In China, demons rampant. Signs of the collapse of the CCP dynasty.


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Jul 1, 2024
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In 1949, CCP seized the highest power in China. Up to now 75 years. They are cruel, savage, greedy, and stingy. They monopolize all power and do not accept any supervision or questioning. As long as they want, they can kill anyone who is different from them. For example, Li Keqiang.

Their wish is "permanent dictatorship in China. Avoiding the cycle of history". Their style is “My power is above everything else, China serves me.”.

Initially (1949-1976). They disguised themselves as revolutionaries. And seize the land and property of the people in the name of revolutionaries. Destroying China's national traditions. Cruelly attacking China's national industries. Causing the Chinese economy to stagnate for nearly 30 years. People suffer from hunger and poverty.

Then 1976-1978. Their internal struggle lasted for 3 years. Further leading to the collapse of the Chinese economy.

Then 1978-1990. They began the 'reform and opening up'.(Similar to the constitutional monarchy of the Qing Dynasty in 1911).CCP Kneeling down to foreign capital/foreign private enterprises.

PS:. 1989, Chinese students who could no longer bear it began the first democratic revolution.

Then in 1991, the Soviet collapsed. CCP, who has always been known for its cruelty, was terrified for the first time

So in 1992. The CCP has begun to open up Chinese private enterprises that have been brutally suppressed for 40 years.

Then in 2013, we encountered Xi jinping.

75 years. They hardly did anything right. Where do they feel great about themselves?

We have been trying to understand CCP. Why is it so barbaric and obsessed with power?

We now think. CCP is governing China in the way/style of a feudal dynasty.

China's biggest contradiction at the moment is. The Chinese people want a fair and law-based society.But the CCP only wants the Chinese people to obey them. Just like the Chinese people once obeyed the feudal dynasty....

This huge social contradiction. This has led to the rampant presence of demons in China.
You should post all these in Chinese forum. I just wasted you time to troll here but getting no result. Is very few Chinese here but we are all CPC fans. Sorry for you, green frog.
Just like 1949 KMT said you were a green frog. Now CCP says you are a 'little spider' 小蜘蛛

You may have many misunderstandings about us Chinese. Or CCP fans have many misunderstandings about us Chinese people. ~ You may not know. The Qing Dynasty and KMT had more supporters than the current CCP.

It's not that you support CCP. So the CCP can be a permanent dictatorship in China
How the majority Chinese public think of CCP

Just like 1949 KMT said you were a green frog. Now CCP says you are a 'little spider' 小蜘蛛

You may have many misunderstandings about us Chinese. Or CCP fans have many misunderstandings about us Chinese people. ~ You may not know. The Qing Dynasty and KMT had more supporters than the current CCP.

It's not that you support CCP. So the CCP can be a permanent dictatorship in China
Go back to your Qing dynasty or simplely stay inside the island. You are suck a looser.
Go back to your Qing dynasty or simplely stay inside the island. You are suck a looser.
Well, the CCP is learning from the Qing Dynasty how to dictate China for 300 years
How can the Chinese people “support” CCP?

A 70 year old Chinese farmer assassinated a CCP judge. Then attempted suicide. All Chinese people let the CCP acquit the old farmer.
A 79 year old Chinese man picked up snails in the river. Sentenced to two months' imprisonment and fined 8000 yuan by CCP judge.


I don't know why CCP fans mistakenly believe that Chinese people support CCP? When did this illusion start?

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