Pakistan General Elections 2024

This is why a new social contract between the establishment, political parties and the public.

Just because PTI won the election (which hopefully “they” will come around to accepting for the sake of stability) doesn’t mean they can go back to how they ran their government before, especially in the realm of economics, but also in the realm of rule of law. You may not feel they have learned something from the last two years, but to do more of the same (and we can debate how much they actually did and what they have been accused of orchestrating later), but the point is the public wants an end to the status quo, and that includes how politics is done in the country.

If the PTI doesn’t perform, the public will take back the Kursi soon enough. The ball will be in PTI’s court and for them to lose. No more old rhetoric, but performance.

I know the emotions are raw, but the silver lining could be that PTI will have to live by all the rhetoric in their manifesto. No reprisals, no more holding grudges.
But PTI and its supporters cannot accept defeat fair and square.

Suppose after 3 years the economy is about to collapse and thus a (non-rigged) vote of no confidence is initiated against PTI.

PTI instead of resigning like most dignified politicians across the world do, will instead start the same drama of "Yahoodi Saazish, Amreeki Saazish, Fauji Saazish," and polarize the nation in times of economic hardship.

This is recipie for civil war which will result in the fall of the writ of state and feudal/tribal rule across the country. Is feudal rule really the end result PTI supporters want?
Congratulations to Ali Amin Gandapur on his victory.

Over 60 Million Pakistanis voted yesterday, overwhelmingly in support for the PTI candidates even with the massive rigging taking place.
As expected wardi remaking a 4k version of 71.
This time all those people who cheering wardi gang, saying boys doing Almighty's work in the pure land of Pakistan, will soon realise when reality will hit your family in the face it doesnt matter who is winning. It was People of Pakistan who voted for freedom to live, a decent and civil life for them and others after everything wardi supporters here sided with thugs ,sooner or later karma comes for everyone people. You have just destroyed your family future's and your kids rill reap these rewards.
Experts are saying, trend does not change, few seats can switch around.
Based on huge difference in Independent and PMLN etc winners, if this trend is changed than daal mae kuch kala hai.

News outlets are reporting results based on Form 45, which is official record of counted votes in polling stations.

baqi hum sab samajhdar hain.
Doesn't matter, sepoys have been around and in power through their colonial masters or directly for 270 years. They are not going away anytime soon as the qom continues to be dead sheep.
Step by step the are showing the sheep a way out.
1 previously all politicians were evil.
2 Military knows best.
People supported whomever Military supported not knowing the back dealings.
Just look in last 2 year what had happened, majority knows who is truly behind all problems.
Majority of youth hates Military and blames jerenals.
They have shown only way to survive is if you have the power, no justice no accountability.
At the time of Shah of iran had a very strong Military when domino starts to fall same script gone happen in Pakistan here last hope was election. And hunger for power will be the down fall

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