History & Operations of Wars in Pakistan


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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Chumik Operation


The Siachen dispute was added to the roster of major issues in Indo-Pakistan relations for the first time in April 1984. During the month, Indian Army airlifted mountain trained forces into position over-looking key passes in the Baltoro Range , a spur of the Karakoram Mountains , flanking the Siachen Glacier's southern rim, setting in motion a spectacular high-altitude military struggle with Pakistan that has continued unabated to the present day. Confronting one another in some areas at altitude over 6000 metres, the two armies contested for possession of a largely uninhabited wedge-shaped piece of territory, about 2500 square kilometers in size, situated just south of the Chinese border. The struggle is on till today and a number of operations have been executed by both sides for occupation or retention of key areas / posts.


Chumik is a minor sub sector of Bilafond Sub Sector, which has remained quiet since 1984 with the exception of Chumik Operation in 1989. Forwarded posts of the sub sector overlook Gyong Glacier and also dominate by observation, enemies Baniya Base. A Pakistani post was established in the Location of present Sher Post in 1985. The post was later withdrawn suffering heavy losses due to avalanches and enemy artillery fire the same year. The post was re-established in 1988 by 9 Northern Light Infantry on the order of Commander Force Command Northern Area. In the early spring of 1989, there were signal intercepts indicating enemy activity in the area. On 22 February 89 , enemy helicopter's conducted reconnaissance of the area followed by inaccurate artillery fire. Reconnaissance was conducted by Helicopter and it revealed that enemy had established five new posts/bases. Enemy had also occupied off shoots of point 22158 (the highest peak in the area which came to be known as Naveed Top after this operation). This gave enemy, the vital observation over our entire sub sector which could create serious problems in holding and maintenance of own posts. Enemy started engaging our forwarded posts, Ashgar Base and escalated the situation in the sub sector , forcing us to react.

Conduct of operation

Relative strength and deployment in the area is as under:


Enemy had intruded into Chumik area and occupied the area. Enemy's one complete battalion supported by different calibers of artillery and complete flight of Lama Helicopter took part in the operation. She established the following posts/bases which were supported through administrative bases of Bniya and Rani:

  • GANGA One platoon
  • SADHU One platoon (minus)
  • AGRA -I One Section
  • AGRA-II One Section with an artillery observer
  • MG Position One Section with heavy Machine Gun
  • Support Troops One Company in support role (for back up support)


A company of regular troops was detailed to relieve Northern Light Infantry troops in the Chumik Sector on 10 April 1989 . The force was further strengthened later, which was necessary for the final eviction of the enemy from the Sector. Activities in this sector had intensified considerably and constant vigil was kept on the enemy activities. Risk of weakening of our forces in this area could therefore not be taken. Guns and mortars of available artillery in the area supported the operation. One company of Northern Light Infantry on relief from the sector was provided for assistance. Ten men of Special Services Group were provided for technical assistance and expertise. Four Lama Helicopters of Arms Aviation were provided to support the operation.

The Initial Plan

Company minus ex 9 Azad Kashmir was holding Chumik sub sector which was subsequently augmented by another company for offensive role. Helicopters were also provided for the operation, along with Special Services Group troops and additional 81 millimeter Mortars. It was planned to occupy the area to check the further movement of enemy. The out line plan was as follows:

To occupy the area by engaging enemy Ganga Base with observed artillery fire to interdict her Line of Communication.

  • The plan/task was to be accomplished in following phases:
  • Phase-I Establish Kausar Base.
  • Phase-II Establish Kausar 1, Kausar 2 and Kausar 3 Bases.
  • Phase-III . Occupy the area.
First Attempt
Aerial reconnaissance of the area was carried out on 16 April 1989 . The expedition was sent out in establishing Kausar Base by mid night the same day. Kausar 1 was established on 17 April at a height of 17000 feet and in the same evening Kausar 2 was also established. It was found that movement thereafter was not possible due to extreme difficult nature of terrain. The expedition was immediately called off to avoid detection by the enemy.

Second Attempt

Force Commander Northern Area decided to drop Special Services Group persons on Saddle by helicopter. Effort was made to drop the persons but helicopter could not hover at such a low level where persons could jump basically because of poor weather and configuration of ground. The mission was once again aborted.

