Malaysia overtakes Saudi Arabia as China’s second- largest crude oil supplier in August

If you guys don't try to "block" China now, with China's current 90% global shipbuilding capability, the chance you are able to do it in the future will be next to zero. so be quick, do it now.

Lol, if you want me to believe you then you have to show it, make it happen at least once. I will be waiting to see.
Wait for the future, if you attack Taiwan then world will see how many choke-points and limitations you have because of your single long coastline
Wait for the future, if you attack Taiwan then world will see how many choke-points and limitations you have because of your single long coastline
Lol, wait for your fantasy to happen, but before it happens, it is just your fantasy, and with China's unrivaled shipbuilding industry, your chance to turn your fantasy into reality is zero.
Lol, wait for your fantasy to happen, but before it happens, it is just your fantasy, and with China's unrivaled shipbuilding industry, your chance to turn your fantasy into reality is zero.
Yeah yeah, you're not facing single enemy from one direction but facing multiple enemies from multiple directions

And your ports and installations are easily knock out by cruise missiles attacks by multiple enemies

Keep living in your fantasy world and lala land
Yeah yeah, you're not facing single enemy from one direction but facing multiple enemies from multiple directions

And your ports and installations are easily knock out by cruise missiles attacks by multiple enemies

Keep living in your fantasy world and lala land
You live in your fantasy, not me, mind to turn your fantasy into reality just for once?
Yeah yeah, you're not facing single enemy from one direction but facing multiple enemies from multiple directions

And your ports and installations are easily knock out by cruise missiles attacks by multiple enemies

Keep living in your fantasy world and lala land
See what he said "with Unrivaled shipbuilding industry".....
Here itself shows how much seriously he should be taken....
What his shipbuilding industry gonna do when in full scale war these shipbuilding facilities itself will be on the targets?

He seems to believe only China will be the one at delivering end and Americans will be at receiving end and during war while delivering the deadly blow to Americans, his country will keep churning out ships also peacefully......

Single coastline with loads of obstacles in front of it makes them actually more vulnerable..... their biggest bet is access to Pakistani ports and hence pouring billions on roads networks.....

Just ignore him as in the deep inside he knows his nations geographical disabilities but he won't accept because of his false ego....
🤣 We have ports all surrounding India so I don't know who loses there.
What the firepower on these ports? Except Pakistan none of your port providing ally is militarily strong.... USA on the other hand has choked your throat in your backyard with powerful allies like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan..... you having ports with laughable firepower in srilanka, Myanmar, Maldives has no meaning.....
These Indians put up these nonsense that China geography is so vulnerable all the time just to make people believe its so easy to choke off Chinese supply lines, attack or wage wars on China and China will lose wars so easily. Why dont these fools try to have wars with China then.
Yes China indeed is geographically vulnerable.... I suggest you study more on Prisoners of the geography book....
.... don't be so sad even Russia is with you..... inspite of being largest country in the world they too are a semi landlocked country.....
What the firepower on these ports? Except Pakistan none of your port providing ally is militarily strong.... USA on the other hand has choked your throat in your backyard with powerful allies like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan..... you having ports with laughable firepower in srilanka, Myanmar, Maldives has no meaning.....
Lmao what firepower does the US have when one damage oiler can cause the entire carrier fleet stranded.
What the firepower on these ports? Except Pakistan none of your port providing ally is militarily strong.... USA on the other hand has choked your throat in your backyard with powerful allies like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan..... you having ports with laughable firepower in srilanka, Myanmar, Maldives has no meaning.....
So we don't have North Korea and Russia huh. Lmao what's South Korea gonna do when their major cities can be destroyed over night by missile barrage from north Korea. They have more to worry about than china.
Lmao what firepower does the US have when one damage oiler can cause the entire carrier fleet stranded.
See you are actually answering my question..... this can happen with China too with ports around India.... ad to that you don't have a firepower in these ports around India that can come close to American firepower in the ports and choking points around you.... so still you having ports around India is actually not a that big military problem as of now.... future I don't want to discuss.....
See you are actually answering my question..... this can happen with China too with ports around India.... ad to that you don't have a firepower in these ports around India that can come close to American firepower in the ports and choking points around you.... so still you having ports around India is actually not a that big military problem as of now.... future I don't want to discuss.....
Lmao the same India that shot it's own jet in 2019 skirmish with Pakistan. Worry about your own defense killing your own pilots lol

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