Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

In other words, for around these 18 years, they co-opted spies within the IRGC.

If I were counterintelligence, I would start a deep investigation into the rising officers who have achieved high positions within the IRGC over the last 18 years.
You take for granted that Tehran elite is worth of trust for Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is just a pawn for Tehran ruling elite, they can backstab them for a higher gain. e.g: Iran giving information about Hezbollah to USA in exchange for information of GCC from USA to Iran.

Maybe the treason is from Khamenei itself, like usually happens. Low ranking are loyal, Higher ranking are traitors in the daylight and nobody ask them accountability.

A example of that:

Iran is backstabbing their longterm allies (vassals) in the daylight right now, ignoring the destruction and avoiding defend them.
Zionist media keeps labelling Muslims as fundamentalists but never about the Jews of course.

These Zionist Jewish nutters are one day going to bring about WW3.
Because Israel ruling elite decisions are not motivated by religion, it's motivated by USA money.

Make things due to religion is a insane thing from Western atheist mainstream ideas point of view.

Making things just for money, it's perfectly respectable for Western mainstream prostitute society.

And I agree in your last phrase. Israel is the Gavrilo Princip of WWIII. The perfect useful corrupt idiot of USA to bring mayhem to whole Middle East, and maybe, to whole Eurasia.
You take for granted that Tehran elite is worth of trust for Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is just a pawn for Tehran ruling elite, they can backstab them for a higher gain. e.g: Iran giving information about Hezbollah to USA in exchange for information of GCC from USA to Iran.

Maybe the treason is from Khamenei itself, like usually happens. Low ranking are loyal, Higher ranking are traitors in the daylight and nobody ask them accountability.

A example of that:

Iran is backstabbing their longterm allies (vassals) in the daylight right now, ignoring the destruction and avoiding defend them.
No. This does not even concern Hezbollah, but Iran and the IRGC. If there is infiltration within the IRGC, the one that has to take action to contain subversive actions is Iran itself through its counterintelligence activities.

Whether it is a vassal or an ally is of little importance. What matters to both is maintaining Hezbollah's operational capacity. Iran would not provide support if it did not have strategic objectives in doing so. However, recent activities demonstrate that not everyone within the IRGC is on the same page, which is extremely dangerous if its own chain of command is compromised.

Furthermore, from Hezbollah's perspective, if they really saw it that way, the best decision would be to completely abandon its dependence on Iran. However, at the moment the opposite seems to be true. Hezbollah is even more dependent on Iran, but the problem of a compromised chain of command arises.
Al-Hadath, Saudi media:

"Hezbollah Shura Council elects Hashim Safi al-Din as Hezbollah Secretary-General"
Iraqi resistance drone hits Eilat

Iranian President Pezeshkian:

"The United States and Europe claimed that a ceasefire in Gaza would be achieved if Iran delayed its response to the assassination of Ismael Haniyeh. They lied!
No. This does not even concern Hezbollah, but Iran and the IRGC. If there is infiltration within the IRGC, the one that has to take action to contain subversive actions is Iran itself through its counterintelligence activities.

Whether it is a vassal or an ally is of little importance. What matters to both is maintaining Hezbollah's operational capacity. Iran would not provide support if it did not have strategic objectives in doing so. However, recent activities demonstrate that not everyone within the IRGC is on the same page, which is extremely dangerous if its own chain of command is compromised.

Furthermore, from Hezbollah's perspective, if they really saw it that way, the best decision would be to completely abandon its dependence on Iran. However, at the moment the opposite seems to be true. Hezbollah is even more dependent on Iran, but the problem of a compromised chain of command arises.
I dont know if we're talking about the same.

We're talking about Nasrallah killing, is it?

It could have been a treason from Iran highest ranking (Khamenei), in order to get things from USA (like information about GCC).

IRGC militarymen are loyal. Iran elite is a traitor in the daylight, they are backstabbing right now publicly to Hezbollah and Houthis, ignoring their destruction.

Remember before Nasrallah, the another recent important killing was a man who participate in the killing of hundreds USA soldiers in Beirut 1983.
So now Israel attacked Yemen

What is it up to? How many war fronts can Israel afford to open at once?

How did it reach Yemen if no permission was given by the Muslim nations
All windows and smartphones have backdoors embedded by the US.
Today's smartphones are equipped with a function that automatically collects audio information from your surroundings and identifies individuals based on their voiceprints and even the content of videos you are watching on your PC for use in advertising, and this infringement has just recently become an issue with Andoroid smartphones.
With this kind of technology, every movement of people can be tracked by the U.S. right down to the content of their conversations, which can then be shared with Israel.
In such an environment, it is almost ineffective to prevent only the commander from using a smartphone.
It is as if millions of Lebanese are all spies without knowing it, and it is impossible to escape this surveillance.
Even the most heavily guarded facilities have construction workers and food delivery people coming and going, and everything is transmitted to the U.S. via their smartphones.
It seems that all of us, including myself, were not aware enough of the fact that the U.S. is now able to spy on everything in the world through the widespread use of smart phones.
Hezbollah fired more than 8000 rockets into Israel so far. That's much more than Hamas did in that same time period
I don't think you get the point. The point is 2012 was the moment we saw Israel testing and advancing their missile defense project. And from there on, it has to be important to equip factions with ability to overwhelm defenses.

By 2012 I'm referring the 8 day skirmish after Hamas chief Jabari was killed in a surprise Israeli attack. Hamas fired 1,500 rockets in those eight days. The point is there needs to be awareness of how Israel is taking steps to neutralize rocket threat, and counter steps taken against that.

But even regarding to what you said, Hezbollah firing 8,000 rockets over 11 months compared to Hamas firing 1,500 in 8 days. When they were still a weak organization. Why are you even comparing? You realize even with that rate, Hamas would outdone Hezbollah fire. Hezbollah's equipped to fire 3,000 rockets a day. If you want to be very conservative, 1,000 a day. 8,000 over a year is nothing to brag about.

Hamas fired, 4,512 rockets in one day on October 7 according to Israeli army. It's rate of fire it was deploying is many more times than what Hezbollah is. For different reasons. Not a matter of capability, which is there but not deployed yet.

yeah Israel is not winning because tehy
1) Popularized pop culture
2) sold with sex
3) Israeli women wear bikini in beach
4) American support

They're winning because they're courageous, organized, disciplined and focussed.
1) They planned the Pager attack for years
b) They game planned the entirety of this retaliation in all kinds of scenario simulations

Basically they've been doing nothing but game planning all possible scenarios and training all these years.
So now Israel attacked Yemen

What is it up to? How many war fronts can Israel afford to open at once?

How did it reach Yemen if no permission was given by the Muslim nations
Probably flew down through the red sea and attacked may not have needed to enter any airspaces but just forewarn the surrounding countries so they don't mistaken it for an attack on them.
This guy was saying Nasrallah should write his will because decision was taken to kill him. Arab/US/Israeli intelligence are the ones having him say this. He used to be a member in Hezbollah. Now he's saying a decision has been made to strike Iranian nuclear program. And that he believes Hezbollah will respond in a big way after Nasrallah's funeral.

But could also be scare tactics by US/Arab/Israeli intelligence to have Iran pressure Hezbollah to stand down.


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