Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

I thought the West was against religious fundamentalism?? The Jews that run the West only permit it for the Jews. No Western media will cover these statements nor scrutinize them.

Netanyahu: As it is written in the Torah, I will pursue my enemies and destroy them

Lebanese refugee from the village of Shuhour, Nada Bahsoun:

"I don't feel regret for being displaced. What we are doing is not a game. There is a cause(Palestine) and the whole world is silent! I am prepared to die on the road for the dignity of what I saw in Palestine and to be displaced as well, for as long as they don't stop the bombing of Palestine."

I thought the West was against religious fundamentalism?? The Jews that run the West only permit it for the Jews. No Western media will cover these statements nor scrutinize them.

Netanyahu: As it is written in the Torah, I will pursue my enemies and destroy them

Zionist media keeps labelling Muslims as fundamentalists but never about the Jews of course.

These Zionist Jewish nutters are one day going to bring about WW3.
Answer my question or else you're using discussion about logic as a distraction from my counter point/argument.
Bro you don't have the basic concepts
As I have said Hezb is not a conventional military while Israel is, yes Israel is getting alot of stuff from US but they have own industry as well.

What you are not understanding is this in 2006 Israel was carpet bombing everyone and everything to keep its troops safe.

While in today they are bombing but it's more selective which still instill fear and asking people to leave the area which is causing mess for all.

Let me sup this way Pakistan is divided in 3 main groups
1 33% population is Shia, 33 Population is Sunni and 33% is Christian
KASHMIR (IOK ) gets attacked by India (for religious reasons ) Sunnis attack India claiming India stops fight with Kashmir and India starts attacking Pakistan directly now 33% shia might support you but %33 will not care as they are being attacked as Pakistan started fight for no reason I m trying to simplify so easier to understand. Not all people want war, specially when your family is the one at the receiving end.
Lebanon is not as Pakistan it was a majority Christian country like 50 years back.
Hezb can't fight with Israel at equal war footing as they don't have the resources even if Iran continues to support them.
Other thing which you are not taking into account is what has happened in Lebanon in last 10 years the economy is dead people don't even use local currency only use dollars, can't even use banks. Economy is dead hezb has been meddling with local politics so it's not as black and white.
Even with all limitations Israel has much larger economy and can sustain this far longer than Hezb. Only way out for Hezb is to take this for the time being and wait for Israel to come into land only than they can start using this anti tank cache which is alot easier to use and move.

Israel plays a critical role in the global fight for freedom - editorial​

His death at the hands of Israeli forces marks the end of a dangerous era, but more importantly, it symbolizes Israel’s critical role in the global fight for freedom.​

By JPOST EDITORIALSEPTEMBER 29, 2024 05:52Updated: SEPTEMBER 29, 2024 05:53

In the shadowy underworld of terror and defiance, Hassan Nasrallah stood as a symbol of unyielding hostility toward Western society. For over three decades, the Hezbollah leader brazenly proclaimed his contempt for the United States and its allies, regularly issuing threats that echoed far beyond the borders of Lebanon.

In one of his many incendiary speeches, Nasrallah asserted, “So long as there is imperialism in the world, a permanent peace is impossible.” This statement, though couched in the language of resistance, reflected a broader, more dangerous ideology that painted the West as the eternal enemy of the Islamic world.

Nasrallah’s rhetoric was not just empty bluster: It was a call to arms for those who despised the principles of democracy and freedom. He often targeted the US directly, accusing it of being the true aggressor in the Middle East, and warned that the “Axis of Resistance” would not back down unless Israel and its Western allies were subdued.

His propaganda painted a picture of the West as a corrupt force, with Nasrallah famously declaring, “There is no solution without pressure on Israel to stop the war on Gaza,” openly challenging Western powers to confront their own complicity in regional conflicts.

Nasrallah’s words were not confined to rhetoric. Under his leadership, Hezbollah engaged in a relentless campaign of terror against both Israel and Western targets worldwide. From attacks on US Marines in Beirut in the 1980s to support for Hamas’s attacks on Israeli civilians, his actions underscored a broader anti-Western agenda. Nasrallah’s strategy was clear: to undermine Western influence in the Middle East and to promote an Islamist vision in which democracy had no place.

