It took only 4 bombs to end civilization if nuclear war break out

OF course, I heard it watch this baby that will carry 5 to 6 warheads each of them 10 X stronger than the bomb dropped in Hiroshima
This baby can carry 8 warheads each 25x stronger. Or 14 warheads each 6 times stronger. And a single US ohio class sub has 24 of these babies. They can wipe entire China and Russia several times over and nothing Russia or China can do to stop them with all of these stupid "plans" not withstanding.


Did I mention US has 14 of such Ohio class subs?
Did I mention UK has 4 of Vanguard class subs each having 16 such babies?
This baby can carry 8 warheads each 25x stronger. Or 14 warheads each 6 times stronger. And a single US ohio class sub has 24 of these babies. They can wipe entire China and Russia several times over and nothing Russia or China can do to stop them with all of these stupid "plans" not withstanding.

View attachment 67346

Did I mention US has 14 of such Ohio class subs?
Did I mention UK has 4 of Vanguard class subs each having 16 such babies?
Not sure all of the 14 are in operation. US submarine operations facing problems with a shortage of skilled workers, crew, and maintenance workers. Anyway, in any nuclear exchange, China has a better chance to survive than the US since only 60% of the Chinese population lives in the cities whereas in US almost 95% live in the cities. Chinese Nuc is a city's busting size! those submarines need bases to operate which will be gone if there is a conflict

Unfortunately, the U.S. submarine force is poorly postured to meet this challenge. Across my career as a naval officer, entering as an ensign in 1988 and retiring as a captain in 2014, and then as a consultant to both government and industry since, I have watched the American submarine fleet fall precipitously from its Cold War high of 140 nuclear-powered “boats” to less than half that number, sixty-seven boats, today. Moreover, of the current sixty-seven nuclear submarines, only forty-nine fall into the hunter-killer “fast attack” classification.

The Navy and its shipbuilding partners have struggled in the post-Covid economy to ramp up submarine production despite rising strategic threats. The Defense Department announced recently that it would procure only one new fast-attack submarine in the fiscal year 2025 budget.

Additionally, of the submarine force already in commission, sixteen of those forty-nine boats—or nearly a third of the Navy’s premier offensive force—are in drydocks or tied to piers, lacking required dive certifications. These submarines cannot get underway due to a three-year maintenance backlog in the U.S. Navy.
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I guess the purpose of the test is to show the hegemon that their missile actually work less they believe in their own Koolaid
British fail in their last 2 test with trident and so the US

If you look at the table below of the ICBM test by the 5 Permanent Members (P5) of the UN Security Council. The P5 are the allies that won WW2 who were permitted by UN to have nuclear weapons – you will realize that so far most of the P5 members have failed in their testing of their ICBMs or have never really completed the whole flight as in a real war scenario.China has delivered a shocking ICBM Test which shows that it has successfully completed a full actual operational flight like in the real battlefield environment where its ICBM landed near Hawaii so that the US Military can measure it flight data.

The US military has been sending out fake news via the Western media claiming Chinese ICBMs are filled with water and not fuel and all the key technologies inside the ICBM are stolen from the US and are not really working properly.So, after this successful ICBM test right in front of the Americans – we can say that the Americans are convinced without a shadow of a doubt that Chinese ballistic missiles work and are not filled with water.
British fail 2 consecutive time with their trident launch

Not sure all of the 14 are in operation. US submarine operations facing problems with a shortage of skilled workers, crew, and maintenance workers.
All false speculation. When it comes to strategic defence, you can be sure that America will keep it up and running. Minimum 3-4 will be on patrol. Rest in refit or maintenance. It takes 3 subs to ensure at peace time 1 sub is ALWAYS on petrol.

Anyway, in any nuclear exchange, China has a better chance to survive than the US since only 60% of the Chinese population lives in the cities whereas in US almost 95% live in the cities.
Duh. The survivors have way worse fate in a full feldged nuclear war. Those who die in nuclear attack have the best fate. The survivors will have to deal with starvation, no medical facilities and complete lawlessness. Rest assured, the survivors will not be able to re-establish China in any form or shape.

