Malaysia overtakes Saudi Arabia as China’s second- largest crude oil supplier in August

No one denied that you are biggest maritime country in the world but having one coastline is the disadvantage in case of war because you won't able to save your major ports and naval ships can't disperse them for your maritime security
In real war it's easier for China to take New Delhi than India blocking China's sea routes, what are yours could not be yours in real case of war, so stop your fantasy, anything can happen in a real war. Now you can come back to reality.
Then, China doesn't have to defend two open sea or ocean coastlines where any strong enemy navy can come to attack. It's easier to defend the country from big powers in a sense.
Indian and Myanmar ports can all become Chinese ports in a full scale war, this is why I say this guy is only talking about his own fantasy, " a full scale war but must be fought by his own delusional logic"
Indian and Myanmar ports can all become Chinese ports in a full scale war, this is why I say this guy is only talking about his own fantasy, " a full scale war but must be fought by his own delusional logic"
Yeah, the Indian guy is talking of his fantasy of what many Indians like China to be in.
In a true so called "real war", control of sea routes can change hands in a matter of weeks and no one knows how they would change, just check out WW2, those delusional Indians just think of a so called " real war" following their own logic, it's a total fantasy based.
Then, China doesn't have to defend two open sea or ocean coastlines where any strong enemy navy can come to attack. It's easier to defend the country from big powers in a sense. By the way, the Indian guy doesn't even want to admit China is a maritime country indeed, let alone the biggest, see how delusional he as most Indians are, don't know why you want to defend him fervently.
Its a logic and common sense dude, when the enemy will attack the country which have only one coastline the enemy would attack you with full force, with multiple coastline enemy couldn't attack you with full force and you have enough resources already placed to defend yourself from weaker attacks on multiple coastline
In real war it's easier for China to take New Delhi than India blocking China's sea routes, what are yours could not be yours in real case of war, so stop your fantasy, anything can happen in a real war. Now you can come back to reality.
You're living in fantasy not me dude and I'm talking about USA presence in SCS and Pacific and if you attack New Delhi then your Beijing and Shanghai are save from Indian ICBM and SLBM attacks? Think about it
Its a logic and common sense dude, when the enemy will attack the country which have only one coastline the enemy would attack you with full force, with multiple coastline enemy couldn't attack you with full force and you have enough resources already placed to defend yourself from weaker attacks on multiple coastline
Lol, the enemy will always choose the weakest point or coastline to strike with its navy, in most cases, enemy won't attack both coastlines, also, China can focus all its navy on one coastline instead dispersed on multiple ones.
Lol, the enemy will always choose the weakest point or coastline to strike with its navy, in most cases, enemy won't attack both coastlines, also, China can focus all its navy on one coastline instead dispersed on multiple ones.
This doctrine and strategy is old one that enemy will attack you on weakest point latest weapons like tomahawk/LRASM/JASSM can automatically avoid detection/anti-missile systems easily

If you want to disable your enemy at once on multiple fronts ( coastline) then you need to attack multiple directions (on multiple coastline) at once
You're living in fantasy not me dude and I'm talking about USA presence in SCS and Pacific and if you attack New Delhi then your Beijing and Shanghai are save from Indian ICBM and SLBM attacks? Think about it
You live in a fantasy world, it's you talking about blocking China, not me. and we don't see US talking about blocking China either, only you are, you think you can order US to do things? US needs China more than China needs US, without Chinese products US will collapse sooner than China, why do you Indians think US will kill itself just to hurt China?

You live in a fantasy world, it's you talking about blocking China, not me. and we don't see US talking about blocking China either, only are are, you think you can order US to do things? US needs China more than China needs US, without Chinese products US will collapse sooner than China, why do you Indians think US will kill itself just to hurt China?

This other topic of discussion and then why USN is present in SCS and in Pacific, USN is more concentrated in SCS and Pacific then rest of the world ever in its history
He is talking of China's geography situation that has no reality, unlike the real geography of India that is all surrounded by formidable enemies.
See this is where you start loosing before your submarine is even in position to locate enemy target.... formidable enemies from all sides? Except China and Pakistan I don't see any formidable enemy..... those too located in the north parts still India has large body in the oceans surrounded by 3 sides with strategically well located islands like lakshdweep and Andaman and nicobar....
Discussion about current reality or Indian fantasy? why even US doesn't talk about this typical Indian fantasy?
What is the reality and what is the fantasy?
Reality is China is a blockade prone country with single coastline and it is looking at its western neighbors like a begger to let her build highways so she can have some space to breathe....
You live in a fantasy world, it's you talking about blocking China, not me. and we don't see US talking about blocking China either, only you are, you think you can order US to do things? US needs China more than China needs US, without Chinese products US will collapse sooner than China, why do you Indians think US will kill itself just to hurt China?

So? You think you will get away after challenging America over Taiwan just because your ships are delivering diapers?
Lol, who is trolling, what he says is not the real situation and has to be rebuked, simple as that.
You explain the real situation.... I gave you real documentaries and instead of accepting the fact and at least talk some sense like

"yes this is our geographical problem but to overcome that problem we are building a powerful navy"

you are calling a real maritime country like India a landlocked country? Why? Just for a sake of an argument?
See you're agreeing with me that's China has only one LONG coastline but in case of war with any superpower this LONG coastline will become headache for China
Not only single coastline but with tons of obstacles in the form of islands some of which are not even visible on the map but they are under the firm control of America and allies....

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