Pakistan General Elections 2024

I need to go to bed, but i'm sat here and on twitter trying to find out whats going on.
The real problem is the docile nation. Keep taking it like cattle.

The problem is that people like you cite Turkey as a reference. When the Turk citizens rose up, guess what happened? They got fucked. They got fucked so hard, that even the Pakistan friendly people their government were against that were in Pakistan at the time were deported to jails and execution.

They cried and did some demonstrations, but against military they were useless.

Turkish military only used high pressure water cannons against their citizens.

Now you want to compare Pakistan with that debacle?

People in Pakistan don’t even have human rights. Pakistani military is way stronger with a much bigger infrastructure than
Turkish army.

While Turkey has some semblance of government, for us there never was. Even if a segment of Pakistani soldiers rebelled against PA, they would get fucked. Honestly. PA as an institution is almost as strong as US military with nobody to challenge them.
The problem is that people like you cite Turkey as a reference. When the Turk citizens rose up, guess what happened? They got fucked. They got fucked so hard that even the Pakistan friendly people they were against that were in Pakistan were deported to jails and execution.

They cried and did some demonstrations, but against military they were useless.

Turkish military only used high pressure water cannons against their citizens.

Now you want to compare Pakistan with that debacle?

People in Pakistan don’t even have human rights. Pakistani military is way stronger with a much bigger infrastructure than
Turkish army.

While Turkey has some semblance of government, for us there never was. Even if a segment of Pakistani soldiers rebelled against PA, they would get fucked. Honestly. PA as an institution is almost as strong as US military with nobody to challenge them.
I didn’t cite Turkey and I don’t know why you wrote a whole thesis on that. We have our own dynamics, but we are docile, historically.
I didn’t cite Turkey and I don’t know why you wrote a whole thesis on that. We have our own dynamics, but we are docile, historically.
Let’s see how it goes. Many thought people will not turn out to vote but were proven wrong.

Army generals can continue to think people will not respond but things change in a heartbeat
Armed rebellion would lead to disaster for all of us. It's a line that should not be crossed ever, but if it is, i fear we won't have a nation at the end of it. It's up to all parties to be responsible that it never comes to that. The greater power you yield, the greater your responsibility.

The state is fighting armed rebellion in Balochistan, it has fought armed rebellion in former FATA and Swat, the TTP still attack our state nearly daily - they should avoid bring that same hate to Punjab and Sindh. It might not happen overnight, but who knows when the final straw will be.

On that day, every single one of us will lose. Ask the people of Syria and Libya. They were forced into it, but they lost. Ask the Iraqi's, Afghans and Somali's, they fought amongst themselves - what did they gain?
I didn’t cite Turkey and I don’t know why you wrote a whole thesis on that. We have our own dynamics, but we are docile, historically.
Docile? What can even 100k people do against PA?

Many Pakistanis have taken bullets, assasinations/attempts etc..

It has yielded the same results. Only chance would be for someone in the PA to start an uprising.

To be honest, it doesn’t seem likely, because even the ones that have escaped the brainwash don’t want to act.

It would take a very courageous military leader from Pakistan Army to rescue Pakistan right now by taking power, delegating the power to the proper channels within government, and renouncing whatever power he may have.

Literally. That’s it.
The won but they lost lolx..... Nice try ...... Youthias will bring revolution ? Whos leader is rotting in jail for corruption and the rest of his team in enjoying vocation in other countries ...... hahaha
Youthias are million times better than Chuutiyas like you!

Corruption and Imran khan ?? LOLzz. Entire power of the state & military only had to get into his personal life & nikkah as they were unable to find even a single ruppee corruption. Imran khan is only leader of the country with zero properties outside Pakistan. No business outside Pakistan. Shareefs have their entire businesses & real estate worth 100s of millions of dollar outside Pak. Stolen from the country. Even their servants, peons had billions in their accounts. Shareef's reply was that we don't know who transferred these amounts. I feel sorry for evil mind likes you. Who will forever remain confused or are just evil by nature.
Docile? What can even 100k people do against PA?
PA is what it is because it was allowed due to past docility. It will become what it will be because of current docility. I am not saying anything should be done or not. I am just stating the things as they are. Neither anything will happen nor I am asking for anything to happen.
PA is what it is because it was allowed due to past docility. It will become what it will be because of current docility. I am not saying anything should be done or not. I am just stating the things as they are. Neither anything will happen nor I am asking for anything to happen.

What I am saying is that at this point, even if you wanted to do something with 100k Pakistanis at your back, you are not able to.

Pakistan Army is an enterprise. Depending on leadership, they are either good or bad, but you cannot challenge them.

Whether it is physically, via government or even international pressure.
Wow 😳😳😳😳😳😳

I will miss koi sharam koi haya

Good for women in politics

Seems Hamid mir was right..they will make some high end people loose to look the election credible
Youthias are million times better than Chuutiyas like you!

Corruption and Imran khan ?? LOLzz. Entire power of the state & military only had to get into his personal life & nikkah as they were unable to find even a single ruppee corruption. Imran khan is only leader of the country with zero properties outside Pakistan. No business outside Pakistan. Shareefs have their entire businesses & real estate worth 100s of millions of dollar outside Pak. Stolen from the country. Even their servants, peons had billions in their accounts. Shareef's reply was that we don't know who transferred these amounts. I feel sorry for evil mind likes you. Who will forever remain confused or are just evil by nature.
Lolx..... Keep dreaming the days of bot accounts and fake channels shehbaz gill and shehzad are over hahaha..... same old crap lolx .......

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