Chinese Nuc is a city's busting size! those submarines need bases to operate which will be gone if there is a conflict
You have any idea what a deterrance petrol is? There will ALWAYS be 3-4 American subs on petrol.

I can not say same about China. It does not have enough subs to ensure continuous deterrence petrol as USA.

And you are saying "surviving...surviving". When 3 x 24 x 8 = 576 warhead will hit China, there will be no surviving. Those who escape initial blast will die anyways. There will be no Chinese state left. At that time, the point of "survival" will be lost for Chinese.

Unfortunately, the U.S. submarine force is poorly postured to meet this challenge. Across my career as a naval officer, entering as an ensign in 1988 and retiring as a captain in 2014, and then as a consultant to both government and industry since, I have watched the American submarine fleet fall precipitously from its Cold War high of 140 nuclear-powered “boats” to less than half that number, sixty-seven boats, today. Moreover, of the current sixty-seven nuclear submarines, only forty-nine fall into the hunter-killer “fast attack” classification.

The Navy and its shipbuilding partners have struggled in the post-Covid economy to ramp up submarine production despite rising strategic threats. The Defense Department announced recently that it would procure only one new fast-attack submarine in the fiscal year 2025 budget.

Additionally, of the submarine force already in commission, sixteen of those forty-nine boats—or nearly a third of the Navy’s premier offensive force—are in drydocks or tied to piers, lacking required dive certifications. These submarines cannot get underway due to a three-year maintenance backlog in the U.S. Navy.
All bullshit.

Most of China's population is on its eastern coast. Very much in range from all the prawling water of US Navy... Pacific, Atlantic anywhere.

Even 3 Ohio class US subs have 576 warheads. There will be no chinese left to say Nihao.

@j_hungary Apparently someone thinks there will be a CCP state surviving after taking 100-200 or more W88s and W76-Mod2 warheads.
I guess the purpose of the test is to show the hegemon that their missile actually work less they believe in their own Koolaid
British fail in their last 2 test with trident and so the US

If you look at the table below of the ICBM test by the 5 Permanent Members (P5) of the UN Security Council. The P5 are the allies that won WW2 who were permitted by UN to have nuclear weapons – you will realize that so far most of the P5 members have failed in their testing of their ICBMs or have never really completed the whole flight as in a real war scenario.China has delivered a shocking ICBM Test which shows that it has successfully completed a full actual operational flight like in the real battlefield environment where its ICBM landed near Hawaii so that the US Military can measure it flight data.

The US military has been sending out fake news via the Western media claiming Chinese ICBMs are filled with water and not fuel and all the key technologies inside the ICBM are stolen from the US and are not really working properly.So, after this successful ICBM test right in front of the Americans – we can say that the Americans are convinced without a shadow of a doubt that Chinese ballistic missiles work and are not filled with water.
US used to do these tests in 60s and 70s. Welcome China. Welcome to 70s.
China has a better chance to survive than the US since only 60% of the Chinese population lives in the cities whereas in US almost 95% live in the cities. Chinese Nuc is a city's busting size! those submarines need bases to operate which will be gone if there is a conflict
Lol in which fantasy world you're living in, after nuclear war the survivors will be witness worst case scenario like radiation/fallout sickness years to come maybe decades to come, because of fallout sickness your people will defect in their genes this cancer and other complex diseases like abnormal child birth etc etc, because of fallout your forests and agriculture fields will never produce anything for atleast 50-100 years, so tell me how can China survive in total nuclear war with USA?

You're in delusional man
Lol in which fantasy world you're living in, after nuclear war the survivors will be witness worst case scenario like radiation/fallout sickness years to come maybe decades to come, because of fallout sickness your people will defect in their genes this cancer and other complex diseases like abnormal child birth etc etc, because of fallout your forests and agriculture fields will never produce anything for atleast 50-100 years, so tell me how can China survive in total nuclear war with USA?