Modified Plan

After failure of two missions, the plan was modified as under:
  • Persons ex 9 Azad Kashmir and Special Service Group) to be sling – dropped at the base with the aim of occupying the area, facilitating ultimate eviction of enemy.
  • Two platoon size expeditions to make efforts for link up from two directions (One platoon each from 9 Azad Kashmir and 6 Northern Light Infantry).

Execution of Plan

On 19 April 89 , the first helicopter took off. Lieutenant Naveed, a volunteer officer ex 9 Azad Kashmir was sling drooped at the Saddle. Captain Seghal and Captain Zia(got shahdat as Lt colonel on a UN mission), the pilots of helicopter also did a wonderful job and were able to release the slung officer at a flat place on the base (Naveed Base). Subsequently Naik Yaqoob, Special Services Group was also dropped to join Lieutenant Naveed. Some stores were also dropped in next sorties. But soon weather deteriorated making further drops impossible. It was 21 April when weather cleared and more persons were dropped. Then it was race between Indians and us to reach the top. Our troops made it to the top (Kamran Top) earlier than the enemy thus gaining the victory at a highest point in the world where battle has ever been fought. Eight Indian soldiers were discovered only 300 – 400 meters from Kamran Top who were forced to withdraw under own fire.

6 Northern Light Expedition

The expedition having left on 18 April was close to saddle on 25 April. Three officers with one Jawan were buried alive under tons of snow. This marked the end of expedition.

9 Azad Kashmir Expedition

The expedition under Captain Tariq took a good start on 22 April 89 . Its fire raided enemy's Agra I forcing her to vacate the base. Then proceeded to close with Agra II but could not succeed due to difficult terrain. The post was however engaged with artillery fire.

The First Blow

Enemy's intention of dominating Chumik Glacier began to fail when “Ganga Base” also known as “Thappa Base” was effectively engaged by artillery. The enemy was forced to shift the base. Destruction of Ganga Base probably forced enemy to give a second thought to her plans.

The Raid

On 30 April 1989 , a raiding party consisting of 11 persons including 4 officers was organized by Major Abdul Rehman Bilal. The party closed in with enemy machine gun position at approximately 1900 hours. The fire was opened which caught enemy by surprise. However, enemy soon retaliated with small arms and rocket fire. Own troops were relatively safe since Kamran Post was protected by a boulder. The raiding party in the meantime inflicted heavy damages to the enemy. This final blow forced enemy to withdraw asking for a meeting where almost all of our terms were accepted. The area was vacated and declared as de-militarized zone.

Operation Chumik concluded on this day, 32 years ago! for starters, some maps.
Sher and Victor were Pakistani OPs - observation posts are crucial for calling in artillery fire-missions. their importance is augmented in high-altitude environs.

Brigadier Raheel Sehgal; a Lama pilot with the "Chumik Saviours" at Siachen.

He was awarded the Sitara-e-Jurat for the daring sling-insertion of troops to seize Point 22158 in April 1989.

He also carried out missions in September 1987, when Operation Qiadat was underway.
1948 War

By November 1947 Auchinleck, Supreme Commander based in New Delhi, being convinced that Indian Cabinet was seeking to destroy and undo Pakistan by economic and military means, was forced to resign. As the build-up of Indian forces in Jammu and Kashmir continued, Pakistan Army units were being hurriedly organized and equipped without any base for manufacture of ammunition, signal stores, equipment or vehicles.

Simultaneously, Pakistan National Guards were raised rom ex-servicemen and other volunteers along border areas to provide a second line of defence. By February 1948 Indian build up in Jammu and Kashmir reached five brigades plus, under two full-fledged division Headquarters. Our 101 Brigade, commanded by Brigadier Akbar Khan was rushed into the critical front to forestall and halt the Indian offensive along Uri-Muzaffarabad axis. In April 1948, Commander-in-Chief Pakistan Army appreciating the threats in the north along Muzaffarabad-Kohala axis and in the south along Bhimber-Mirpur-Poonch axis further reinforced the front with elements of 7 Division to halt the Indian offensive at Chakothi. Reinforcements were rushed overnight to Tithwal sector to defend Muzaffarabad front, 9(F) Division was also moved to reinforce 7 Division in Tithwal, Uri and Bagh sectors. 7 Division was thereafter moved to the southern front. In May Pakistan informed the United Nations of these moves.

