Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

But Hezbollah won the 2006 war, so how has that not shown Hezbollah has been on "equal terms" Israel militarily? Israel is the side that much weaker militarily, because without US support, it will collapse
You are sounding like a broken record, dude. As if something from 20 years ago is going to deter them now. You're in denial. They're bombing and destroying Lebanon.

In 2006 Hezbollah was a similar, dedicated militant organization. Led by Imad Mugineyeh. He led the operations and he initiated which is why they were successful. Syrian govt, Iran, and corrupt people within Hezbollah then put a bomb in his car killing him in Damascus.

Since then, Hezbollah has turned into a more large financial organization. Which is why they have no interest in fighting. Besides the dedicated core in the some southern villages like Bint Jbeil that are doing all the firing right now. Some business oriented folks and commanders within organization already fled and ran away to Syria and Iraq.

It's about willpower and ideology. Imad Mugineyeh led Hezbollah to their fighting culture and resilient ideology which led to victory in 2006. Nasrallah led Hezbollah to what we are seeing now, and he paid with his life for these grave strategic errors.
To understand logic you have to detach yourself from emotional frame of mind .
Answer my question or else you're using discussion about logic as a distraction from my counter point/argument.
What? This is a lie and violation. If you mean to say Iran is not a super military power, i can agree, but Iran is definitely a military power. what do you even mean by saying that?

But Hezbollah won the 2006 war, so how has that not shown Hezbollah has been on "equal terms" Israel militarily? Israel is the side that much weaker militarily, because without US support, it will collapse
The funny thing is the complete dissonance in the two arguments.

Military power: any state capable of directing its military forces outside the confines of its territory and having some level of power projection capability (the term refers to global reach but that depends on how you measure it).

Iran has no way of projecting its power beyond its territory, except through military groups like Hezbollah. Its own direct military capability is insufficient to project power outside its territory.

Now comes the funny part. Israel has this capability to a lesser extent, although that does not make it a military power. Israel can project power against Iran, but Iran cannot do the same against Israel.
You are sounding like a broken record, dude. As if something from 20 years ago is going to deter them now. You're in denial. They're bombing and destroying Lebanon.

In 2006 Hezbollah was a similar, dedicated militant organization. Led by Imad Mugineyeh. He led the operations and he initiated which is why they were successful. Syrian govt, Iran, and corrupt people within Hezbollah then put a bomb in his car killing him in Damascus.

Since then, Hezbollah has turned into a more large financial organization. Which is why they have no interest in fighting. Besides the dedicated core in the some southern villages like Bint Jbeil that are doing all the firing right now. Some business oriented folks and commanders within organization already fled and ran away to Syria and Iraq.

It's about willpower and ideology. Imad Mugineyeh led Hezbollah to their fighting culture and resilient ideology which led to victory in 2006. Nasrallah led Hezbollah to what we are seeing now, and he paid with his life for these grave strategic errors.
There are a lot of people here living in the past.
Hamas prepared. Israel prepared. Rest of axis of resistance was not prepared. Israel quickly adapts. Hamas quickly adapted.

Hamas was betting on Axis of Resistance engaging Israel and miscalculated.
Arabs cannot depend on Iran for their own survival. Arabs will always me mere auxiliaries and buffer for Iranians.

The Iranian silence after murder of Haniye is telling, and now long term iranophile arab leader Nasrallah also was served on a silver plate, in order to ease economic pressure on Iran. Astounding, if the reports are true.
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Have always heard GCC arabs complaining about Iranians using Palestinian cause to really support in Arab and muslim world.

Then the question comes: what prevents GCC arabs from building up huge armed forces and supplant Iranian as the leading supporter of Palestinians?
Iranian officials are making the same statements multiple times a day (quite literally). Why don't they exercise silence ? It would do them better.

