Maulana Tauqeer : if 1% Muslims reach Delhi, Modi will have to flee"

Then he forbid the slaughter of Cow depriving them of their halal food

Then he renamed names of Muslim cities with Hindu names

Then he forbid the slaughter of Cow depriving them of their halal food
You need to update your sources of information please

Cow slaughter :

Article 48 of the Constitution of India directs the state to prohibit the slaughter of cows and calves, as well as other milch and draught cattle. It also states that the state should organize agriculture and animal husbandry in a scientific and modern manner.

Muslim Cities:

There are no cities based on religion , cities & nations get renamed based on local heritage , dynamics or demands all the time.

Example : Ceylon to Sri Lanka, Campbellpur to Attock, Layallpur to Faisalabad, Kishan Nagar to Islampura, Sita Road railway Station to Rehmani Nagar Railway Station etc
What is see is two paths for India. A pluralistic society based on cultural and communal harmoney, that fosters sustainable development and economic growth. Boosting India's soft power image and exponentially increasing foreign investment and exports. Like Singapore, Malaysia and other first world countries .

Or the current path, where a authoritarian pacifist regime, instigates communal tensions for short-terms political gains and ballots. Leading to political instability, infamy at world stage and eventual economic stagnation.

India has never been both, the supposed pluralistic society before 2014 ,saw biggest corruption cases across India, economic & policy stagnation and was highly communal in favor of the minorities, ex communal violence bill proposed by NAC.

The current so called authoritarian regime has given the highest political stability , renewed economic growth with communal rhetoric.

The Choice is between cultural values :-

where congress wants to impose a western political thought over a highly traditional/orthodox Hindu society and in process intends to divide them, while historically protecting the Muslim clergy (AIMPLB , WAQF).

BJP on the other hand at least banter to protect the basic values of this land even though BJP has done nothing in favor of the Hindu community ( even our temples are run by govt and are heavily taxed), people still have some hope.
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The current so called authoritarian regime has given the highest political stability , renewed economic growth with communal rhetoric.

The Choice is between cultural values :-

where congress wants to impose a western political thought over a highly traditional/orthodox Hindu society and in process intends to divide them, they have historically protected the Muslim clergy (AIMPLB , WAQF)

BJP on the other hand at least banter to protect the basic values of this land even though BJP has done nothing in favor of the Hindu community ( even our temples are run by govt and are heavily taxed), people still have some hope.

India was already on path to high economic growth way before the bjp goverment. Infact congress was doing way better economic growth wise.

Congress UPA (2004–2014): 7.7% average growth.
Modi BJP (2014–2024): 5.7% average growth.

Although BJP did really well for egaging foriegn investors. India was gonna attact forign investment eitherway . This was due its expanding middle class and skilled workforce. Wheels were already set in motion in the 90s. You cannot attribute economic India's resurgance to BJP.

Coming back to cultural values, investors dont give a hoot about them. They only care for political stablity. How is pissing off 200 million people in your country good for stability. The truth is that pacifism or alienation of entire segment of society has never worked , ever. Its a zero sum game.
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Your Muslim league demanded seperate electorates, the British accepted the demand and included it in their reform. What do you guys have in your history books eh?

True. But negligible in numbers largely along West coast of India or in today's Pakistan region.

Hindus don't own India in literal sense or philosophical sense? But anyway Hinduism, Jainism, Budhism originated in India makes it Indic religion. If you want to argue over it go ahead. But you'll not have historic evidence to back it up.
Buddhism Hinduism Jainism changed patronage. But most part of post bronze age history India was Hindu majority.
Yeah they demanded seperate electorates due to the fear of bieng marginalized and due to rise of Hindu nationalist organizations such as the Hindu Mahasabha ( Precursor to the modern RSS). Yeah we do have history books. Separate electorates were seen as a way to secure their representation in the legislative bodies. And here we are again after 100 years.. lessons were not learned

Western coasts?