By June, Pakistan had five brigades in Jammu and Kashmir together with Azad Kashmir forces and elements of the para-military Frontier Corps, holding twelve Indian brigades (with 4 to 5 battalions each) supported by armour, artillery and Indian Air Force. Indian summer offensive was decisively beaten and halted. Some months later, two brigades of 8 Division from Quetta further reinforced to Muzaffarabad-Uri front.

On 14 August 1948 , the first anniversary of Pakistan , General Headquarters sent the following message to the Quaid-e-Azam, “Loyal and grateful greetings from the Army on the first anniversary of Independence Day. We serve and shall serve Pakistan with all our hearts and souls. Pakistan and its Creator, Zindabad.” The Quaid-e-Azam was at that time in Quetta , fighting his own battle for survival against a deadly affliction. In December, Pakistan Army planned to go on the offensive, ‘Operation Venus', with 7 Division to cut off the main supply route at Beri Pattan Bridge area and isolate Indian forces in Nowshera-Jhangar-Poonch sector.

On 14 December, in a pre-attack artillery bombardment the Beri Pattan bridge area containing ammunition, rations, petrol and supplies in a two-mile area was totally destroyed together with Indian divisional Headquarter, isolating the Indian forces in that sector. The Indian Army was taken by surprise. At midnight on 30 December, India asked for ceasefire with effect from 1 January 1949 . Pakistan accepted, as the fate of Jammu and Kashmir had been taken over by the United Nations.

By early 1949 Pakistan Army had completed its formative stage. It halted the Indian offensive and prevented it from totally over-running Jammu and Kashmir and closing up to Pakistan 's vital border areas, thus ended the war in Jammu and Kashmir . Pakistan Army continued its reorganization. An ordnance factory to produce small arms and ammunition was established at Wah.

The threat from India was by no means over. In spring of 1950 and again in 1951 between July and October, the Indian Army concentrated on Pakistan‘s borders and transgressed into Azad Kashmir and West Pakistan territory forty eight times. The Indian Air Force violated Pakistan 's air space thirty times thus bringing the two countries very close to another all out war through India 's coercive diplomacy and interventionist strategy.

Kargil valley comprises a cluster of most rugged, inhospitable and difficult to conquer mountain peaks and ridges. A part of the valley has been liberated by Freedom Fighters during Kashmir War 1947-49, however later, it was recaptured by the regular Indian Army in 1971illegally, as In line with Karachi agreement of 1949, Cease-fire line was delineated up to Pt NJ9842. Kashmiris and native of GB continued to manifest their resolve for freedom of lost territory.

In early 1999, locals and Kashmiris freedom fighters sneaked across LOC and occupied the vacant height dominating Kargil, Dras and Batalik areas. By April 1999, Indians realized the strategic surprise achieved by Mujahideen and responded with full military might. India made hue and cry at international level and named it as “infiltration” by Pakistan Army. Consequently Pak Army had to come into rescue of Mujahideen and bravely fought against Indian.

This limited war ended in mid July and both armies reverted to pre-war positions. As per Indians, they lost 553 officers and soldiers (actual figure is much more) two helicopters and a combat aircraft whose Pilot named Nachi Kainta was arrested by Pakistan Army. Many Pakistani Soldiers laid their lives while defending their motherland. Captain Kernal Sher and Havildar Lalak Jan were among the recipients of Nishan – e- Haider.
Armoured Corps

War Performance 1965 War

13 Lancers
The regiment acted as the spearhead of the advance in Akhnur Sector of occupied Kashmir and penetrated 23 miles into enemy territory. Fourteen soldiers were martyred, including three officers, while twenty eight were wounded. For these actions the regiment was awarded the battle honour Dewa – Chumb and Jaurian 1965 and was also awarded the title of The Spearhead Regiment.

Guides Cavalry (Frontier Force)
The regiment, as part of 6 Armoured Division, fought the Battle of Chawinda along Charwa axis. It was ordered to hold and repulse the advancing elements of the Indian 1st Armoured Division on approach Charwa-Phillaura-Chawinda. Later the unit put in a regimental attack on 8 September. As a result, the Indian 16 Cavalry lost 16 tanks and 8 tanks were captured, while the unit lost 4 tanks. In this attack 3 officers of the unit embraced Shahadat. These officers were awarded Sitara-i-Jurat for their gallantry.

06 Lancers
During this war the regiment operated in the Khem Karan Sector under command 11 Division. It was 6 Lancers that stepped first into Indian territory and under its brave Commanding Officer, Lt Col Sahib Zad Gul, captured Khem Karan, amongst the first Indian towns to be captured by Pakistan. During this war, 2 officers, 11 Non-Commissioned Officers and 7 sowars of the regiment embraced Shahadat, including the Commanding Officer.

