Pakistan General Elections 2024

It's astounding to see how PTI declared itself the winner with only 20% of the results in and saying they secured 150 seats, just for them to loose those seats and start their campaign of rigging and asking people to come outside. Total hogwash and verbal diarrhea by some people.

As it was expected since last 2years if PTI won't win, they will say the elections was rigged. Complete clusterfuck
History tells us that it was Haram ibn Harams in GHQ who were meddling in & managing elections for PTI when they needed to cut PMLN to a size just like they are doing it right now.

There has only been one constant in Pakistans pathetic existence & that is Haram ibn Haram’s coercion, corruption & perversion of Pakistani society.
Yeah well they're restoring the order. Undoing what they did in 2018.

90% of the PTI awaam doesn't even accept that the fauj stole N mandate.
Well erstwhile East Pakistanis did & they are certainly in a better position than us right now.
Bangladesh is a Least Developed Country (LDC) and puppet state of India.

WoT has set Pakistan behind South Asia, because until the peak mid 2000s Pakistan had the best economy in South Asia.

If 20+ years of WoT happened at India or Bangladesh, rest assured those countries would be totally crippled.
This election was the last peaceful option.
What's left after this?
Posting this again here not for Patwari dungars but anyone with half a brain working.

These new election results being released are in direct contradiction with the Form 45 results.

These are just numbers they have made up without any physical votes to back up.

Form 45 is when polling agents of all political parties sign off on a result of a polling station at the end of the day.
I mean history tell us when PTI is winning there is no rigging but when it is loosing there is rigging and all the forces in the world are out to get them.

One of the reasons why we haven't progressed is because of PTI politics of street power and dharnas and vandalism and may 9 like events. All of this killed the FDI bhai. They even dissolved the assemblies. No one gives a shit about the FDI only kursi.
This is why a new social contract between the establishment, political parties and the public.

Just because PTI won the election (which hopefully “they” will come around to accepting for the sake of stability) doesn’t mean they can go back to how they ran their government before, especially in the realm of economics, but also in the realm of rule of law. You may not feel they have learned something from the last two years, but to do more of the same (and we can debate how much they actually did and what they have been accused of orchestrating later), but the point is the public wants an end to the status quo, and that includes how politics is done in the country.

If the PTI doesn’t perform, the public will take back the Kursi soon enough. The ball will be in PTI’s court and for them to lose. No more old rhetoric, but performance.

I know the emotions are raw, but the silver lining could be that PTI will have to live by all the rhetoric in their manifesto. No reprisals, no more holding grudges.
This is why a new social contract between the establishment, political parties and the public.

Just because PTI won the election doesn’t mean they can go back to how they ran their government before, especially in the realm of economics, but also in the realm of rule of law. You may not feel they have learned something from the last two years, but to do more of the same (and we can debate how much they actually did and what they have been accused of orchestrating later), but the point is the public wants an end to the status quo, and that includes how politics is done in the country.

If the PTI doesn’t perform, the public will take back the Kursi soon enough. The ball will be in PTI’s court and for them to lose. No more old rhetoric, but performance.

I know the emotions are raw, but the silver lining could be that PTI will have to live by all the rhetoric in their manifesto. No reprisals, no more holding grudges.
I am all for PTI doing all of this, but PTI is going to be a massive disappointment.
This election was the last peaceful option.
What's left after this?
PTI and its supporters need to accept reality. Politics is a dirty game, EVERY politician is a backstabber, liar, murderer, or/and child sex trafficker (yes, including Imran Khan - if only you could see the atrocities he approved against his political opponents...).

Pakistani voters, with their newly realised power, should educate themselves on policy and economics and vote based on performance, not ethnicity, tribe, personal benefits or "handsomeness." Otherwise you will get people like Altaf Hussein.
Yeah well they're restoring the order. Undoing what they did in 2018.

90% of the PTI awaam doesn't even accept that the fauj stole N mandate.

They are doing that by stealing another popular mandate once again. What kind of twisted **** logic is that ?

if that’s the case then why isn’t Bajwa, Hameed & co court martialed yet ?

Surely they ought to be charged under article 6 & hanged if that’s truly the case, right ?

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