Smoke billows over Beirut's southern suburbs as seen from Sin El Fil, Lebanon, September 28, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/MOHAMED AZAKIR)'s southern suburbs as seen from Sin El Fil, Lebanon, September 28, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/MOHAMED AZAKIR)
Enlrage image
Smoke billows over Beirut's southern suburbs as seen from Sin El Fil, Lebanon, September 28, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/MOHAMED AZAKIR)

His death at the hands of Israeli forces marks the end of a dangerous era, but more importantly, it symbolizes Israel’s critical role in the global fight for freedom.

Israel’s Friday strike on Nasrallah and his top commanders wasn’t just a tactical victory – it was a pivotal moment in the ideological battle between democracy and extremism. By taking out Nasrallah, Israel demonstrated once again that it is on the front lines of protecting not just its own citizens but the values that underpin the entire Western world. Unlike many Western nations that hesitate, debate, and often delay decisive action, Israel acted swiftly and decisively, eliminating a key figure who had become a global symbol of terror.

While Israel stands resolute in its defense of democracy, the broader free world must acknowledge and support its efforts. For too long, Western nations have tiptoed around the threat posed by leaders like Nasrallah, constrained by political correctness and fears of backlash. In contrast, Israel’s bold actions have proven time and again that the fight against extremism requires more than just words – it requires resolve, action, and an unwavering commitment to the principles of liberty.

Nasrallah's death a triumph for all who value democracy over dictatorship

Nasrallah’s death is more than a win for Israel: It is a triumph for every nation that values democracy over dictatorship and freedom over tyranny. Yet, the West’s lukewarm response to this victory underscores a troubling disconnect. By failing to openly celebrate Israel’s success in dismantling a terror network that despised the very essence of Western values, the free world risks undermining the sacrifices made by those on the front lines.

US President Joe Biden rightfully praised Israel on Saturday. “Hassan Nasrallah and the terrorist group he led, Hezbollah, were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans over a four-decade reign of terror,” he said. “His death from an Israeli airstrike is a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians.

“The United States fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself against Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, and any other Iranian-supported terrorist groups,” Biden said firmly.

Israel’s actions serve as a reminder that the defense of democracy is not a regional issue – it is a global imperative. Nasrallah’s elimination is a victory for the entire free world, and it’s time that the West recognizes Israel’s role as not just a regional ally, but as a critical defender of the democratic order. The battle against extremism is ongoing, and it is only through unity and support that the ideals of the free world will continue to thrive.
What a garbage toilet title. Israel is the reason millions of people dont have freedom and live under racist aparthied. Shame on you racists.
thats in general, not after Israel remotely detonated mass electronic attacks on Lebanon- different contexts bro.

Yes it is, but its level of division will be the lowest now because of ISrael's crimes in Lebanon that affected Lebanese from different sects, and besides, historically, Lebanon consolidates their sects and divisions when they have to fight a consensus enemy, like ISrael. This is one of Israel's strategic mistakes now that will help the resistance- for example is Israel's blockade of Lebanon only against Hezbollah? No, its an attack on Lebanon, but i know why some will say thats only against Hezbollah.
Its not what some say. Search past 10 years of news on Lebanon you will try to understand what I m saying.
Hezb doesn't have any support in arab countries specially not from leadership.
Qatar some and Iran, others which actually do are irrelevant that includes Yemen unless its close to red sea, Iraq, some groups, syria some groups.
Western media and narrative building machine have made hezb a Terror org ages back.
What a garbage toilet title. Israel is the reason millions of people dont have freedom and live under racist aparthied. Shame on you racists.
Welcome to the colonialism 1 O 1.
I kinda blame stupidity of our nations.
Our so called scholar are the worst in history.

Last time it took almost 100 years of continuous work to take back Palestine.
Main failed because of own traitors but scholar of that time kept the issue relevant what are our so called leaders doing today.
Imam e Kaaba can't even pass a statement that should be enough for Muslims to understand they are not trying to occupy us we already are occupied
You have no idea of what you are talking about. First u are talking about prophecies here which is unnecessary, secondly, you have no chronological sense of it at all. Let it be. What you can do is study more about it.
I know what I was talking about and I don't need a certification from you or anyone else. And I follow the people of knowledge who I think understand the topic better.

And you have no right to tell me to not mention the prophecies from sahih. You don't like it, don't read my posts and ignore them.
To put things in perspective Hezbollah has lost only about 1% of its forces, and unfortunately many of them were senior. They will obviously regroup and reorganize and likely have contingency plans in place as that is par for the course.

A ground invasion will tell us how effective they remain. The longer Israel delays the ground invasion the better for Hezbollah I imagine.
Israeli tanks and other armored vehicles stationed on the border with Lebanon.

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