20 Lancers
During this war, the regiment was under 15 Division in the Sialkot sector. The regiment took part in the defence of Sialkot Cantonment and Dallowali Railway Station. Numerous enemy tanks, and other munition were destroyed. Fifteen soldiers of the regiment embraced Shahadat.

4 Cavalry
The regiment less reconnaissance troop participated in Indo-Pak War as part of 6 Armoured Brigade ex 1 Armoured Division in Khem Karan Sector. After suffering heavy casualties the regiment captured its objective. The regiment also celebrates 10 September to recall those memories and rejuvenate the sprit that is FOURTH CAVALRY. The reconnaissance troop of the regiment was placed under command 8 Baloch Regiment, and went into action in Chhamb Sector. During this war, 2 Junior ommissioned Officers, 4 Non-Commissioned Officerss and 11 sowars embraced Shahdat. Two officers of the regiment were awarded Sitara-i-Jurats along with Tamgha-i-Jurats to other soldiers of the regiment.
22 Cavalry
The regiment saw active field service in Sialkot Sector. It was given the mission of holding the railway line from Gunna Khurd to Rakh Baba Bhureshah, and preventing enemy penetration across the “Black Line” as it was operationally called. The regiment, along with affiliated forces successfully repelled repeated enemy attacks.

23 Cavalry (Frontier Force)
The regiment was in the Lahore Sector. On 8-9 September 1965, it took part in the 22 Brigade counter attack across BRBL Canal, from over the North Syphon so as to destroy the enemy and secure the area up to the Grand Trunk Road at Mile 13-14. During the counter attack near Pul Kanjri Distributry, a jeep along with pennon, briefcase and diary of Major General Naranjan Purshad, GOC 15 Indian Division was also captured. During this action, 2 officers, 1 Junior Commissioned Officer and 5 sowars of the regiment embraced Shahadat.

24 Cavalry (Frontier Force)
Rann of Kutch April 1965 While stationed at Lahore under Headquarters 10 Division, the regiment detached A Squadron for deployment under Headquarters 8 Division in Chhor Sector. Later, A Squadron along with 2 FF, under command 6 Brigade, attacked and captured Biar Bet. Khem Karan September 1965 The unit was under command 1 Armoured Division at Raiwind. As part of 5 Armoured Brigade, it took part in operations across Rohi Nullah in Kasur Sector. In this operation by significant personal gallantry, Major Khadim Hussain destroyed three enemy tanks with an abandoned recoilless rifle.

25 Cavalry

The regiment under command 6 Armoured Division in Chawinda Sector remained in action throughout the 17 days of the war. 8 September was the most crucial day when four Indian divisions spear headed by their First Armoured Division (Fakhar-e-Hind) broke out of village Charwa on three axis. With total disregard to enemy strength, 25 Cavalry repulsed enemy advance by inflicting heavy casualties. The day’s action culminated in capture of the vital ground of Gadgor.

The badly mauled enemy leaving his destroyed equipment withdrew towards Chobara. On the next day, the enemy made desperate efforts to dislodge the unit from Gadgor, but the regiment held on till 10 September. The C-in-C Pakistan Army General Muhammad Musa came specially to address the regiment at Pasrur, during which he praised the deeds of the regiment and announced the title of “MEN OF STEEL”, which was later approved by General Headquarter in 1976.

The regiment was awarded 5 Sitara-i-Jur'at, 10 Tamgha-i-Jur'at. During this action 2 Junior Commissioned Officerss, 5 Non-Commissioned Officers and 9 soldiers of the regiment embraced shahadat.

Major Shafaqat Baloch along with his Comrades to defend Lahore.
Date: 6 September 1965

Story of One of the heroes of the September war, Col Shafqat Baloch.
Location: Barki Hudiara Sector

Major along with his 90 men was moving towards their devised position. Keeping in mind the intelligence report of an expected Indian raid, the soldiers were moving cautiously. Suddenly the rattling sound of machine-gun broke the silence in the dark night. Realizing that the fire came from the Pakistan Rangers post, Major ordered his men to move quickly. On his way, he saw a man going towards the Pakistani side. "Halt! Who comes there?” Major shouted at the man.