7wf31ycmjivb1 (2).png
Yeah they demanded seperate electorates due to the fear of bieng marginalized and due to rise of Hindu nationalist organizations such as the Hindu Mahasabha
Failed at history again. Hindu Mahasabha founded in 1915 and were formed after a direct result of British agreeing to demands of Muslims especially the partition of Bengal in 05. This prompted the largely divided Hindus to form an organisation and 10 years later Hindu Mahasabha was formed (although it didn't unite Hindus in any way) RSS was found in 1925 so I don't get the reference of "modern RSS". Now the most important thing you missed is, these Hindu organization remained irrelevant until 1970s.
Yeah we do have history books. Separate electorates were seen as a way to secure their representation in the legislative bodies. And here we are again after 100 years..
Either change them or you study them better your time lines are way off.
Now you're self contradicting. You claimed the Morley Minto reform was the reason for the whole issue.
Western coasts?

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I see 1909 printed on Map, so it's 100 years old. There was no large scale presence of Muslims in India before the Mughals and yes, they largely lived along the western coast.
The only ones that want to "rid" india of its heritage is the deluded Hindu nationalists like you.

Hardline Hindu nationalists campaign against Taj Mahal Resentment over Muslim emperor building India’s most recognisable monument fuels campaign to push it to margins of history

Muslims have been living in India since 1300 years , and yet your deluded brain cant seem to fathom the possibility that those 200 million muslims arent foriegners.
No, its the deluded islamists who think that they are beholden to arab land and work against the betterment of their own fellow citizenry and nation. That's the problem. They don't see their ancestral religion as their own at some point. Let me be clear, india is land of vedic and dharmic civilizations, as such the existence of other schools of thought are welcomed but are not tolerated if they grow overbearing at the native religions. Nothing anyone can do about it.
Yeah they demanded seperate electorates due to the fear of bieng marginalized and due to rise of Hindu nationalist organizations such as the Hindu Mahasabha ( Precursor to the modern RSS). Yeah we do have history books. Separate electorates were seen as a way to secure their representation in the legislative bodies. And here we are again after 100 years.. lessons were not learned

Western coasts?

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What you are saying is not adding up. All India Muslim league was formed in 1906 and they demanded seperate electorate for Muslims and was granted in 1909. Hindu Maha Sabha was formed in 1915.
Yeah they demanded seperate electorates due to the fear of bieng marginalized and due to rise of Hindu nationalist organizations such as the Hindu Mahasabha ( Precursor to the modern RSS). Yeah we do have history books. Separate electorates were seen as a way to secure their representation in the legislative bodies. And here we are again after 100 years.. lessons were not learned

Western coasts?

View attachment 67836
At least learn the history. We will not let the others decide the fate of this land anymore.
The thing is, if Modi asks army from Ambala cant to crush them under tanks for threatning Indian government, I am 100% sure that Modi will become more popular and Indian Army will execute his orders willingly. This is very unlike Bangladesh.

A popular movement by Muslims in India will meet deadly force by the government. And majority of Indian population will support such an action.
The thing is, if Modi asks army from Ambala cant to crush them under tanks for threatning Indian government, I am 100% sure that Modi will become more popular and Indian Army will execute his orders willingly. This is very unlike Bangladesh.

A popular movement by Muslims in India will meet deadly force by the government. And majority of Indian population will support such an action.
Why would modi ask so many people to be crushed, Muslims as are not the problem, the problem is the religion leaders and their teachings, not all but some spread hate and they believe they are doing it for Islam.

Anyway more than 25% are non practicing name sake muslims in India and the numbers are increasing rapidly.
Why would modi ask so many people to be crushed, Muslims as are not the problem, the problem is the religion leaders and their teachings, not all but some spread hate and they believe they are doing it for Islam.

Anyway more than 25% are non practicing name sake muslims in India and the numbers are increasing rapidly.
The assumption was a Bangladesh like "uprising" by Muslims, which is what that Maulana was insinuating.

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