Malaysia overtakes Saudi Arabia as China’s second- largest crude oil supplier in August

It's easier for China to take New Delhi than India takes the Malacca strait, get a sense of what a fantasy you are talking about?

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Really it's easier for China to take Delhi? First dare take what you are actually claiming as the nails of your dragon which India cut using her nailcutter sikkim in 1975 and Arunachal in 1986..... Delhi is hanooj durastha.....
Do you have reading problem ? Have your eyes checked. I just reposted what I originally said in the previous post. Where do you see I say subcontinent ? You are just arguing out of nonsense, wasting time. You must be Indian, only Indians care so much about subcontinent, lol.
So someone educating you on the handicapped geography of your country becomes Indian?
What is the reality and what is the fantasy?
Reality is China is a blockade prone country with single coastline and it is looking at its western neighbors like a begger to let her build highways so she can have some space to breathe....
The only biggest beggar to the West is your India, don't confuse that China is like you kissing up to US everyday, what a stupid statement.
About 80% of all Indian borders are hostile.
We are not blockade prone and depend on single coastline like China..... we have 3 coastlines.... only Pakistan is capable of creating some trouble on western arabian sea but we have options eastern coast and IOR fleet to secure our cargoes from ME from Saudi eastern coast.... you can't do that..... geography.... learn.....
In real war it's easier for China to take New Delhi than India blocking China's sea routes, what are yours could not be yours in real case of war, so stop your fantasy, anything can happen in a real war. Now you can come back to reality.
You argue about being biggest shipbuilding nation when we are discussing on geography and now you say Delhi is easier for China to capture.... first capture Taiwan, Arunachal and sikkim..... Russia with flat terrain against Ukraine with actually no airforce and army comparable to Russia is till date bleeding Russia and you dream about crossing Himalayas and capture Delhi with ease.... do I even need to take you seriously?
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Really it's easier for China to take Delhi? First dare take what you are actually claiming as the nails of your dragon which India cut using her nailcutter sikkim in 1975 and Arunachal in 1986..... Delhi is hanooj durastha.....
They need to take a hard look at their own vulnerabilities. Chumbi Valley is already hanging by a thread with India firmly controlling Sikkim and Doklam. If they make one wrong move, that valley is as good as lost, and without it, their strategic position crumbles. Chumbi Valley is one step away from becoming India's backyard, and Lhasa is shaking in its boots.
Indian and Myanmar ports can all become Chinese ports in a full scale war, this is why I say this guy is only talking about his own fantasy, " a full scale war but must be fought by his own delusional logic"
Yes sure Goodluck operating ports of India.....
They need to take a hard look at their own vulnerabilities. Chumbi Valley is already hanging by a thread with India firmly controlling Sikkim and Doklam. If they make one wrong move, that valley is as good as lost, and without it, their strategic position crumbles. Chumbi Valley is one step away from becoming India's backyard, and Lhasa is shaking in its boots.
Yes any misadventure and it would be a TOTAL CARNAGE..... China knows this hence will never cross redlines except cowardly incursions here and there....
we have 3 coastlines....
Where the hack do you have 3 coastlines ? You have a continuous coastline facing 2 sides east and west. The US mainland really has two coastlines. China has one continuous coastline from the north, to east and then to south coast. Lol, get your facts straight, no BS as you Indians always like to do.
Only 2 choke points china needs to worry about the strait of homuz and strait of Malacca.The Malacca Strait lies at the edge of PLAN operational reach. A fight here can go either way depends on who brings in more firepower.
PLAAF bomber force passing through Myanmar airspace with long-range ALCM & ALBM
Df-26 irbm and df-17 HGV from Chinese rocket force.
Plan counterforce in South china sea.
The Strait of Hormuz is effectively beyond China’s operational fleet reach. China cannot hope to win a stand up naval engagement in this theatre against the US Navy, at least not in a vacuum. The deciding factor will be the Iranian reaction. If the Iranians decide to step in and fire their anti-ship missiles and drones at the US fleet off their shores, it would be devastating.

So if the Americans arrest all shipping headed for China, they would also be strangling the rest of East and Southeast Asia.

China also has the benefit of being BFFs with Russia, one of the world’s largest exporters of energy, food staples, and minerals, all the essential commodities of a war economy.
Where the hack do you have 3 coastlines ? You have a continuous coastline facing 2 sides east and west. The US mainland really has two coastlines. China has one continuous coastline from the north, to east and then to south coast. Lol, get your facts straight, no BS as you Indians always like to do.
It's called east coast BoB, west coast arabian sea and southern coast along with nicobar archipelago touching to the Indian Ocean..... west coast gives us closer access to all strategic points including gulf of Aden, gulf of Iran, east coast and Andaman archipelago gives us access to strategic choke point at malacca strait and we have unchallenged access barring USN to IOR.....

Our geography gives us an access to strategic choke points whereas your geography has made you evade choking points and begging for highways from other countries.....
Our geography gives us an access to strategic choke points whereas your geography has made you evade choking points and begging for highways from other countries.....
You geography gives you the advantage of possibility of being attacked by all random direction, it's clearly a cursed geography.

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