Malaysia overtakes Saudi Arabia as China’s second- largest crude oil supplier in August

Do you know China geographical disadvantages?

Do you know first islands chain?

Do you know 2nd islands chain?

Do you know 3rd islands chain?

Do you malacca strait opening?

Do you know the amount of firepower USA and allies can bring into this theater?
Lmao firepower? do you know china has the largest rocket force in the region. US carrier stranded without a tanker. U mean. This???
U said u can do a blockade then show it. Why would china do it now when she's in the process of building up her fleet. What's stopping the Americans from. Blockading the strait of Malacca do it what are they waiting for didn't they want to destroy Chinese economy ? 🤣
I only showed you your compromised geography and showed you are sort of a semi landlocked country.... it's you guys false ego that is hurt..... accept it.... you can only beg to Pakistan, Iran and other central Asia countries to allow you the roads and access to their oceans....
I only showed you your compromised geography and showed you are sort of a semi landlocked country.... it's you guys false ego that is hurt..... accept it.... you can only beg to Pakistan, Iran and other central Asia countries to allow you the roads and access to their oceans....
🤣 We have ports all surrounding India so I don't know who loses there.
Do you know China geographical disadvantages?

Do you know first islands chain?

Do you know 2nd islands chain?

Do you know 3rd islands chain?

Do you malacca strait opening?

Do you know the amount of firepower USA and allies can bring into this theater?
How come China is still the world top maritime power in reality? reality speaks louder than words.
US supremacy ladies and gentlemen
What about this? I know which one has water in it. 🤣
It's called east coast BoB, west coast arabian sea and southern coast along with nicobar archipelago touching to the Indian Ocean..... west coast gives us closer access to all strategic points including gulf of Aden, gulf of Iran, east coast and Andaman archipelago gives us access to strategic choke point at malacca strait and we have unchallenged access barring USN to IOR.....

Our geography gives us an access to strategic choke points whereas your geography has made you evade choking points and begging for highways from other countries.....
You geography make you a slave of invasions, lol, who is the beggar in the world ? Talk nonsense, you only have one continuous coastline, dont put up all the fancy BS. Otherwise China can be said to have three or four coastlines with one in the inslands of SCS controlling the traffic to Melecca and SCS there, besides China now has three navy fleets each one in each big sea of China, lol.
Let's be real it doesn't matter there will be no blockade all these choke points can be talk over and over until we see how it's done in real life none of this stuff means anything. If the Americans think they could they would've done it a long time ago when china barely had a navy.
And good luck to try to block China's trade routes, when will you do that? By the way.
These Indians put up these nonsense that China geography is so vulnerable all the time just to make people believe its so easy to choke off Chinese supply lines, attack or wage wars on China and China will lose wars so easily. Why dont these fools try to have wars with China then.
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Like I said a blockade on China is a blockade on all countries in Asia Pacific. It's just total nonsense. I'm done with this thread lol
Like I said a blockade on China is a blockade on all countries in Asia Pacific. It's just total nonsense. I'm done with this thread lol
A blocade on China is like a death sentence to America and India, they are both heavily dependent on China for almost everything and their beloved IPhones and Teslas will be gone the first.
You just can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy, can you?
You're blind ultranational shit head, you don't believe you have lot choke-points and limitations because of your SINGLE LONG COASTLINE

And last You're facing multiple enemies from multiple directions, not facing a SINGLE ENEMY FROM SINGLE DIRECTION
You're blind ultranational shit head, you don't believe you have lot choke-points and limitations because of your SINGLE LONG COASTLINE
Lol, if you want me to believe you then you have to show it, make it happen at least once. I will be waiting to see.
I only showed you your compromised geography and showed you are sort of a semi landlocked country.... it's you guys false ego that is hurt..... accept it.... you can only beg to Pakistan, Iran and other central Asia countries to allow you the roads and access to their oceans....
Lol, your country is the diesaese of Asia that literally no country in Asia neighbornood want to have deep association with you, talk of beggar.

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