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IAF Prepares for Digital Dominance with Near-Complete AFNet Upgrade


Dec 26, 2023
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India's Air Force stands poised to enter a new age of networked warfare, as the ambitious upgrade to its Advanced Air Force Network (AFNet) nears completion by the end of 2024. This cutting-edge, satellite-based communications system promises to revolutionize situational awareness and transform decision-making on the battlefield.

A Quantum Leap Forward​

The AFNet represents a fundamental modernization, leaving behind the outdated tropo-scatter technology that lingered since the 1950s. Real-time connectivity between all IAF ground stations, aircraft, and even space assets is a core objective. This will empower leadership with unprecedented detail about developing battlefield situations.

This transformation is central to the Ministry of Defence's drive to fully integrate the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force into a seamless fighting force. Improved coordination enabled by AFNet should increase battlefield effectiveness against India's regional adversaries.

Security, Hardware, and History​

Security is of paramount importance in the upgraded AFNet. Robust encryption will shield vital communications from foreign interception. This is crucial in the modern era of constant cyber-threats. Beyond encryption, the entire AFNet infrastructure, both hardware and software, is being comprehensively updated to ensure optimal reliability, capacity, and performance in all environments.

“Encryption systems will be strengthened and some new software modules and hardware will be added along with existing modems, routers, cables and other components and accessories being replaced where required,” an officer said. “The civil infrastructure housing AFNet assets will also be refurbished,” he added.

Strengthening encryption protocols will ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data transmitted across the network, bolstering the IAF's cybersecurity posture in an era of heightened digital threats.

AFNet's development has been a long process, beginning in 2010 as a step up from India's then-inadequate systems. Now, it's the primary communication network for the entire IAF.

A New Era of Warfare​

As AFNet's upgrade concludes, the excitement among India's military strategists is palpable. The ability to streamline command and control, gain complete visibility of threats, and make rapid decisions with the best possible information represents a potential revolution for the IAF. The result should be enhanced national security and an even more imposing Indian Air Force presence in the region.
Feb 2, 2024
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Is it showing F-16 instead of rafale for datalink?
What were you expecting? Its Indian government presentation! LOL. Thank your lucky stars that it was not a j-20 picture!


The original f-16 photo.


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2021
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Even the AWACS picture is of an E2C Hawkeye.
Shows poor staff work.

Just because someone did a poor staff work doesn’t make the system bad. Hopefully, it would do much better than this collage.

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