Pakistan General Elections 2024

What I am saying is that at this point, even if you wanted to do something with 100k Pakistanis at your back, you are not able to.

Pakistan Army is an enterprise. Depending on leadership, they are either good or bad, but you cannot challenge them.
And what I am saying is that my point is not even what you are answering. The situation is a function of entire history. The space was given over a long period but arising from the weakness of docility and acceptance of encroachments on the rights. What I am saying is, it is what it is and it has been so way beyond the formation of Pakistan.
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Election reflections

February 9, 2024

AND just like that, Election 2024 is over.

Lacklustre from the beginning, the exercise concluded with a whimper last evening. Amidst limited reporting due to the suspension of communication services, there were some reports of delays in the polling process and various violations of rules and the election code of conduct.

Thankfully, though, no major incidents of violence were reported and voting seems to have concluded in most places smoothly and uneventfully. It seems that all that remains now is the counting of votes and declaration of winners. As results trickle in overnight, we will learn how many chose to exercise their right to franchise on this historic occasion.

Till a clearer picture emerges, some reflections on the exercise: These elections had been critical for Pakistan for various important reasons. The country is mired in unprecedented economic and social challenges, which cannot be solved except by a stable government that enjoys strong public support for its decisions. Given its dependence on international assistance, it is also important for it to stabilise socially so that lenders and investors can feel safe about their decisions. With so many different forces pulling the country at its seams, it was almost good luck that a general election became due last year.

All that was needed was for the ECP to let candidates campaign without restrictions, prepare the grounds for a clean and non-controversial contest, assist the country’s adult population in freely exercising their right to self-determination, conduct a transparent count of their ballots, and quietly and respectfully bow out.

As history will bear witness, it failed on almost all of those counts.

From repeatedly delaying the elections on one pretext or the other to failing to protect the legitimacy of its last act, it betrayed its mandate by organising an exercise that will be remembered for all the wrong reasons.

It is difficult not to be disappointed: given the number of times the ECP hid behind the Constitution’s ‘free and fair’ condition to justify putting them off ‘till it was ready’, one would have imagined the exercise, whenever it was eventually held, would be largely irreproachable.

Of course, the blame does not lie with the ECP alone.

The caretaker government and the entire machinery of the state are equally culpable in robbing it of its sanctity. Their actions worsened political polarisation, and they did not know when to stop.

As a result, the exercise was doomed to controversy well before it began. It already seems clear that it will not provide any closure for the country’s political crisis. Crisis and instability will likely continue to plague the nation, with dissent kept in check through the use of fear tactics. It is a shame that such a momentous opportunity has been so carelessly lost.

Published in Dawn, February 9th, 2024
And what I am saying is that my point is not even what you are answering. The situation is a function of entire history. The space was given over a long period but arising from the weakness of docility and acceptance of encouragement on the rights. What I am saying is, it is what it is.

Right. You are saying since the people never challenged them, they are as strong as they are. I agree. In fact, we as the citizens of Pakistan inflated their power to such a point that we stopped questioning them because we thought their interests were for Pakistan.

Now we got the bitter reality check that whoever is COAS dictates the army and then nation. Everyone else does not matter.
It seems the fix is in...

Results are being turned 20000 vote victories are being reversed. NA55 pindi, Ayaz Amir Chakwal awarded to PMLN.

Mariam Aurangzeb who was nowhere to be seen suddenly doing press conferences.
Right. You are saying since the people never challenged them, they are as strong as they are. I agree. In fact, we as the citizens of Pakistan inflated their power to such a point that we stopped questioning them because we thought their interests were for Pakistan.

Now we got the bitter reality check that whoever is COAS dictates the army and then nation. Everyone else does not matter.
Exactly. It was just an observation of our state.
And to the PTI-supporter moderator .... Stop removing my posts while people are abusing on the same thread...... Stop trying to promote a narrative....... it is being noted down what you are trying to do.....
Note it down. You are one hell of a begairat and it must be in your genes.
Right. You are saying since the people never challenged them, they are as strong as they are. I agree. In fact, we as the citizens of Pakistan inflated their power to such a point that we stopped questioning them because we thought their interests were for Pakistan.

Now we got the butter reality check that whoever is COAS dictates the army and then nation. Everyone else does not matter.
What reality check?
People voted for Khan even after army branded him a traitor. what this election has shown is that awam controls its destiny and it has to believe it.

If people come on the streets and stage a peaceful protest you think army can force them back home? Out of 225 million even if 10 million come out generals will have no where to go.

many examples in the world and that’s how the revolution happens.
It seems the fix is in...

Results are being turned 20000 vote victories are being reversed. NA55 pindi, Ayaz Amir Chakwal awarded to PMLN.

Mariam Aurangzeb who was nowhere to be seen suddenly doing press conferences.
or maybe PTI was winning when only 20 % of the votes were counted. PTI and not whining about rigging is something that is universal.
or maybe PTI was winning when only 20 % of the votes were counted. PTI and not whining about rigging is something that is universal.
Only 20% votes counted even after 2am?
PTI had Form 45 on 150 seats.

So rural Sindh results are available and tabulated but urban Punjab & KHI not available?
Bro he might be all those things but he is incompetent as ****. Guy had buzdar as chief minister for the largest province. He's arrogant and populist as well and pro taliban.

Corruption is one metric and it doesn't decide the fate of countries. Every country has corruption, but competent people who get things done.
Corruption is not just one metric. A corrupt is haramda. Haramda doesn't care about anything but himself and can sell anything to the highest bidder. A leader of a nation need to be Corruption free we are still so much fkn behind due to these rats at helm and chootiyas like you.
And to the PTI-supporter moderator .... Stop removing my posts while people are abusing on the same thread...... Stop trying to promote a narrative....... it is being noted down what you are trying to do.....

Listen cyber-sipahi… how many more people can you kill, torture, rape?

I know you have a mother and sister at home. I’m sure you want them to be in good health and happy. So don’t threaten other people no matter what your ‘duty’ requires.

All Pakistani population dislikes military involvement in government. You are here to serve the nation and the people. If you want to act like tyrants and mercenaries, then you’ll you have to kill us all.

Keep stacking your list in jahanum for a paycheck.

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