New Wave of Refugees from Myanmar to Bangladesh

Junta is losing control all over the place. At the moment the resistance controls approximately 385.000 km2, that's around 57% of the entire country
A more generalized version of the situation in Myanmar, dividing the different faction up into NUG and its allies, the 3BHA, and neutral or ceasefire factions.1726261008012.png
The junta will most likely lose all the Shan state if uwsa decides to enter the conflict.
we cannot let these fools into our country... please don't repeat the same bs hasina did
I think Bangladesh needs to evolve an effective and multifaceted strategy to deal with the issue. It cannot be solved merely by having ‘ramped up vigilance at its border with Myanmar’.

By blocking or denying entry of the refugees, Bangladesh is depriving itself of a useful leverage. Normally refugees are one of the most effective assets in the defense policy of a state. You know what it means?

Second, Bangladesh needs to launch a diplomatic offensive against the oppression of Burma’s Muslims. It should constructively engage China, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Malysia to bring diplomatic pressure of the military junta of Myanmar. It should be much more active at the UN platforms and, with the help of friendly and sympathetic states, bring resolutions against the genocide of the Muslim minority in Myanmar.

Lastly, Bangladesh needs to actively support the Muslim fighters with training, logistics, intelligence, and moral assistance. Bangladesh needs to help them in creating the right perception in the world to counter the indifference currently being shown by the international community at large.

China's policy is no internal interference in another country

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