Maulana Tauqeer : if 1% Muslims reach Delhi, Modi will have to flee"

X Ji

I beg to differ.

Modi didn't introduce anything, more like the Congress had meta-forcibly suppressed the majority, all for sake of their much warped idea of "Secularism", which is anything but secular.

370 and 35a revoking and other K issues wise, I know we will never agree on, but the security situation has improved, and there has been an uptick in peoples' ability to make monies etc.. far from fixed, but better than earlier, or so I'm told by those from there, original musalmans. (yes they do have misgivings about the current lot too, but then so do the overwhelming majority of Indian Muslims) ..

but they're slowly realizing ki

"nahi kaatey ga" .. Modi ij a good boy ! 🐶

Not everything is about money

The need for independence, freedom and defend ones history, faith and culture is of vital importance

Even Indian Muslims are becoming incredibly agitated
But Delhi was burning.
Some distant pocket on the NCR (national capital region), outskirts type.

Terrible what went down there, should never be allowed to happen again.

Not everything is about money

The need for independence, freedom and defend ones history, faith and culture is of vital importance

Even Indian Muslims are becoming incredibly agitated
Of course not, but once any given people see more opportunities for a better happier life (money is at least part of it) .. out go these ideas of playing rambo for some romanticized version of whatever various people/factions may be feeding them.

Kashmiris are not like the people in Syria or etc, they have not, and may they never see those kind of horrors, to even give them a chance to flip that way.

The valley, currently, is not a resentful militancy type place. They're just making a shite tonne of infra etc there, and taking the locals along for the economic ride with tourism, adventure tourism, handicrafts, agri etc .. basically being nicely bought into the mainstream.

but it remains a powder keg situation, never know what may be around the corner.. there is the little matter of foreign propaganda and operatives in the region too..

and that, unfortunately, necessitates the NEED for a robust skorti infrastrukchur !


bloody headache, this.. LOC ko IB kar ke khatam karo, yaar.. such a waste of everyone's time otherwise.

Then he forbid the slaughter of Cow depriving them of their halal food
Slaughter of cow is banned in India since 47. Many states made laws banning the same. Some have relaxed laws regarding cow slaughter like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Nagaland and some.
Then he did article 370
Made things formal. Indian constitution now applies there including Muslim personal laws. So you can't ostracize women for marrying outside Jammu and Kashmir.
Waqf law where Muslim land owned by the Waqf for generations and gifted by Muslim
Waqf in itself is a constitutional body, they are part of the government. That is they exist because government of India allows it. But recently they have gotten out of hand, to the point they have become ridiculous in claiming ownership of lands where monuments like thousand years old temples are present. It'll either lead to revolt or government put an end to it.
Waqf ownership will only be ratified if proper record of ownership is present. Claiming based on ancestral knowledge without any record is not how things work.

You missed a crucial point, Uniform civil code that chages personal laws into one unified law. No more Hindu law, Christian or Muslim law. So marriage divorce etc becomes court affairs, property rights get unified, marriage also becomes like common law. So that'll put up some issues.
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Its not Farm laws where RSS restricted action, they will be beaten black n blue and end up rotting in jails for years to come.

Things have changed post riots in East Delhi , people have very low tolerance for these molana's now.

Waqf act doesn't need amendment ,it needs abolishment, no secular country can claim to be secular if it has a waqf law.
Its not Farm laws where RSS restricted action, they will be beaten black n blue and end up rotting in jails for years to come.

Things have changed post riots in East Delhi , people have very low tolerance for these molana's now.

Waqf act doesn't need amendment ,it needs abolishment, no secular country can claim to be secular if it has a waqf law.
I don’t think you have any idea of what Wakf/waqf board is?

Islamically speaking when something is “Waqf” for a purpose. For example a rich person has two houses and he give one house for “Wakf” with condition of the property primarily being used for Islamic School or the mosque or whatever charitable work he decides. The property should remain for the same purpose as it was not the state property or of any institution.

According to this newspaper



So once they change the law or abolish Wakf. It will give Modi or anyone else the right to claim that so and so property belongs to someone else (temple, railway, my aunt’s deceased father)… and due to absence of Wakf board, it will bring forward Pandora box of cases and angry Muslim community
I don’t think you have any idea of what Wakf/waqf board is?

Islamically speaking when something is “Waqf” for a purpose. For example a rich person has two houses and he give one house for “Wakf” with condition of the property primarily being used for Islamic School or the mosque or whatever charitable work he decides. The property should remain for the same purpose as it was not the state property or of any institution.

According to this newspaper

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So once they change the law or abolish Wakf. It will give Modi anyone else the right to claim that so and so property belongs to someone else (temple, railway, my aunt’s deceased father)… and due to absence of Wakf board, it will bring forward Pandora box of cases and angry Muslim community
I don't care what waqf is in Islam...... i am talking about waqf act 1995 and its proposed amendments ...... and their need/validity in a secular country.

Its not that simple, their are common people muslims included whose properties are illegally occupied and claimed by waqf, they are forced to go to courts spend their hard earned money to claim their own properties, its an absolute harassment.

Govt is trying to bring relief to people through its amendments no amount of hooliganism will stop it.
No he didn't. Hindu-Muslims politics had started by Jinnah in India around 1935.

India is still a secular state. It is just abandoning muslim appeasement politics which hurted India's secular fabric for long. BJP is only talk about equality which hurts Muslims sentiments bcz there is not equality in sharia. So they play victim card and Congress and Co back them.
Modi is introducing UCC which provides equal rights to every indian.

Pardon me! What! Muslim city? There was no muslim city in Indian subcontinent. It was all done by Islamic invaders which need to be correct.
Not really , it was the British that institutionalized religious division in politics for a hundred years, particularly through the Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909, which introduced separate electorates and planted the seeds of perpetual hatred among hindus and muslims.

Islamic Invaders? Muslims have been living in the subcontinent for over a thousand years now.

Hindus dont "own" india . Vedic religions such as Hinduism and jainism were not native to india, they emerged around 1500 BCE with the migration of the Indo-Aryans. Many religions have come and gone in India. Buddhism was once the dominant religion in India under Ashoka empire. The whole notion of Hindutuva is based on lies.
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Not really , it was the British that institutionalized religious division in politics for a hundred years, particularly through the Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909, which introduced separate electorates and planted the seeds of perpetual hatred among hindus and muslims.

Islamic Invaders? Muslims have been living in the subcontinent for over a thousand years now.

Hindus dont "own" india . Vedic religions such as Hinduism and jainism were not native to india, they emerged around 1500 BCE with the migration of the Indo-Aryans. Many religions have come and gone in India. Buddhism was once the dominant religion in India under Ashoka empire. The whole notion of Hindutuva is based on lies.
Lol. This guy wants to rid India of its heritage, just to make muslims native to India.

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