Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Why not ground invasion in Israel by Hez and all Iran Proxy around Israel?
These are not convectional armies, they dont have tanks, Jets, Anti air systems to protect them for Air strikes.
If its that easy why always see modren armies use air force to soften the enemies and afterwards push with air cover.

you spot a enemy group 100s to 1000s in number with no cover of any sort coming towards you on the road what you think will be first response.

Israel with hugh military why they didn't just invade Gaza or even Lebanon.

Most militias survive by gorilla warfare, if your enemy randomly starts killing civilians more people will hate them and join you. its a very simple strategy.
It is already under scholar understanding that US/NATO was with Islam nations during cold war vs Communist power.

Even Indonesia (Muslim) killed many communists inside the country and invaded East Timor due to anti communist stand.

It's worth clarifying this matter about Rum being Russia or US because it has a lot of bearing on what's going on--who's the ally and who's the opponent.

Rum (Romans) can refer to only the Byzantine Empire (Orthodox Christians) or all European Christians. My interpretation is that 'Rum' means any European Christians.

There are hadiths about Muslims allying with (friendly) Romans to fight (enemy) Romans. The enemy will be defeated and then the (friendly) Romans will attack the Muslims with 80 flags. My interpretation is that the Islamic/US alliance fought with the Soviet Union and won. Then the US attacked Muslims in Iraq with an alliance of 42 countries. So, in my view that hadith has already come true.

The Gulf War was an armed conflict between Iraq and a 42-country coalition led by the United States.

Today the Russians are the allies of the Muslims. Any interpretation that suggests a war between Muslims and Russia is counterproductive and dangerous.
I am not into theology . Hopefully , you will forgive me for my lack of understanding ..... what's yajoj Majoj or gog and magog ? Would they be Chinese ?

Frankly, no one knows. I've tried to figure it out from Jewish, Christian, and Islamic prophecies and no one has an answer. The thing about Gog and Magog is that they'll appear after Jesus is already present and leading the Muslims. No one will be able to fight them, but God will wipe them out with something that sounds like a biological weapon.

Allah’s Apostle, Jesus, and his companions will supplicate Allah, Who will send
to them (Gog and Magog) insects (which will attack their necks), and in the morning they will perish as one single person.
It seems you guys don't know much about prophecies but still like write long compositions about it on a forum that too in a volatile time like this.

Let me give you a short chronological idea of the events :

The Black flags, an Islamic nation rooted in different sentiment than others pop up and challenges regional developments and the super powers of the world are unable to stop it from gaining strength and dictating (according to authentic Hadith). The nation is located around the direction of ancient khurasan. (Wink)

That nation then wages struggle because they were being restricted financially and in other ways by the superpowers. (They will be denied goods belonging to them according to the hadith, which sounds a lot like sanctions in the modern day) This nation is also the one that conquers Jerusalem and sets up the Mahdi's governance.

The mahdi comes after Israel is defeated by the Black Flag nation (the color of Marking sorrow or grief) which is the integral part of shia Islamic creed. Hate it as much as u want to or think whatever u like to. The Black Flag nation fights without the mahdi against Israel and defeats it and then waits for his coming to set up his governance in Jerusalem. That's what happens.

Then the mahdi comes and takes over and is supported by the Black Flag nations as well as all the others, sunni shia alike and is able to achieve extraordinary civil reform in a short amount of time. People believe in god again and wake up in a rejuvenated spirit holding hand in hand with each other.

By then the Muslims form a strong alliance with RUM (Rum in the time of the prophet was used to identify the state of eastern Christian Orthodoxy and it's king (Czar or Tsar), which in other words mean Russia. So Muslims led now by Mahdi and Russia form an alliance and launch a campaign against US-led NATO.