Iranian President: The crimes of the Zionist entity are unacceptable and will not remain without a response


Israel plays a critical role in the global fight for freedom - editorial​

His death at the hands of Israeli forces marks the end of a dangerous era, but more importantly, it symbolizes Israel’s critical role in the global fight for freedom.​

By JPOST EDITORIALSEPTEMBER 29, 2024 05:52Updated: SEPTEMBER 29, 2024 05:53

In the shadowy underworld of terror and defiance, Hassan Nasrallah stood as a symbol of unyielding hostility toward Western society. For over three decades, the Hezbollah leader brazenly proclaimed his contempt for the United States and its allies, regularly issuing threats that echoed far beyond the borders of Lebanon.

In one of his many incendiary speeches, Nasrallah asserted, “So long as there is imperialism in the world, a permanent peace is impossible.” This statement, though couched in the language of resistance, reflected a broader, more dangerous ideology that painted the West as the eternal enemy of the Islamic world.

Nasrallah’s rhetoric was not just empty bluster: It was a call to arms for those who despised the principles of democracy and freedom. He often targeted the US directly, accusing it of being the true aggressor in the Middle East, and warned that the “Axis of Resistance” would not back down unless Israel and its Western allies were subdued.

His propaganda painted a picture of the West as a corrupt force, with Nasrallah famously declaring, “There is no solution without pressure on Israel to stop the war on Gaza,” openly challenging Western powers to confront their own complicity in regional conflicts.

Nasrallah’s words were not confined to rhetoric. Under his leadership, Hezbollah engaged in a relentless campaign of terror against both Israel and Western targets worldwide. From attacks on US Marines in Beirut in the 1980s to support for Hamas’s attacks on Israeli civilians, his actions underscored a broader anti-Western agenda. Nasrallah’s strategy was clear: to undermine Western influence in the Middle East and to promote an Islamist vision in which democracy had no place.

Smoke billows over Beirut's southern suburbs as seen from Sin El Fil, Lebanon, September 28, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/MOHAMED AZAKIR)
Enlrage image
Smoke billows over Beirut's southern suburbs as seen from Sin El Fil, Lebanon, September 28, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/MOHAMED AZAKIR)

His death at the hands of Israeli forces marks the end of a dangerous era, but more importantly, it symbolizes Israel’s critical role in the global fight for freedom.

Israel’s Friday strike on Nasrallah and his top commanders wasn’t just a tactical victory – it was a pivotal moment in the ideological battle between democracy and extremism. By taking out Nasrallah, Israel demonstrated once again that it is on the front lines of protecting not just its own citizens but the values that underpin the entire Western world. Unlike many Western nations that hesitate, debate, and often delay decisive action, Israel acted swiftly and decisively, eliminating a key figure who had become a global symbol of terror.

While Israel stands resolute in its defense of democracy, the broader free world must acknowledge and support its efforts. For too long, Western nations have tiptoed around the threat posed by leaders like Nasrallah, constrained by political correctness and fears of backlash. In contrast, Israel’s bold actions have proven time and again that the fight against extremism requires more than just words – it requires resolve, action, and an unwavering commitment to the principles of liberty.

Nasrallah's death a triumph for all who value democracy over dictatorship

Nasrallah’s death is more than a win for Israel: It is a triumph for every nation that values democracy over dictatorship and freedom over tyranny. Yet, the West’s lukewarm response to this victory underscores a troubling disconnect. By failing to openly celebrate Israel’s success in dismantling a terror network that despised the very essence of Western values, the free world risks undermining the sacrifices made by those on the front lines.

US President Joe Biden rightfully praised Israel on Saturday. “Hassan Nasrallah and the terrorist group he led, Hezbollah, were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans over a four-decade reign of terror,” he said. “His death from an Israeli airstrike is a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians.

“The United States fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself against Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, and any other Iranian-supported terrorist groups,” Biden said firmly.

Israel’s actions serve as a reminder that the defense of democracy is not a regional issue – it is a global imperative. Nasrallah’s elimination is a victory for the entire free world, and it’s time that the West recognizes Israel’s role as not just a regional ally, but as a critical defender of the democratic order. The battle against extremism is ongoing, and it is only through unity and support that the ideals of the free world will continue to thrive.

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