Millions of Muslims in India protesting against Pujari who disrespected Prophet Mohammad

200 Million Muslims in India , it is a vast number
And a big political voice

Looking at the demographics in 2024

230 Million Muslims in Pakistan
200 Million Muslims in Bangladesh (East Pakisatan)
200-250 Million Muslims India

It is fair to say Population of Subcontinent was 50%-50%
At time of partition

I always wonder why during portion the map was drawn in such a wrong manner , 35% for Pakistan/Bangladesh and 65% Resources to India

Since we are 2024 , we can't redraw the map , but the 200-250 Million Muslims in india do have a political voice
He didn’t mention Muhammad by name; he simply stated that any 54-year-old man having niqah with a 6-year-old girl is a pedophile and criminal, and could never be a prophet of God.
Even if he named Prophet, is not blasphemy. Bcz it is written in hadees. Quoted by many islamic scholars already. Why Muslims have issue everytime if any non muslim quote from Islamic holy book? But if any Islamic scholar quote the same they chant "shubhanallah".
What is the issue?
So That's why Religious debate is banned here? Bcz quoting something from book can hurt Muslim sentiments?
If Quran is the word of God, it must be spread without interference to all humans for good. But why Muslims sentiments hurts if someone quotes from it?
Instead of blaming others, why don’t Muslims revise and update Quran, just as Christians have done with the Bible?
The Qur'an is a message for all time, they are not quoting the Qur'an

Their is nothing in the Qur'an about this
Muslims in India are themselves questioning Quran and Muhammad. In fact, there is a political party of ex-Muslims in India.
Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world by a distance

When you are 2 billion and growing their will always be people coming and going, but Islam will continue to grow through massive conversion to islam and our young median age of population

Islam is the last bastion of faith family values and culture left in the world
Instead of blaming others, why don’t Muslims revise and update Quran, just as Christians have done with the Bible?
No . they just can't. .. It is blasphemy even if you talk about reform the holy book. You can't minus or add anything in it.
Correct, there was NO VOTE for everyone except Muslims. No one asked Muslims to stay. And yet stayed they did in a non-Muslim country, amongst "enemy" as you call them. Can you explain why? Not only they stayed, they were given separate civil laws to not feel "alienated". Past Muslim rulers were glorified in history to give them a sense of ownership. Funny, right! Just imagine how stupid this Hindu majority must be, treating their "enemy" so well!

No to stop India disintegrating, they said to all Indians that ONE INDIA will represent all

Jinnah knew it was bullshit

Indian Muslims believed it, same as Sikhs and others

Now they just push the hindutva narrative and the state just pushes Hindu crap and nothing more

Hundreds of millions of people are unrepresented by the Hindu state and when that happens you need a independence movement
No to stop India disintegrating, they said to all Indians that ONE INDIA will represent all

Jinnah knew it was bullshit

Indian Muslims believed it, same as Sikhs and others

Now they just push the hindutva narrative and the state just pushes Hindu crap and nothing more

Hundreds of millions of people are unrepresented by the Hindu state and when that happens you need a independence movement

Nonsense. There was bigger support for creation of Pakistan from Muslims living in India vs those living in Pakistan (from modern perspective). Stop using the term Indian Muslims because it had no meaning in 1940s.

You are constantly repeating the same nonsense.
No . they just can't. .. It is blasphemy even if you talk about reform the holy book. You can't minus or add anyth

It is not bcz of conversion. It is bcz Muslims have high birth rate compare than other.
I think not even one precent convert to islam after researching or reading it completely with meaning. Actually no one can convert to Islam after reading researching completely.

Islam has a massive amount of new converts across the world, in every nation, it's the only faith that's remained true to it's core values and beliefs and won't bend to anything else

That's has a massive draw

In a world of delusional women and men , Islam is about to become the only family orientated faith out there
Agreed. It can't be Hinduism or Budhism. Reforms are not allowed in Islam. You can be a Muslim or non muslim. Not reformist or moderate muslim.

The first right thing you said, islam is supposed to be a CONSTANT throughout time and society

If you allow it to bend to societal whims or let me change and add to it then whatever society comes can just change to justify whatever weirdness or LGBT crap or delusional bullshit they want,

You know like you guys do
No civilized country would ever allow pedophilia. While Muslims in India may protest, if they believe that the Indian state will bow to demands of permitting such acts, it will never happen.
It's freedom struggle for independence away from a enemy
Wait did I miss something, massive protest? I went from Thane to Airport and saw nothing 🤔
At the time Muslims were real Muslims an army of a few thousand could conquer India and rule it for 7-8 centuries with a Muslim: Hindu ratio of 1 : 1,000

Today there are 650 million Muslims of Hindustan and 1.1 billion Hindus. That’s a ratio of 1 : 1.7 and still the Hindus are ruling over them.

What a shameful situation.

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