India's Nuclear Arsenal Surpasses Pakistan's After 15-20 Years: SIPRI

More bs unsubstantiated news. These western sources only offer speculation. Knowing how much nuclear fuel a country offers the best estimate but that is difficult to know. Pakistan is and has been for decades significantly ahead of India in nuclear stockpile based on most sources we have.

And What do you have to show for this Achievement

Jab awaam aate ki line mein lagi hai.

Aur Fauj DHA ke plot kaatne mein busy ho .
What is 'Deployed' warhead?

Deployed means
Warheads mated to a launcher like missiles whether ground based or Submarine based.

India and Pakistan normally keep the warheads separate from the Launching platform

Search broken Arrows Documentary on Youtube.

You will learn about several instances of why it's stupid to have warheads mated to missiles at all time.

For 30 years. The code to Launch American Minuteman ICBM Missiles was 0000000000000000

USAF has accidentally dropped Gravity based nuclear bombs on American soils due to accidental launch by B52 bombers
The only thing that prevented a catastrophe was a small fuse that only activates after entering a 16 digit arming code
sirji my humble point was

india has more fissile material , many diffrent classess of reactors and so called "tactical" & Minutrised battelfield devices and there dilivery machenism that pakistani internet /social media experts can ever imagine or is bieng propogated by pakistani establishment to there "awaam"

but we never advertise owr poweress but dose that means we dont have it and do you really think so ..???

point is Pakistan needs to stop advertissing its nuces and start working on its core issues ... i am just a peace loving person .. trust me sirji ;)

Who disputes that India has more fissile materials than Pakistan? In fact, this was the main assertion of my post. But Pakistan matches India in the production of uranium, plutonium and tritium based weapons (which are used for hydrogen bombs). In fact, Pakistan’s cruise missiles are thought by western experts to be tritium based. I don’t think any Pakistani strategists is worried about India’s nuclear weapons and their delivery systems as a mutually assured destruction paradigm has been created. India can never threaten Pakistan with nuclear weapons without being intrinsically cognizant of the fact that there will be nothing left of India. This is the role of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and they have succeeded to create such a reality.

The basic purpose of your post is to troll and water forum bandwidth, nothing more.
Who disputes that India has more fissile materials than Pakistan? In fact, this was the main assertion of my post. But Pakistan matches India in the production of uranium, plutonium and tritium based weapons (which are used for hydrogen bombs). In fact, Pakistan’s cruise missiles are thought by western experts to be tritium based. I don’t think any Pakistani strategists is worried about India’s nuclear weapons and their delivery systems as a mutually assured destruction paradigm has been created. India can never threaten Pakistan with nuclear weapons without being intrinsically cognizant of the fact that there will be nothing left of India. This is the role of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and they have succeeded to create such a reality.

The basic purpose of your post is to troll and water forum bandwidth, nothing more.
no sir my actions are for a proper peace and that can only happen when Pakistan sheds its " false Indian paranoia " and instead of wasting its resources on nuces and weapons or creating so called strategic assets which are now attacking its own masters on daily basis should spend its money on agricultural and educational reforms and providing proper law& justice to mases pakistan will become relevent as a powerfull nation from within a decade
no sir my actions are for a proper peace and that can only happen when Pakistan sheds its " false Indian paranoia " and instead of wasting its resources on nuces and weapons or creating so called strategic assets which are now attacking its own masters on daily basis should spend its money on agricultural and educational reforms and providing proper law& justice to mases pakistan will become relevent as a powerfull nation from within a decade

Read Indian media on any given day and then read Pak media on any given day. You will very quickly find out who is obsessed with who.
Read Indian media on any given day and then read Pak media on any given day. You will very quickly find out who is obsessed with who.
No nations policy is made by what the media says or a bunch of idiots say on shouting matches of some primetime of couple of news channells

Indian domestic policy or for that international policy is made by demands and circumstances of indian public and formulated by elected policy makers from panchayat /village/municpalitylevel to vidhan sabha /MLA/statelevel to lok sabha/MP/National level and the framing is done by very qulified IAS & IRS & IFS officers who are chosen from the best of the very best in the worlds most difficult entrence examination and repeated exams and interviews and years of training

media is just for entertainment not for policy making and when you take media or for that matter social media way to seriously hapennes whats hapenning in pakistan with respect to its so called educated youth
No nations policy is made by what the media says or a bunch of idiots say on shouting matches of some primetime of couple of news channells