You're in delusional man
China is a mountainous country full of peaks and valleys each has its micro-climate. 40% out of 1.4 billion There are 560 million people still alive assuming the cities were destroyed. Besides China has been digging underground the Great Wall since the 1960s and continuing these days all over the country with provision, power, filtration, hospitals, and factories, all underground. that is 60-plus years of construction! Think about it. She has food silos and fuel silos all over the country. No one is better prepared for nuclear war than China!
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Lol in which fantasy world you're living in, after nuclear war the survivors will be witness worst case scenario like radiation/fallout sickness years to come maybe decades to come, because of fallout sickness your people will defect in their genes this cancer and other complex diseases like abnormal child birth etc etc, because of fallout your forests and agriculture fields will never produce anything for atleast 50-100 years, so tell me how can China survive in total nuclear war with USA?

You're in delusional man
The one single major effect on Global Thermonuclear war is Nuclear Winter. When the air is literally sucked out of the atmosphere and burn with the numerous nuclear explosion, and the debris and soot shooting up in the sky will make the earth cooling off (generally between 20-45C degree range) which effectively make you live in a higher altitude setting. That's unhabitable even if we would have a fully function government, let alone it being destroyed in nuclear war. Most food surplus last maybe 2 to 3 years (which then can food would become unconsumable) but the effect of nuclear winter will last decade.

Another issue is the massive casualty means you don't have enough people to rebuild and most likely scenario any country will fall into lawlessness. The recurring theme of most apocalyptic TV or movie show a complete collapse of law and order. Leaving people to fend for themselves, and the completely collapse of social/economic eco-system means survivor have to do everything by themselves, including farm, fish, rebuilding society and so on, all the while in fighting is going to pitch town against town, street against street and house against house.

I once said that even as a former soldier and expert on survival (Went to SERE, Ranger school and so on, and proficient with any weapon, ranged and closed) I don't want to survive in a post nuclear war scenario. People said they wanted nuclear war is stupid, people said they can survive nuclear war is crazy, and don't know what they are talking about.
China is a mountainous country full of peaks and valleys each has its micro-climate. 40% out of 1.4 billion There are 560 million people still alive assuming the cities were destroyed. Besides China has been digging underground the Great Wall since the 1960s and continuing these days all over the country with provision, power, filtration, hospitals, and factories, all underground. that is 60-plus years of construction! Think about it. She has food silos and fuel silos all over the country. No one is better prepared for nuclear war than China!
Lol fallout didn't look the terrain and do you know what's meaning of radiation kid? And last how do you move millions of people in your so called Great Wall within a 30 minutes or so?
Why are u guys even talking about a nuclear war when the only winning move is not to play.

Researchers have discovered a new way to grow plants using artificial photosynthesis, requiring no sunlight at all.

A heavily fortified underground bunker colony with nuclear power source may be able to survive for decades.

Researchers have discovered a new way to grow plants using artificial photosynthesis, requiring no sunlight at all.

A heavily fortified underground bunker colony with nuclear power source may be able to survive for decades.
if you are talking about a bunker for 5 to 10 people, maybe, anything more than 1000 it will be way over your yield.

Another issue with surviving in a bunker is you don't have unlimited space for waste management, bunker was never going to be a long term survival solution.
People said they wanted nuclear war is stupid, people said they can survive nuclear war is crazy, and don't know what they are talking about.
I once volunteered in west Africa during my teenage years. I do not wish to name the places, but that sort of messed me up good. During starvation in few villages, some folks had consumed other people. Hunger is a very evil thing.
Lol fallout didn't look the terrain and do you know what's meaning of radiation kid? And last how do you move millions of people in your so called Great Wall within a 30 minutes or so?
Well, Chernobyl has radiation fallout out did all the Russians die? In times of crisis large urban populations will be moved out of the cities into underground That winter freeze is caused by dust eventually the dust will settled out

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