This is the third world world but not Armageddon or Malhama. Then the Muslims and Russians win the war and conquer Europe. America is nowhere mentioned after this event nd is most like to be absolutely destroyed in a pre emptive Russian nuclear strike (which makes sense because Russia has shorter nuclear reaction time and if America tries going preemptive Russia will still strike first). But after this joint victory when Muslim demand their fair share, the Russians and the subjugated Europeans betray them and attempt to drive the Muslims off of Europe and conduct a genocide of civilians likened to the holocaust and go after turkey. At that point the mahdi steps in asks the Russians to stop and say that they will be forced to intervene if Russia moves against any Muslim countries. At that point the two former allies gear up for fight. Both sides mobilise and conduct the most brutal and horrifying war in the history of the mankind with nuclear strikes on each other. But in the last phase of the conflict the Muslim relying on superior manpower manage to mobilise and resupply and crush the enemy. So that's Malhama al Kubra for you or Armageddon. The Dajjal comes after this Victory when the Muslims are about to get into the Christian land to settle and Inherit. Then they forget about all of this and focus solely on the Dajjal.

That's the whole of it.

There are some posts here that I find extremely interesting.

Xerxes22 has given us the Shia interpretation of Islamic prophecies.


r3alist posted Alexander Dugin's statement


All these events going on seem to make no sense unless we figure out what is motivating the various groups involved in this conflict. There are at least three levels:

1. Religious/nationalistic beliefs that drive people to act
2. Financial and secular motivations for power and resources
3. Military conflict to realize the above

This forum is all about military (level 3) but if we don't understand all levels we will not know what is going on. At the bottom all actors have their own version of conflicting religious beliefs (level 1).

1. Jewish beliefs about Mashiach (Messiah)
2. Evangelical Christian support Israel and believe that WW3 will trigger the coming of Jesus.
3. Regular Christian beliefs. In common with Muslims, they think the Jewish Messiah will be the Antichrist.
4. Sunni Muslims believe in one set of hadiths
5. Shia Muslims believe in a different set of hadiths with a slightly different chain of events.

The above have a lot of similarities (all predict a messiah) but they all conflict with each other. No wonder there's war. Each think they'll be the winners.

I'm glad that Xerxes22 posted the Shia version. It completely explains the behaviour of Iran. In fact, I was wondering why Iran is doing what it is doing, and now I understand, assuming that Xerxes22's post reflects Iranian beliefs of the coming of the Mahdi. In this version Jerusalem is liberated by Iran (black flags) before the arrival of the Mahdi, so they're fighting while the Sunnis sit and watch. The sequence of events in this interpretation is very different from the Sunni one.

In the major 6 Sunni hadith collections there is very little reference to the Mahdi, and more emphasis on the return of Jesus. The Mahdi will come first, then the Dajjal, then Jesus, then Armageddon and then the Caliphate in Jerusalem. Sunnis don't all agree with each other about the chain of events either. All they can agree with is that Jesus will come and spread Islam.

Alexander Dugin's statment is intersting becasue he's close to Putin and his views may be reflected in Russian policy. The Anglo-Zionists tried to assasinate him and ended up killing his daughter.

What i heard is quite different, what i heard is like Dajjal comes when Muslim re-conquer Turkey and He appear from Isphaan, Iran and go through Iraq towards Israel. So that's mean Turkey, Iran, Iraq and all other countries in route of Israel from Iran will be under Israel control before Dajjal appear and Imam Mehndi appears (After the death of a Saudi King) and Muslims conquer Turkey. Then Dajjal appear and control world then Hazrat Issa (Jesus) will come and Join Hazrat Imam Mehndi Forces and Kill Dajjal.
Alexander Dugin's statment is intersting becasue he's close to Putin and his views may be reflected in Russian policy. The Anglo-Zionists tried to assasinate him and ended up killing his daughter.
This is a myth. Dugin has never been close to Putin and his policies are not even echoed by the Russian political leadership.
This is a myth. Dugin has never been close to Putin and his policies are not even echoed by the Russian political leadership.

A real Russian heart: Aleksandr Dugin, Vladimir Putin and the dangerous new Russian ideology​

Furthermore, the Kremlin’s decisions, especially about the war in Ukraine, increasingly resemble Dugin’s ideological goals. It is no exaggeration to call Dugin a prophetic political theorist – he is the man who best sees the philosophical significance of Russia’s geopolitical position and Ukraine’s challenge to it.

The Kremlin recognised the significance of the attack on Dugin and his daughter. Shortly after Dugina’s death, Russian president Vladimir Putin posthumously awarded her the Order of Courage. In his remarks, he described her as a ‘true patriot,’ and a ‘bright, talented person with a real Russian heart’. Putin and the Kremlin’s communications apparatus have attempted to tie the war in Ukraine closely to the kind of reactionary ideology Dugin and his associates have promoted for decades. In lionising his daughter, the Kremlin has given Dugin and his ideology its stamp of approval.

