Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Actual target is Iran and Its nuclear installations. West somehow wants to drag Iran into a direct confrontation. Iran will not until push comes to shove.
Yep, what Iran needs to do is just keep supporting and supplying the resistance

Anyone who says Iran should mass launch or send obvious large amounts of soldiers is a idiot

They need to send special forces and specialists to plan and build and keep firing at Israel, then rebuild afterwards

It's a process where Israel remains under constant pressure

Even the Abraham accords with the lackey Arabs is a double edged sword for the Jews,

A single state or a two state the Jews will surrounded by Palestinians who exceed their population
Actual target is Iran and Its nuclear installations. West somehow wants to drag Iran into a direct confrontation. Iran will not until push comes to shove.
It turns out that Iran's plans may be falling apart as Israel escalates further. The problem with long-term goals is that they almost never work out. You can make long-term plans for things that depend only on you, but for things that depend on others, especially your enemy, it's completely uncertain. I have a lot of doubts about whether Iran will get what it wants.
Who is stopping Hez to attack Israel if they have that many weapon and fighters as said by many, what are they waiting for. If they have all that then It's either they use it or loose it. Time is their enemy here. Israel won't do ground invasion till it knows fully that it's safe to do this and Hez C&C, Weapon Depots, and fighters will, all destroyed. Hez should Use their power now or see losing it. Choice is their. For Iran, Israel is coming to you after neutralising all your advantage and the biggest one is your proxy so it's your choice either fight with Israel along with your proxy or without your proxy, Decide before time will decide it.
There are some posts here that I find extremely interesting.

Xerxes22 has given us the Shia interpretation of Islamic prophecies.


r3alist posted Alexander Dugin's statement


All these events going on seem to make no sense unless we figure out what is motivating the various groups involved in this conflict. There are at least three levels:

1. Religious/nationalistic beliefs that drive people to act
2. Financial and secular motivations for power and resources
3. Military conflict to realize the above

This forum is all about military (level 3) but if we don't understand all levels we will not know what is going on. At the bottom all actors have their own version of conflicting religious beliefs (level 1).

1. Jewish beliefs about Mashiach (Messiah)
2. Evangelical Christian support Israel and believe that WW3 will trigger the coming of Jesus.
3. Regular Christian beliefs. In common with Muslims, they think the Jewish Messiah will be the Antichrist.
4. Sunni Muslims believe in one set of hadiths
5. Shia Muslims believe in a different set of hadiths with a slightly different chain of events.

The above have a lot of similarities (all predict a messiah) but they all conflict with each other. No wonder there's war. Each think they'll be the winners.

I'm glad that Xerxes22 posted the Shia version. It completely explains the behaviour of Iran. In fact, I was wondering why Iran is doing what it is doing, and now I understand, assuming that Xerxes22's post reflects Iranian beliefs of the coming of the Mahdi. In this version Jerusalem is liberated by Iran (black flags) before the arrival of the Mahdi, so they're fighting while the Sunnis sit and watch. The sequence of events in this interpretation is very different from the Sunni one.

In the major 6 Sunni hadith collections there is very little reference to the Mahdi, and more emphasis on the return of Jesus. The Mahdi will come first, then the Dajjal, then Jesus, then Armageddon and then the Caliphate in Jerusalem. Sunnis don't all agree with each other about the chain of events either. All they can agree with is that Jesus will come and spread Islam.

Alexander Dugin's statment is intersting becasue he's close to Putin and his views may be reflected in Russian policy. The Anglo-Zionists tried to assasinate him and ended up killing his daughter.
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Hezbollah has public support from Lebanon to fight Israel, but Israel doesn't have much public support to keep fighting Gaza or Lebanon (and definitely not from US,based on comments the govt has made).
Not from the Whole of Lebanon,
The country itself is divided in Sect groups, different religious groups, not all are on same page, Hezb has some own clean up to do as well
There's a lot of errors here. But I will pick one. Rum has nothing to do with Russia. Rum was the eastern Roman Empire, known as the Byzantine Empire, which is located in modern day Turkey. So what you are basically saying is that Turkey will destroy the U.S.

Although, it would probably be more accurate to say Italy is the successor to Byzantium, so Italy will side with muslims and destroy the U.S

My interpretation for Rum (Romans) is the West--USA/UK/NATO,. In other words, the Anglo-Zionists.
Absolutely true. After the Zionist are done with Ayatullah and Iran, they will look for the next prey. It's high time the Muslim world creates a security pact and put Pakistan as the leader to provide nuclear umbrella. Pakistan can be the USA of Islamic Nato, and Bangladesh can play the role of UK..
How old are you?
Who is stopping Hez to attack Israel if they have that many weapon and fighters as said by many, what are they waiting for. If they have all that then It's either they use it or loose it. Time is their enemy here. Israel won't do ground invasion till it knows fully that it's safe to do this and Hez C&C, Weapon Depots, and fighters will, all destroyed. Hez should Use their power now or see losing it. Choice is their. For Iran, Israel is coming to you after neutralising all your advantage and the biggest one is your proxy so it's your choice either fight with Israel along with your proxy or without your proxy, Decide before time will decide it.
Fine a truck fires rockets what after ?
these can be tracked quite easily, when other side is monitoring everything from the air.

