins» in UAE. They already built a huge polytheistic temple there so building the 3rd temple in UAE should be no problem.

LOL at white European Jews like Netanyahu, Gallant and Gantz being cousins with brown Arabs such as UAE Gulfies.

Bunch of traitors and clowns.
Actual target is Iran and Its nuclear installations. West somehow wants to drag Iran into a direct confrontation. Iran will not until push comes to shove.

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