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Iranian Nuclear Technology and Industry | News and Discussions

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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A thread to discuss/analyse the latest developments relating to the Iranian nuclear industry.


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022

Flames In The Desert

Full Member
Dec 13, 2023
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This ones very interesting,the construction of a new nuclear power facility with multiple reactors.
It still seems to be short on details tho,such as the type and design of these reactors.One possibility could be a 300-500mw scale up of the arak heavy water design,which I think was originally intended for Dharkovin,however other articles state that its going to be 4 1200mw reactors which would tend to imply a light water design ie the vver,tho theres already 2 of these under construction at busher.

There was a story from 2016 where the russians were going to build 4 vvers at hormozgan,but like so many things involving russia and iran in that pre ukraine war period,essentially nothing seemed to happen.
So its possible that just like other russia-iran deals from that jcpoa period that initially went nowhere,but have now been suddenly resurrected years later without warning.




Senior Member
Jul 7, 2016
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This ones very interesting,the construction of a new nuclear power facility with multiple reactors.
It still seems to be short on details tho,such as the type and design of these reactors.One possibility could be a 300-500mw scale up of the arak heavy water design,which I think was originally intended for Dharkovin,however other articles state that its going to be 4 1200mw reactors which would tend to imply a light water design ie the vver,tho theres already 2 of these under construction at busher.

There was a story from 2016 where the russians were going to build 4 vvers at hormozgan,but like so many things involving russia and iran in that pre ukraine war period,essentially nothing seemed to happen.
So its possible that just like other russia-iran deals from that jcpoa period that initially went nowhere,but have now been suddenly resurrected years later without warning.


I won’t be surprised if Iranians lead the engineering for that same reason. Possibly some TOT as part of strategic realignment.


Full Member
Jan 18, 2024
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Russia and Iran signed deals for nuclear reactors at Bushehr and they already started work Reactor 3 & 4 if I recall correctly.

There are competitions news. Some say Russia is helping and some say Russia is not.

But I would be curious where Iran would get 1800MW design from.


Full Member
Jan 18, 2024
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Supposedly the reason why Niger kicked the us out was because of a us ultimatum over a supposed secret niger-iran uranium deal.....if you can actually believe that:poop::poop::poop:

I`ve posted a link to the wall street journal article below⬇️

Niger Termination of U.S. Military Ties Followed Accusation of Iran Uranium Deal

I ran the numbers on the old forum and asked people what I was missing: Iran doesn’t have enough uranium to fuel the nuclear program it wants at scale

Anyone can run the numbers on the uranium Iran needs and the processing capability the plant(s) it has built to turn it into yellowcake per year.

So unless there has been new uranium mine discoveries, Iran will have to buy from abroad. And depending if Iran still follows parts of JCPOA, the UN must be made aware of anyone new Iranian uranium mines on Iranian soil. This includes any reprocessing facilities. The intent is to prevent iran from secretly diverting uranium to a secret undisclosed lab for weapons grade enrichment.

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