Millions of Muslims in India protesting against Pujari who disrespected Prophet Mohammad

At the time Muslims were real Muslims an army of a few thousand could conquer India and rule it for 7-8 centuries with a Muslim: Hindu ratio of 1 : 1,000

Today there are 650 million Muslims of Hindustan and 1.1 billion Hindus. That’s a ratio of 1 : 1.7 and still the Hindus are ruling over them.

What a shameful situation.

An army of even fewer brits captured all of India. You don't know anything about Indian history. All the nonsense I hear about Indian history is silly, if not downright hilarious.
Gawd dayum.. You didn't saw trillion bazillion muslim protestors .
Like, I wasn't aware of this whole news. I was there for a very short VC meet and it got cancelled. So meh didn't bother about stuff. Anyway why would this saffron guy put his life in danger lol! What's the whole context here?
These Muslims are labeling the Indian Constitution as blasphemous because it doesn’t permit pedophilia. What’s wrong with stating that any 54-year-old man having intercourse with a 6-year-old girl is a pedophile and criminal ? This is in line with the Indian Constitution and the laws of many countries, including several Muslim-majority nations.

1400 years ago people all over the world used to get their daughters/sons married at a younger age, people were poor and tribal, in the west girls aged 2 3 used to get married, in India up to 1949 it was allowed for girls to marry at 14 years of age and then increased to 15, Rome used to have minimum age for marriage 12.

Holy Prophet Peace be upon him stopped consummation of marriage till the girl reached puberty, same with boys, this was a revolutionary step, he also forbade marrying mothers, sisters, or 2 brothers marrying same woman, as the world progressed the marriage age as been increased and now it's around 18 years of age. Islam has no issue with this as long as people who reach puberty are happy with this and stay away from sexual relations, porn, masturbation.

Slavery was allowed 1400 years ago, but Prophet peace be upon him started with giving them rights and freedom, this was a revolutionary step which lead to abolition of slavery and mistreatment.

Rather than spread hate, it's better to know your own history, in Hindu culture, women committed satti if husband died, the Mughal Muslims banned this practise, the list can continue until we all get banned from PDF.
Even if he named Prophet, is not blasphemy. Bcz it is written in hadees. Quoted by many islamic scholars already. Why Muslims have issue everytime if any non muslim quote from Islamic holy book? But if any Islamic scholar quote the same they chant "shubhanallah".
What is the issue?
So That's why Religious debate is banned here? Bcz quoting something from book can hurt Muslim sentiments?
If Quran is the word of God, it must be spread without interference to all humans for good. But why Muslims sentiments hurts if someone quotes from it?

We don't get hurt, we know about our religion but you are using this to spread hate against Islam and our Prophet peace be upon him whilst ignoring your own history. Stop with your lies and cheap gutter propaganda
In India, a 14 year old got married to another 14 year old. Sati became a thing after Islamic invasion and it were British, under the request of Raja Ram Mohan Roy, who banned the ritual.
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Wait did I miss something, massive protest? I went from Thane to Airport and saw nothing 🤔
You don't see millions of muslims on the street? That's strange. Usually "trust me bro" - sources are very reliable.

You must be lying obviously!

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