Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

The Old Testament makes it obligatory on Jews to kill men, woman, children, and animals. If they don't they're disobeying their religion.

That's why the Judeau-Christians kill civilains by the millions in their wars. The difference between the war in Palestine and the one in Ukraine is that the Anglo-Zionist alliance of US/UK/Israel are killing 5% soldiers and 95% civilians. In Ukraine the Russians are killing 95% soldiers and 5% civilians.

Bible, King James Version - 1 Samuel​

Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

Israels recipe:
Be ruthless and brutal, kill and maim everything. Also, dont forget to always potray yourself as a beacon for justice and fairness.
The funny thing is the complete dissonance in the two arguments.

Military power: any state capable of directing its military forces outside the confines of its territory and having some level of power projection capability (the term refers to global reach but that depends on how you measure it).

Iran has no way of projecting its power beyond its territory, except through military groups like Hezbollah. Its own direct military capability is insufficient to project power outside its territory.

Now comes the funny part. Israel has this capability to a lesser extent, although that does not make it a military power. Israel can project power against Iran, but Iran cannot do the same against Israel.
Bro, you have no idea what you're talking about.
The problem is that Lebanon is going through a financial Crisis

No one has money for food in Lebanon

Literally there is no government

People usually start doing illegal things

But in Lebanon if you hate Hezbollah you can get $7,500 per Hezbollah target

It’s easy money and people are desperate

This is why Israel can hit Hezbollah so easily and could not do it in 2006
Hezbollah members, especially high ranking ones who would know where Nasrallah was hiding are not poor. Hezbollah signed its own death warrant when they refused to respond to Israeli attacks. Most of us could see how Israel was getting bolder and bolder, assassinating commander after commander. While Israel was planning who to kill next, Hezbollah did nothing.
Since the crisis began, there has been no de-escalation. It has moved slow motion into a greater crisis.

I feel that a massive war is inevitable. Iran, Syria and perhaps Iraq involved. On the other side the US and the Arab munafiqs with Israel. Of course there will be some Russian involvement.

There is no reverse gear.

Israel wants to destroy all threats to its existence, they have already levelled Gaza and weakened Hamas, they will annex it just like WestBank, surround it with its forces, checkpoints and settlements. Next is Hizbollah and South Lebanon, Israel will continue to bomb it like Gaza and will invade and occupy it, Israel will find allies in North Lebanon to harm Hizbollah. Syria is already destroyed and pose no threat to Israel, Yemen is too far and Israel will bomb it once they're finished in Lebanon. Israel/GCC/Usa are already supporting extremists in Syria and Yemen to finish any resistance to Israel. Iraq/Iran are another problem, Israel wants a war with Iran but Usa is hesitating, it's possible they will bomb Iranian missile and nuclear facilities, or bring some kind of revolution like in Ukraine.
Israel wants to destroy all threats to its existence, they have already levelled Gaza and weakened Hamas, they will annex it just like WestBank, surround it with its forces, checkpoints and settlements. Next is Hizbollah and South Lebanon, Israel will continue to bomb it like Gaza and will invade and occupy it, Israel will find allies in North Lebanon to harm Hizbollah. Syria is already destroyed and pose no threat to Israel, Yemen is too far and Israel will bomb it once they're finished in Lebanon. Israel/GCC/Usa are already supporting extremists in Syria and Yemen to finish any resistance to Israel. Iraq/Iran are another problem, Israel wants a war with Iran but Usa is hesitating, it's possible they will bomb Iranian missile and nuclear facilities, or bring some kind of revolution like in Ukraine.
There are no Israeli allies in Lebanon. Hizbullah, like Hamas, cannot be destroyed. Syria has rebuilt itself and defeated the US/Israeli backed uprising. Iraq may finally find the b#lls to dump the US. Iran is rumored to be sending troops to Lebanon now.

Like all Neo-con projects, there will be initial easy victories. However the war will last and last, even at a guerilla stage. Only absolute victory will save Israel, and that is not attainable. Even the most servile and bought Zionist owned US government cannot fight an eternal war, especially when the body bags start coming home. The US economy is already shot. Israel's economy is dead, and will stay that way as long as it is at war. Yes, I believe that Iran will eventually fall to a US managed 'color revolution'. Pakistan will eventually be involved in some way.

This is the beginning of the end for Israel. It'll be a long journey.
I wonder how Hezbollah and Iran will react to Hassan Nasrallah's death.
It will go 1 of two ways.

Either they'll do nothing like with Haniyeh's death.


Their attack will be significantly stronger than the last one.

Anything in between will be considered a joke by the world.
It will go 1 of two ways.

Either they'll do nothing like with Haniyeh's death.


Their attack will be significantly stronger than the last one.

Anything in between will be considered a joke by the world.
Well if Iran and Hezbollah have any self-respect they should seek retribution and retaliate against Israel.

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