India plans to export aging T-72 tanks

They should end up in Russia for sure. There is nothing that the Americans will do about it - they have never sanctioned india on anything and won’t start now.
Not gonna happen till the Future MBT (FRCV) program has started to deliver tanks. That is a long way off, so the IA for sure isn't going to start selling off it's T-72s till then.
with almost 2.5 years into Conflict Russia has lost almost all its stocks of T72 it had but had learned a lot and has developed some new anty drone tech and new but very ingenious yet dirt cheap anty Top Attck ATGM JUGAAR tech for its T72s

but since all western NATO allies are sending there surplus ICVs and IFVs and even latest MBTs to fight against Russia with best ATGMs and drones Russia needs more T72s and the Indian ones are relativelly well mantained and in very good working condition with condirable attention to limited night fighting and hunter killer capabilities and with a few tweaks in its electronicks they can be very leathel yet cheap option against western armada of latest MBTs & IFVs & ICVs at less than 1/4th the prices of new ones
with almost 2.5 years into Conflict Russia has lost almost all its stocks of T72 it had but had learned a lot and has developed some new anty drone tech and new but very ingenious yet dirt cheap anty Top Attck ATGM JUGAAR tech for its T72s

but since all western NATO allies are sending there surplus ICVs and IFVs and even latest MBTs to fight against Russia with best ATGMs and drones Russia needs more T72s and the Indian ones are relativelly well mantained and in very good working condition with condirable attention to limited night fighting and hunter killer capabilities and with a few tweaks in its electronicks they can be very leathel yet cheap option against western armada of latest MBTs & IFVs & ICVs at less than 1/4th the prices of new ones
I think it covers news that India wants to sell its T72 tanks.

Most likely, India already transferring T72 tanks to Russia.
I think it covers news that India wants to sell its T72 tanks.

Most likely, India already transferring T72 tanks to Russia.

No way. IA isn't adding any new tanks, so on what basis will it transfer/sell any of it's existing inventory of T-72s?

There are T-55s I've seen being used in exercises and you guys believe that the IA will be ok with parting with the more capable T-72s?
No way. IA isn't adding any new tanks, so on what basis will it transfer/sell any of it's existing inventory of T-72s?

There are T-55s I've seen being used in exercises and you guys believe that the IA will be ok with parting with the more capable T-72s?
India's response to any Russian request for the supply of a few T-72 tanks would likely be favorable, as India has historically maintained a strong defense relationship with Russia. On the defense front, India is unlikely to betray Russia, given the deep-rooted ties and the critical support Russia has provided both openly and covertly over the years. Russia has consistently aided India, and this cooperation continues, often discreetly, particularly in defense matters.
I think it covers news that India wants to sell its T72 tanks.

Most likely, India already transferring T72 tanks to Russia.
well even if Russia takes back half the number of T72s and rest are conerted into upgraded desi jugaars for next gen MBTs i guess thats not a bad deal
There are ways around it. India will sell it for scrap to some private party who will bring it to Russia. Similar to how China bought its carrier from Russia.

Currently, the Indian NSA is unable to travel to the USA for fear of being arrested.

Any hanky panky between India & Russia will not be tolerated.
India's response to any Russian request for the supply of a few T-72 tanks would likely be favorable, as India has historically maintained a strong defense relationship with Russia. On the defense front, India is unlikely to betray Russia, given the deep-rooted ties and the critical support Russia has provided both openly and covertly over the years. Russia has consistently aided India, and this cooperation continues, often discreetly, particularly in defense matters.

India has been supplying weapons to Ukraine through EU/NATO countries.
Russians and Ukraine have lost thousands of tanks
These Indian tanks could well.end up there as they require no training and can be used immediately
They could also end up in Armenia and other African countries with whom India is opening up markets
Currently, the Indian NSA is unable to travel to the USA for fear of being arrested.

Any hanky panky between India & Russia will not be tolerated.

Modi is in USA

When Trump comes back to power
You are going to see a lot of khalistani scum getting rounded up
Currently, the Indian NSA is unable to travel to the USA for fear of being arrested.

Any hanky panky between India & Russia will not be tolerated.
United States does not dare to sanction India, United States needs India to confront China, Biden is willing to lick Modi's shoes. India agents assassinated Canada citizens, and Trudeau cried to Biden but was slapped in the face.

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