Houthi-Israel War: Around Yemen and Beyond - News, Updates and Discussion

Rumors that Houthi leaders died in a plane/helicopter crash in Iran.

The US technology in military equipment is next to none. That’s why they are considered The Superpower.. and that’s why no Muslim nation dare to attack Israel despite them changing the whole definition of human rights.
So US military power next to none compared to weak/mid tier powers like Middle east countries? yes sure, now compare it to its peers/near peers like China and Russia and then you find out why US prefers to fight them using alliances and proxies (kind of like Iran).

If superior military equipment doesnt translate to military victories, then it only gives us the hint as to who will lose any eventual war - US.
So US military power next to none compared to weak/mid tier powers like Middle east countries? yes sure, now compare it to its peers/near peers like China and Russia and then you find out why US prefers to fight them using alliances and proxies (kind of like Iran).

If superior military equipment doesnt translate to military victories, then it only gives us the hint as to who will lose any eventual war - US.
Since the world war, countries prefer to fight with coalition/blocks/Axis for the known reasons to everyone.

American could have fought with Afghanistan all alone but they went with the support of about 30 countries. That is the new normal of 2024. The countries in Middle East do not trust each other as they are divided in various issues and fear overthrown of their government or geographical change due to the war and furthermore they lack war experience to challenge someone like Israel (read USA as Israel itself can be defeated anytime but the USA backed by allies is a different game) so they will prefer to take a safe approach and wait in line until its their turn to be slaughtered like a good cow.

The Arabs have proven to be a bunch of coward nations otherwise the terrorism of Israel in Gaza would have stopped by now.

PS: I am anti-Hamas and don’t care even if the whole organisation is eliminated as I believe the power should always remain in the hand of the state and not the proxies of the third nation as it often leads to problems as we witnessed about Taliban in my subcontinent. But if Hamas is a terrorist organisation, I don’t have a word to explain what kind of terrorist Israel is who is busy killing children and women and torturing prisoners with rape and the entire world is watching
So US military power next to none compared to weak/mid tier powers like Middle east countries? yes sure, now compare it to its peers/near peers like China and Russia and then you find out why US prefers to fight them using alliances and proxies (kind of like Iran).

US technology is superior to European and Russian tech; even China may only surpass in a few areas.

The reason the US avoids direct conflict with Russia and China is not because they have superior tech, but because their tech is good enough to pierce US defences and land a few hits on the US mainland and inflict heavy damage to US assets. Unlike Muslim countries, the US doesn't have the attitude that losing a few hundred soldiers or civilians is OK so don't worry about it.

There is zero chance of any Muslim country doing a hit on the US mainland, so Israel has a blank check from the US.
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