"Sir I am from the post of Rangers, Indians have launched a massive attack and our Major Sahab along with many other men has embraced martyrdom. I am going back to inform the authorities. Our field phone is also knocked out", the Havildar of rangers told the Major.

Major Baloch ordered his men to disperse and take position along with the BRB Canal which was also known as Ichhogil Canal. Maintaining the silence, they spread. Voices of advancing Indian soldiers and the heavy sound of engines were evident of the massive movement of the Indian Infantry and a tank regiment. Indians had no idea that the Pakistan army is in the area. Though 90 men had no comparison to fight with one brigade and a tank regiment, the major was still in an aggressive mood.

"جوانو گھبرانا بالکل نئیں۔اساں ایہناں نوں بہت کٹنا اے'' (Don't be afraid jawans, we will give them a tough time). In his typical cheerful mood, he encouraged his men.

Major climbed to a higher position and started observing the area with binoculars, waiting for the Indians to come in their small arms range. When the Indians came in range, one of Indian snipers spotted the Major. He fired a bullet at him, without damaging the bone; the bullet pierced through his left arm.

Major came to his men, showing his wounded arm, he said ''ویکھو منڈیو ایہہ لالے دی گولی اے ساڈا کج نئیں وگاڑ سکدی۔کسے نوں بچ کے نہ جان دیو'' (Look boys, its Hindus bullet can't to any damage to us. Never let anyone go alive).

Major contacted the battalion headquarters for artillery support. This area was not registered then in the Pakistani artillery map. So, the artillery was hesitant to send fire as it can hit Pakistani troops as well.

"Dont worry about us. Note our location and send SOS fire. We will provide directions regarding the enemy position", Neglecting the fear of loss, major said to his CO Lieutenant Colonel Ibrahim.

Till then the enemy had no idea of Pakistani strength in this area. They were advancing fearlessly. As the first round of Pakistani artillery hit them, they were frozen at the spot because of terror and surprise. Major directed the artillery right at the enemy. They started to get shot like sitting ducks. Moreover Major also ordered his antitank crew to fire. Turning two Indian tanks into rubble, Pakistani recoilless rifles started operations.

Moreover, 90 men also opened the doors of hell for the Indians. Instead of advancing, Indians had to run for their lives now. Repeated waves of artillery fire, sharp whistling of antitank rounds and the rattles of automatic weapons turned the fertile belt of wheat crops into the ditch of hell. The enemy advance was nipped in the bud.

All night long and the whole next day, Indians tried to advance, but Pakistani troops stopped them by giving lethal blows. These moments were precious for Pakistani troops to establish the defence line. As the day of 07 September started, Major and his comrades were ordered to come back as Barki was established as the choke point and Major Aziz Bhatti was the man holding the position. Major and his men came back.

As Major reached his battalion headquarters, his CO hugged him.
"Good work son. I don't have enough words to commemorate you", his CO Lieutenant Colonel Ibrahim said.
Major was taken to the GOC Major General Sarfraz Khan. "Good work Major, you saved the day. Tell me how many men you lost?" General asked.

Major said, "Only two martyred and a few injured".

General was extremely surprised as he expected massive casualties. Thinking that Major might be in shock and that's why he is not in full senses, General said, "Look Major I know you are tired. Take some rest."
"Sir you can count my men", Major replied politely.

Pakistan army kept Indians pinned down for 17 days. When the ceasefire was announced. Major was assigned the task to negotiate with the Indians to settle the border territory. In spite of the ceasefire, the situation was still tense from both sides and the firing incidents were common.

On such a day, Indian company commander Major Puri and Indian Armor officer Major Hira Singh were sitting on the border, facing Pakistan. They saw a smart and well built Pakistani officer in Major's uniform, crossing the border and coming all alone towards them. In a surprised manner, they saw him approaching. The Major shook hand with Major Puri and Major Hira Singh, introducing him to them. It was a moment of shock for both Indian officers as the name of that Pakistani officer was a sign of terror for the Indians in this area.

The meeting started and Indians accepted his all recommendations without any argument. Later Indians confirmed that the day Major stopped the Indian raid, it was the strength of a full infantry brigade and a tank regiment. About a hundred enemy soldiers were killed and seven tanks were destroyed and the dream of General Chaudhary to have the breakfast at Lahore was shattered. It was all done under the valiant leadership of the Major. For his act of valour, he was awarded Sitara e Jurat.