Indian domestic policy or for that international policy is made by demands and circumstances of indian public and formulated by elected policy makers from panchayat /village/municpalitylevel to vidhan sabha /MLA/statelevel to lok sabha/MP/National level and the framing is done by very qulified IAS & IRS & IFS officers who are chosen from the best of the very best in the worlds most difficult entrence examination and repeated exams and interviews and years of training

media is just for entertainment not for policy making and when you take media or for that matter social media way to seriously hapennes whats hapenning in pakistan with respect to its so called educated youth

Media go for click bait, Pakistan gets Indians clicking. In Pakistan very little coverage of what Indian military is up to. Not many people care. It's not my opinion or yours, it is a simple fact.
Haha! Dude, i really do not care what you think. I am just pointing out what happens in the world. You go on Indian talk shows and they will have ex Generals rant about Pakstan, Pakistan inducts a new system and it is all over Indian websites. We may not be American or Japan, but we seem to live rent free in your heads....
Small country small talks.... you are just a nuisance these days...
Bro - I can't disclose more.

But I will hint that I have work for ministry in defence, south block - Delhi, as a security associate engineer thru third party company.

And just will add that systems being used there those are not connected with global internet service. It's very hard to reach and crack them - even I was not allowed enter their, those are managed by internal resources... I can't say much.

I could only say that situation of security defence - IT has changed a lot compared to past 10 years... I am working on WAF etc tools that works at application layer and many tools related to cybersecurity.

And regarding coding or software, even if it's getting compromised - I know - coding gets changed rapidly and it's encrypted way. Normal employees of DRDO and other defence organisations, don't have access to it. They usually know about the high level (basic concepts) of information but not low and dept level.

Anyway - Pakistan has geographical disadvantages and believe mainly docs on offensive, I don't see any major planning for missiles defence.

Might indian cities are vulnerable today but surely in coming years will have kind of defence missiles protection. Might you say, it would not be affecting but it is always better have to something than nothing, doesn't matter if chances for defence even 50%.

I always agreed that Indian ministers are ch**tiya, that manage those things and mess up... But as I understood while working - only top class ministers get those dept details, rest just overview and basic
Still decades ahead of Pakistani cybersec overall.
Although some mirrors exist.
The Pakistani solution has been Air gaps everywhere.
Hi @Oscar
Although I do acknowledge the fact that India's posture might be shifting vis-a-vis Pakistan as voiced by people like Dr. Vipin Narang or def. minister of India. I feel a clear proof of this lies in capability road map of Indian nuclear forces. For instance, India is cannisterizing her missiles at a rapid rate, in fact, when I spoke to my seniors, they clearly mentioned that all new strategic systems that are being worked on are cannisterized. Further, the renewed emphasis on SLBMs with advance features such as aerospike, compact composite motor tucked inside the 3rd stage etc, means the delivery system is going to be quite contemprorary and could be launched at moments notice.

The second piece of the posture is the surveillance and early warning and in this realm too, India has pumped in a lot of developmental efforts. Although I feel we are still no where close to the capabilities of states to pin point all the delivery systems of our opponents in real time. It will take a lot of time when we have that capability.
Eventually it will get insurmountable if the current economic and leadership situation continues for Pakistan.
Pak will surrender after first nuclear warhead from india. There will be no further retaliation, 'relative gamma dosage' or whatever.

Your parliament building was directly attacked, and guess what, cowardly India did nothing.

I know Modhi gives you guys orange koolaid to drink but time to sober up. Pakistan’s nuclear command has plans in place to destroy 90% of India, Andaman islands and Tamil Nadu are probably the only safe places. Those nukes will be deployed when deemed necessary. There will be little left of India.
Pakistan needs to stop producing more nukes - what we have are more than enough. Instead we should focus on our Navy and 2nd strike capability.
We need at least 3 for every Indian city, so definitely not enough deterrence yet.

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