Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

Or they will just wait for it to blow over. Heck, how many people remember United Airlines? Or look at that before boarding. Just check their wiki, it has no mention of event in its history.

Chinese social media is having a field day!
It's not about Isreal but Taiwan reputation being thrown under the bus, now it seems, without their consent.
Israel was created by an ideology of racial/religious superiority by forcibly evicting people from their homes. Everything that followed is a consequence of that root cause. No amount of revisionist sugar coating will change that historical fact.
So? What are people supposed to do now? Go back in time and change the British mandate? Let Hamas fire bomb Israel Which could very well be revenge for some attack that happened against Palestenians. And where does it end? I don't think Israelis are going to give up the entire land to Palestinians and leave to I don't know where. Two state solution? That's India's official position.
I see several questions regarding , WHY Indians support Israel even though Palestinians have never harmed India

The question is valid

We have nothing against Palestine

Till 1990 , India supported Palestine

We didn't have even diplomatic relationship with Israel

But after experiencing Pakistan Sponsored terrorism in Kashmir and Punjab
We changed our attitude

We realised that like Israel we too are victims of Terrorism

So our sympathy and support for Israel is justified

Add to it the Israeli support to India by giving Latest weapons and Technology including help in Kargil war

There is no justification for supporting terrorism in any form.

Palestinian resistance against occupation is not terrorism, although specific terrorist acts may have been committed from time to time but that is for ICJ to decide.

Now unless you can act like a human being I suggest you do not write further comments here as thousands of people have been victims of terrorism in this incident.

Indians just are doubling down and showing as how odious they can be in threads like this.
It could be like you say, but it's unlikely.

The likely scenarios is one SoC and one firmware of 4 MB or less.
You know the so called "SoC" is essentially assembled out of dozens of IPs? Like an IP for a radio modem. What do you think it will be? essentially a DSP with some DSP code embedded. Its hard to separate software and hardware these days based due co-design. There will be too many firmwares even in SoC. Firmwares you can not verify because you can not read it.
Even by your p@jeet standards this is a very pathetic and poor of an excuse for cheerleading for Israel

Bring something better
Just won’t listen. They have to bring Pakistan into everything - warned them and still won’t listen. Like a 7 year old going round in circles
To say that Israelis and Palestinians are equally guilty is to create a false equivalence. It is like saying the Nazis and their Jewish victims were equally at fault.

Israel was created by an ideology of racial/religious superiority by forcibly evicting people from their homes. Everything that followed is a consequence of that root cause. No amount of revisionist sugar coating will change that historical fact.

Jews are the Original Inhabitants of that land called Israel

They were driven out after 650 AD

Before that they lived in that area for atleast 1000 years
Internet tells you everything

When Israel was established , It
Just wanted peace and somehow wanted to survive

But it got un ending hostility from 1945 onwards

Remember that Jews Pre DATE Islam by atleast 1000 years

Jews were evicted after 650 A.D

Britain only helped them to regain their homeland

But they have survived and thrived against all odds

If Egypt , Jordan and UAE and Saudis can accept Israel's right to Exist peacefully, so too can others

This must be one of the most dumbest and ignorant posts I have read in a long time on pdf.

Please carry on and show us your hatred of Muslims and total lack of a clue.
Internet tells you everything

When Israel was established , It
Just wanted peace and somehow wanted to survive

But it got un ending hostility from 1945 onwards

Remember that Jews Pre DATE Islam by atleast 1000 years

Jews were evicted after 650 A.D

Britain only helped them to regain their homeland

But they have survived and thrived against all odds

If Egypt , Jordan and UAE and Saudis can accept Israel's right to Exist peacefully, so too can others
Alot has happened since 650 AD. You can't expect peace when you take land being used by other. Then drive them out of their homes.
If thy can put 20mg of explosive petn in these devices to cause an explosion,
can they do the same with vaccines if they put 1mg in?

Even a tiny explosion inside the body could effect the electric pulse of heart.
When Israel was established
And how was that? Who gave British the right to give Palestinian land to the Jews, Who aren't even semitic and larp about anti semitism all day.
Britain only helped them to regain their homeland
Nice of you to advocate for your colonial masters, after all your kind used to wash their toilets.
accept Israel's right to Exist peacefully,
Would never happen.
To say that Israelis and Palestinians are equally guilty is to create a false equivalence. It is like saying the Nazis and their Jewish victims were equally at fault.

Israel was created by an ideology of racial/religious superiority by forcibly evicting people from their homes. Everything that followed is a consequence of that root cause. No amount of revisionist sugar coating will change that historical fact.
Jews in Germany were guilty of the whole range of the crimes, including terrorism. OK. When will people stop making very wide and tenuous parallel.
A jew has never been innocent in anything, anywhere and under any circumstances. It is not difficult to prove.
Or go and please woke, let me see what they can do.
David Kennedy, a former US National Security Agency intelligence analyst, told CNN the explosions seen in videos shared online appear to be “too large for this to be a remote and direct hack that would overload the pager and cause a lithium battery explosion.”

Human operatives inside Hezbollah would have been key to the operation, he added.

“This is one of the most widescale and coordinated attacks that I’ve personally ever seen. The complexity needed to pull this off is incredible,” he said.

“It would have required many different intelligence components and execution. Human intelligence (HUMINT) would be the main method used to pull this off, along with intercepting the supply chain in order to make modifications to the pagers.”

And how was that? Who gave British the right to give Palestinian land to the Jews, Who aren't even semitic and larp about anti semitism all day.

Nice of you to advocate for your colonial masters, after all your kind used to wash their toilets.

Would never happen.
How the modern Arabian States : Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan etc were formed ?

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