India plans to export aging T-72 tanks

United States does not dare to sanction India, United States needs India to confront China, Biden is willing to lick Modi's shoes. India agents assassinated Canada citizens, and Trudeau cried to Biden but was slapped in the face.

US would just change the regime in India.

The new regime in India will take care of the Indian PM and his gang.
Modi is in USA

When Trump comes back to power
You are going to see a lot of khalistani scum getting rounded up

Last time when Trump visited India, Indian muslims revolted against the Indian regime in the Indian capital.
US would just change the regime in India.

The new regime in India will take care of the Indian PM and his gang.
India also has 2 coalition system at centre like USA. The opposition coalition is pro China and Anti America.
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US and China are part of G2.

Your opposition is both Pro-USA and Pro-China.
India is niether Pro USA nor Pro Russia but for sure certainly not Pro China under any circumstances we are just Pro India and we will do whats best for owr long , medium and short term intersets not what USA , Europe-UK or China or there deep state thinks or wants us to think is good for us

UK /USA/Arabs and even Iran/Jordan/Malasia-Indonasiya type all allied nations till 1971 were satunch pro Pakistan and even helped Pakistan against India besides nations like Azerbaijan -Ukraine -Canda NATO nations UK USA voted against us after we sunducted owr second nuclear tests in may1998 so why do they think we will make russia a enemy for them which always helped us when they all were against us ?

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