2nd with pager attack on 3000s lets say half of these were shared with civilians who had nothing to do with military operations, and even from that only half were given to medium to high ranking officers that stills 300 / 500 junior / high ranking officers if we are comparing to a convectional military that crippels your whole communication system and personal who had some roles to do
Phones systems are not secure, with advanced weapon systems you need more advanced techs do you have those in large numbers . i don't think so.
infrastructure to continually fire these without any response i highly doubt that.

At this time, Hezb has only 1 way strategic retreat otherwise you are just using grunts as cannon fodders, Until you have iron dome, simple rockets wont do jack, Hence the ledder escalation has always been with Israel not others. as most of what they have fired has been destroyed air, or fell in nothing.

Most likely you will see things getting more calm for atleast week or 2, and ball lies solely with Israel if they think Hezb is weak enough you will see them push to create a buffer zone in the South, they have hit the roads and infrastucture to sort of cut off the connection between south and north. Only than have some chance.
It is already under scholar understanding that US/NATO was with Islam nations during cold war.
They werent with Islam, It was using replaceable cheap grunts. who are in a lot of numbers and will die for your cause without understanding what the heck they are doing
There are some posts here that I find extremely interesting.

Xerxes22 has given us the Shia interpretation of Islamic prophecies.


r3alist posted Alexander Dugin's statement


All these events going on seem to make no sense unless we figure out what is motivating the various groups involved in this conflict. There are at least three levels:

1. Religious/nationalistic beliefs that drive people to act
2. Financial and secular motivations for power and resources
3. Military conflict to realize the above

This forum is all about military (level 3) but if we don't understand all levels we will not know what is going on. At the bottom all actors have their own version of conflicting religious beliefs (level 1).

1. Jewish beliefs about Mashiach (Messiah)
2. Evangelical Christian support Israel and believe that WW3 will trigger the coming of Jesus.
3. Regular Christian beliefs. In common with Muslims, they think the Jewish Messiah will be the Antichrist.
4. Sunni Muslims believe in one set of hadiths
5. Shia Muslims believe in a different set of hadiths with a slightly different chain of events.

The above have a lot of similarities (all predict a messiah) but they all conflict with each other. No wonder there's war. Each think they'll be the winners.

I'm glad that Xerxes22 posted the Shia version. It completely explains the behaviour of Iran. In fact, I was wondering why Iran is doing what it is doing, and now I understand, assuming that Xerxes22's post reflects Iranian beliefs of the coming of the Mahdi. In this version Jerusalem is liberated by Iran (black flags) before the arrival of the Mahdi, so they're fighting while the Sunnis sit and watch. The sequence of events in this interpretation is very different from the Sunni one.

In the major 6 Sunni hadith collections there is very little reference to the Mahdi, and more emphasis on the return of Jesus. The Mahdi will come first, then the Dajjal, then Jesus, then Armageddon and then the Caliphate in Jerusalem. Sunnis don't all agree with each other about the chain of events either. All they can agree with is that Jesus will come and spread Islam.

Alexander Dugin's statment is intersting becasue he's close to Putin and his views may be reflected in Russian policy. The Anglo-Zionists tried to assasinate him and ended up killing his daughter.
I am not into theology . Hopefully , you will forgive me for my lack of understanding ..... what's yajoj Majoj or gog and magog ? Would they be Chinese ?
Fine a truck fires rockets what after ?
these can be tracked quite easily, when other side is monitoring everything from the air.

2nd with pager attack on 3000s lets say half of these were shared with civilians who had nothing to do with military operations, and even from that only half were given to medium to high ranking officers that stills 300 / 500 junior / high ranking officers if we are comparing to a convectional military that crippels your whole communication system and personal who had some roles to do
Phones systems are not secure, with advanced weapon systems you need more advanced techs do you have those in large numbers . i don't think so.
infrastructure to continually fire these without any response i highly doubt that.

At this time, Hezb has only 1 way strategic retreat otherwise you are just using grunts as cannon fodders, Until you have iron dome, simple rockets wont do jack, Hence the ledder escalation has always been with Israel not others. as most of what they have fired has been destroyed air, or fell in nothing.

Most likely you will see things getting more calm for atleast week or 2, and ball lies solely with Israel if they think Hezb is weak enough you will see them push to create a buffer zone in the South, they have hit the roads and infrastucture to sort of cut off the connection between south and north. Only than have some chance.

Why not ground invasion in Israel by Hez and all Iran Proxy around Israel?

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