Today the world knows him as Colonel Shafqat Hussain Baloch (Sitara e Jurat).
Battle of Chawinda & Heroics of 25th Cavalry

Battle of Chawinda fought between the armies of Pakistan and India is considered one of the largest tank battles in history since battle of Kursk in 2nd world war.

Strength of both armies

Indian side made a strike force comprised of 1st armored division “Fakhr e Hind” aka Black elephant accompanied by 6 mountain Division, 14th division and 16th division.

Pakistani force comprised of 6th newly raised armored division later reinforced by 1st armored division, 4th corps artillery, 15th, and 8th infantry division.

Battle: Indian army presumed that Sialkot is poorly defended and capturing it would be like a walk in the park. Initial objectives of the Indian offensive were to capture the Grand Trunk Road near town of Wazirabad and then capturing nearby town of Jassorian resulting in Indian army control over Sialkot-Pasrur railway.

Indian attack begun on 7th September and achieved its initial objectives without much resistance as they over run Pakistan army defenses at Jassorian and Sialkot-Pasrur railway.

A Pakistani brigade commander Brigadier Abdul Malik sensed this threat and ordered his brigade to Chawinda, 25th cavalry “Men of steel” being available at the movement under command of Colonel Nisar Ahmad Khan was ordered to put his two squadron of tanks on offensive.

For the first time in armored warfare history two squadron of tanks took on an armored division. This courageous decision would later prove to save fall of Sialkot and Pakistan from an inevitable defeat.

Heroics of 25th Calvary “Men of Steel”

25th cavalry was a newly raised (raised in 1962) but finest tank regiment of Pakistan armored corps commanded by a capable armored officer Colonel Nisar khan. As the Indian army over run Pakistan defenses and crossed international border, brigade commander asked Colonel Khan to do something.

The regiment filled up fuel and rushed to Jassorian, at the time only A and B squadron of the regiment spearheaded to the objective while the “C” squadron was in Pasrur due to initial orders which later followed the rest of regiment to the battlefield.

September 8-10 saw the finest hours of “Men of steel” as “B” squadron of 25th Cavalry met 1st armored division of Indian army. 2 regiments of the division 16 light cavalry regiment and 17 Poona horse regiment were at the front supported by a Gurkha infantry battalion.

25 Cavalry “B” Squadron commanded by major Ahmad met advancing tanks of 16 light cavalry regiment and personally destroyed 4 Indian centurion tanks. 16 light cavalry CO brought another squadron to outflank Major Ahmad but got exposed to “A” Squadron of 25th Cavalry thus losing many tanks including the commander of squadron.

Seeing the losses of 16 light cavalry regiment the Poona horse turned to give support but due to less regiment gap, incompetence of commanders the Indian tanks opened fire on each other as narrated by Gurchan Singh.

Brigadier K.K Singh commander of 1st armored division seeing the losses of his tanks concluded that he’s held up by two Patton division and had no more chance of advance showing his mental defeat and fear of more losses.

The day was saved by “Men of steel”, Major Ahmad fought all day against 10 times superior army in numbers and firepower till martyrdom without retreating an inch back.

Total of 55 Indian tanks were destroyed as “Men of steel” shattered finest of Indian armored regiments 16th light cavalry and 17th Poona horse into pieces of burning metals. Later 25th cavalry paraded captured Poona horse commandant tank, a prized possession.

Colonel Nisar and officers like Major Ahmad, Captain Effendi, Captain Shamshad, Captain Raza and JCOs like Risaldar Riaz and Naib Risaldar Khaliq snatched the victory from hands of Indian army.

Colonel Nisar along with four other officers, 10 soldiers and JCOs were awarded Sitara e Jurrat, making this regiment most decorated unit in one battle of Pakistan armored corps.

25th cavalry was given the battle honor of “Men of steel” by General Musa Khan after war.

Aftermath: Pakistan army successfully defended its territory as by 18 September Indian offensive involving 1st armored division and 6th division retreated to its defensive position and the 1st armored division (Fakhr e Hind) ceased its offensive operations for rest of war. The Indian army lost 120+ tanks and Pakistan only lost 44 tanks.

Operation Windup

A counter offensive was proposed by high command of Pakistan army to attack the retreating enemy, but it didn’t happen as it had no strategic importance as the enemy had suffered huge losses and was in no position of offensive operations also the government of Pakistan at that time had made mind to accept the Indian requested cease fire resolution in UN.

