Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London's Sunday Time

The Times is a Neo-con mouthpiece.

This is Israel 'leaking' to the Arabs what it will do. A warning.
It was a sign of weakness and panic

They were meant to be used during battle, not before

Hezbollah had started to realise

This was a decade long operation

They have now sowed doubt in Western tech eco system, a gift for china

Reputation is even more in the pits, Indians aside

But they have deep penetration into Hezbollah, that's true
Maybe they are getting ready for the invasion of South lebanon
Guys, this is not possible as there are many Arabs in the settler entity’s Jewish population.

You may as well be genetically targeting people whose favorite color tends to be green over blue. It seems silly.
American terrorists are also busy with that idea. However, people need to consoder the fact that real Jews and Arabs are somehow from same race.

I always thought about possibility of COVID-19 being a biological weapon that was intended to affect Chinese gene more than anyone else.

Till i saw a report inwhich it was mentioned this virus was made with assistance of Chinese, most possibly Taiwanese traitors, citizens/scientists with Americans and it was spread into Chinese cities by American terrorists.

Just like the way they spread different viruses into African nations such as AIDS etc. Colonial countries like USA will never allow humanity to breath freely. And Israel is just a copy of this terrorist nation.

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