The ideological vision advanced by Dugin, and increasingly embraced by Putin, is nothing short of suicidal. It provides twisted justifications for nuclear brinkmanship, and it encourages other non-Western countries to challenge the global order America carefully constructed in the wake of the twentieth-century’s cavalcade of violence and tyranny. Dugin’s ideological position is complex, but understanding it can shed light on the future of the Ukraine conflict.

There are some posts here that I find extremely interesting.

Xerxes22 has given us the Shia interpretation of Islamic prophecies.


r3alist posted Alexander Dugin's statement


All these events going on seem to make no sense unless we figure out what is motivating the various groups involved in this conflict. There are at least three levels:

1. Religious/nationalistic beliefs that drive people to act
2. Financial and secular motivations for power and resources
3. Military conflict to realize the above

This forum is all about military (level 3) but if we don't understand all levels we will not know what is going on. At the bottom all actors have their own version of conflicting religious beliefs (level 1).

1. Jewish beliefs about Mashiach (Messiah)
2. Evangelical Christian support Israel and believe that WW3 will trigger the coming of Jesus.
3. Regular Christian beliefs. In common with Muslims, they think the Jewish Messiah will be the Antichrist.
4. Sunni Muslims believe in one set of hadiths
5. Shia Muslims believe in a different set of hadiths with a slightly different chain of events.

The above have a lot of similarities (all predict a messiah) but they all conflict with each other. No wonder there's war. Each think they'll be the winners.

I'm glad that Xerxes22 posted the Shia version. It completely explains the behaviour of Iran. In fact, I was wondering why Iran is doing what it is doing, and now I understand, assuming that Xerxes22's post reflects Iranian beliefs of the coming of the Mahdi. In this version Jerusalem is liberated by Iran (black flags) before the arrival of the Mahdi, so they're fighting while the Sunnis sit and watch. The sequence of events in this interpretation is very different from the Sunni one.

In the major 6 Sunni hadith collections there is very little reference to the Mahdi, and more emphasis on the return of Jesus. The Mahdi will come first, then the Dajjal, then Jesus, then Armageddon and then the Caliphate in Jerusalem. Sunnis don't all agree with each other about the chain of events either. All they can agree with is that Jesus will come and spread Islam.

Alexander Dugin's statment is intersting becasue he's close to Putin and his views may be reflected in Russian policy. The Anglo-Zionists tried to assasinate him and ended up killing his daughter.
For the record I am not advocating anything, I just say it's part of the consideration
There is no doubt that the party suffers from an intelligence problem in light of the enemy’s technical superiority and the direct involvement of the United States in this major war, which has harnessed all its tools and technologies to serve the occupation, especially in terms of underground radars and artificial intelligence technologies.

But my conviction is that the party was subjected to a regional deception and treachery operation more than an intelligence failure; because the party has prepared itself for many years for a war different from the war it is waging these days; the American administration has worked through effective communication with the capitals of the region to neutralize the regional pressure elements from influencing the course of the war on Gaza, and it is doing the same with Hezbollah.

The party was led to believe that the battle with it would be limited by determinants and standards that would not lead to a comprehensive war, and the party dealt with its combat and defensive routine according to these assumptions.

If the party had treated the battle as comprehensive and decisive, it would have been able to deprive the enemy of the element of "surprise" more effectively, and would have been able to influence his war plans.

Considering that the party has a missile arsenal that can cause severe damage to air force bases and the infrastructure that the enemy relies on in its offensive operations.

These are not convectional armies, they dont have tanks, Jets, Anti air systems to protect them for Air strikes.
If its that easy why always see modren armies use air force to soften the enemies and afterwards push with air cover.

you spot a enemy group 100s to 1000s in number with no cover of any sort coming towards you on the road what you think will be first response.

Israel with hugh military why they didn't just invade Gaza or even Lebanon.

Most militias survive by gorilla warfare, if your enemy randomly starts killing civilians more people will hate them and join you. its a very simple strategy.

why not retaliate and attack the airbases with missiles where the planes are flying from…

seems like common sense of warfare is missing in Iranian and Hezbollah war planners

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