Thanks to the incompetency and complete poor operational capabilities of Indian army at unit and brigade level things turned out quite easy for Pakistan army.
Zafarwal 1965

troops of the 14ᵗʰ Parachute Brigade, commanded by Brigadier Abdullah Niazi MC. he'd get an HJ for leading the formation, pitted against elements of Patrick Oswald Dunn's I Corps.

"Tiger" is standing second from right. can see Shermans of the 33ʳᵈ TDU too.


"Tiger" was a nickname given by his brigade commander at Kohima, where he was awarded the Military Cross for fighting elements of the 31ˢᵗ Infantry Division of the Imperial Japanese Army, commanded by General Kotoku Sato, in 1944. check out that Sherman and jeep-mounted RR!

September 19, 1965.....

The Indian 6ᵗʰ Mountain Division launches a frontal attack on Chawinda;
This is the most vicious infantry assault of the campaign. the day is saved, once again, by the IV Corps Artillery, and the 'Men of Steel'; serious casualties are inflicted.
In photograph : The A-Team.

This day.. September 22, 1965

As ceasefire neared, the 14ᵗʰ Baloch's 'B' Company is launched into assault at Muhadipur, 10 miles NE of Sialkot.

it's company commander, Major Syed Naseem Haider Rizvi makes the ultimate sacrifice.

Awarded the Sitara-e-Jurat.

"it was one of the most determined infantry attacks by the Pakistan Army." - Lt Gen Mahmud Ahmed remarks, in his book on the war. the company was under command of the 9ᵗʰ Baloch, and had managed to reach the 10ᵗʰ Mahar's battalion headquarters during the ferocious foray.
On This Day.................... September 23, 1965

On the anniversary of the second battle of Dograi, remembering the gallants of the 16ᵗʰ Punjab; the unit lost 106 men in the war - most for any Pakistani unit in the 1965 War! amongst the fallen was Second Lieutenant Akhtar. he had been in service for barely 9 days!


The 'Gazian-e-Dograi' were commanded by a Parsi, Lieutenant Colonel Jal Framji Golwala, who was wounded and taken prisoner; awarded the Sitara-e-Jurat.

The battalion received a total of nine SJ/TJs for valour during the 1965 Operations. fought at the Ghawindi sector in 1971.

The Last Battle of Lahore

In Lahore’s Bibi Pak Daman graveyard, sleeps Maj Ziauddin Uppal of 30 Heavy Regiment. The headstone on officer’s grave tell us that our Artillery Observer had embraced Shahadat on 17 Sep 1965 at Wagah. If we get a bit precise on location it was Dograi. Dograi, dear reader, that was recaptured by ‘Qayyum’s valiant men.

Having defended BRBL on 6 Sep, defenders now decided to try their luck on attack. 22 Brigade under a courageous Brigadier Qayyum Sher launched a counter attack on 8 Sep. In the words of Major General Shoukat Riza, “Brigadier Qayyum Sher in his command jeep, moved unit to unit and then personally led the advance, star plate and pennant visible. This was something no troops worth their salt could ignore”

On the morning of 8 Sep after squadrons of 23 Cavalry engaged in a light tank skirmish, 18 Baloch took almost deserted Dograi with ease. On Sep10 by midday Dograi defences were in shape. Two Companies of 16 Punjab with B Squadron 23 Cavalry with another two Companies of 18 Baloch defended it.

2 Indian PoWs captured by 23 Cavalry, part of Qayyum Sher’s 22 Brigade, which conducted a spectacular counter-attack across the BRBL Canal, from the Ravi Syphon axis, on 8th September, something unprecedented by the opposition. pic.twitter.com/SPtzFPkTuF
— Cuirassier (@leftofthepincer) November 15, 2019
It was during defensive phase at Dograi on night 17/18 that we lost Major Uppal to Indian artillery shelling. A day before Lieutenant Iftikhar of 23 Cavalry had embraced shahadat. A few nights ago on 11/12 September yet another incident happened that was to have grave consequences in coming days for Dograi Defenders.



It was the night of 11/12 September, when 16 Punjab having lost some ground tried to recapture it with tanks. B Squadron of 23 Cavalry, while advancing along the GT Road ran into an anti-tank screen. Major Muhammad Sarwar while in his tank, crossed the road to check on a troop leader that was not moving. It was while re-crossing the road that an anti tank recoilless rifle knocked out his M 48 tank which blew up killing all the crew. B Squadron would remain without a squadron commander, but more on it later in the post.


