Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Pakistan’s UN Ambassador Munir Akram on Wednesday warned the UN Security Council of a “serious threat of terrorism within and from Afghanistan”, emphasising that Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was fast emerging as an “umbrella organisation” with potential of causing regional destabilisation.

The banned TTP, a separate group but aligned with the Afghan Taliban, had escalated attacks on Pakistani security forces since breaking a fragile ceasefire agreement with the then-government in November 2022.

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Pakistan’s UN Ambassador Munir Akram on Wednesday warned the UN Security Council of a “serious threat of terrorism within and from Afghanistan”, emphasising that Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was fast emerging as an “umbrella organisation” with potential of causing regional destabilisation.

The banned TTP, a separate group but aligned with the Afghan Taliban, had escalated attacks on Pakistani security forces since breaking a fragile ceasefire agreement with the then-government in November 2022.

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Afghan talibans are toast without sancuteries country in the region is going to give them one ..... ground is being prepared at the diplomatic and military levels to send them to heavens .
Cross-border firing

Earlier on Thursday night, a security official was martyred, and two others were injured in cross-border firing allegedly by the Afghan forces, sources told Dawn.

The attack took place at the Ghulam Khan border in Waziristan.

According to sources, the Pakistani forces retaliated to the attack.

The martyred and wounded security officials were shifted to a hospital in Miramshah.

The border was later closed for vehicular movement, sources added.

The country has lately witnessed a sharp uptick in the number of attacks targeting security forces, other law enforcement agencies, and security checkpoints, particularly in Balochistan and KP.

Attacks escalated after the outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan broke a ceasefire agreement with the government in 2022 and vowed to target security forces.

Pazir Gul in North Waziristan also contributed to this report

Published in Dawn, September 21st, 2024
🔺Border Clash at Pak-Afghan Border: Infiltration Foiled

▪️September 22, 2024
▪️Location: Kundau Post, Shahi Kot, Tehsil Brawal, Pak-Afghan Border

At approximately 0915 hours today, a confrontation erupted between Pakistani border troops and armed terrorists attempting to infiltrate from the Afghan side at the Kundau Post in Shahi Kot, Tehsil Brawal.

🔺The attackers were reportedly backed by Afghan border troops.

During the exchange of fire, Pakistani soldier Yunus sustained serious injuries. Despite efforts to save him, he tragically succumbed to his wounds.

🔺The Pakistani forces successfully repelled the infiltration attempt, inflicting heavy casualties on both the terrorists and the Afghan border troops assisting them.


Eagle Eye

Identification of Afghan Terrorist's in Successful Pakistani Security Operation Reveals Strong Taliban-Fittana al-Khwarij Nexus"

On September 26, 2024, Pakistani security forces conducted a successful operation in the Razmak area of North Waziristan, killing eight terrorists.

Among them, Jalal, son of Nimatullah, was identified as an Afghan national from Birmal, Paktika province, with an Afghan identity card found in his possession.

Another slain terrorist, Saifullah, son of Deen Faraz, was linked to the Gul Bahadur group of Fitnah al-Khawarij, with an Afghan-issued weapons permit, further proving his freedom of movement and armament in Afghanistan.

This operation adds to the growing body of evidence confirming Afghan Taliban's direct involvement in fostering terrorism in Pakistan since their 2021 takeover.

Border clashes at the border again, this time between Afghanistan Nangarhar's Goshta district, Kunar's Khas kunar district and on Pakistan's side at Upper Mohmand district. Source claims clashes started (25th September 2024) and resumed today.

Cause, officially unknown.
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Border clashes at the border again, this time between Afghanistan Nangarhar's Goshta district, Kunar's Khas kunar district and on Pakistan's side at Upper Mohmand district. Source claims clashes happen e yesterday (26th September 2024) and resumed today.

Cause, officially unknown.
One Taliban fighter was dispatched in the first round of clashes here, according to Afghan media IMG_20240927_195336.jpg



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