Indian attack came on night 21/22 Sep. At 2300 hrs in Phase One 13 Punjab and 15 Dogra attacked the front two companies of Pakistani 16 Punjab. 3 Jat would go to the depth companies each of 8 Punjab and 12 Punjab in Phase Two. B Squadron of 23 Cavalry was required to protect the northern flank of 16 Punjab.

Forward companies of 16 Punjab under intense shelling fought bravely. With MG fire and grenades they broke the frontal attacks of Indian 13 Punjab and 15 Dogra. Attacking dead were found within 10-20 yards of forward line. As all of this was happening tanks of 23 Cavalry were nowhere to be found.
Where were the tanks?

Maj Nazar’s A Squadron was ordered to relieve commander-less B Squadron. For some unexplained reasons they would stay west of BRBL reporting they had reached Dograi. With B Squadron already gone Lieutenant Colonel Golwala CO 16 Punjab knew 3 Jats was about to get a walkover.

Lt Col Desmond Hayde, CO 3 Jat did not know that his opponents were suddenly without armour. All he knew came through wireless that Phase1 of Brigade Attack had failed. This would no deter him an inch, he is credited to have said those iconic words “Zinda ya murda, Dograi mein milna hey”.


“Up ahead they see Dograi lit up by gunfire as if on a Diwali night.”
Decades later Rachna Bisht Rawat will meet a few who attacked Dograi that night. She would bring us stories, direct from the battlefield.
“It’s 1:40 am when Delta, the first attacking company, hits Dograi, guns blazing.”

Captain Kapil Singh Thapa was in Delta Company. Towards north-eastern edge of Dograi Village he was seen assaulting three trenches single handed. As he sits down to change his magazine, a bullet rips through helmet into his head. He earned Maha Veer Chakra.

Major Asa Ram Tyagi was commanding Alpha Company. Despite bullet wounds he led his troops onto objective. In close quarter combat he is said to have bayoneted a Pakistani officer. Himself shot at close range and badly bayoneted he would later succumb to his injuries on Sep 25

Major Tyagi was awarded Maha Vir Chakra. Indian accounts claim the Pakistani officer meeting his end by the bayonet of Maj Tyagi was Major Nazar of 23 Cav, but in reality he was on the west bank of BRBL. This gallant officer in all probability was Major Mazhar Hussain Shah of 8 Punjab.

By 0300 on Sep 22 Dograi fell to 3 Jats. An immediate counterattack came from 1 Baloch gallantly led by Captain Afridi. Wounded after Start Line he was carried by his Havildar Major and would die fighting with his troops. Despite a last minute support from 23 Cav the attack failed.

A little short of Kohat on Rawalpindi-Kohat road is a village named Babri Banda. Here the valiant son of Kohat, Captain Zahur Ul Islam Afridi, Sitara e Jurrat rests in eternal peace.

We shall now head back to what remained of Dograi defenders. With depth companies gone the two forward companies of 16 Punjab were now sandwiched. Lt Col Golwala keeping up the highest tradition decided to end it fighting. In the first glow of emerging dawn they saw the dashing charge of Indian 14 Horse.

In sheer desperation a few charged enemy tanks with rocket launchers but wiped out by tank machine guns. Others waited in calm for the attacking infantry to close up and took their final leap killing one or two while getting killed. Others died fighting 3 Jat from their rear.

By 0800 hrs the battle was over for 16 Punjab. 56 soldiers including two officers lay dead on the battlefield. Second Lieutenant Akhtar and Captain Sagheer. The latter was awarded Sitara e Jurrat. Lieutenant Colonel Golwala badly wounded was among the prisoners. He earned a well deserved Sitara e Jurrat.



a popular Haryanvi song commemorates Battle of Dograi

Kahe sune ki baat na bolun, gaaun dekhi bhai
Teen Jat ki katha sunaon, sun le mere bhai
Ikkis Sitambar raat ghaneri, hamla jaaton nee mari
Dushman mein mach gayi khalbali, kaanp uthi Dograi”

Dograi was one of the fiercely contested battles in Lahore Theater. In defending Dograi 16 Punjab perished but in its perishing it gave a bloody nose.
Batapur monument is true when it records

In this battlefield lies the blood of many unknown heroes belonging to different u

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