Pakistan General Elections 2024

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What are the Pak sources saying? This looks horrible, PTI is trailing PMLN. Al jazeera is maybe slower than local channels
In 71 the mil-establishment did not hand over power to the people.
In 2024 we are seeing a repeat performance.
God save us 🙏
In 2024 we are seeing a repeat performance.
God save us 🙏

ZA Bhutto was genuinely popular though. Sharif and Zardari outside of their confined zones are despised by the masses. This will end very badly if the establishment goes forward with the blatant rigging.
WTF is this last minute rigging to save nawaz...
How much of this is true?

I think That's why Imran Khan is asking for some form45, this might be hard copy of vote details written on paper infront of the party representatives inside the couting room.

I'm just drawing parallels from Indian couting room procedure, as I've been once a representative.
We all know that establishment doesn't want PTI to come into power. Hence this super massive rigging and changing results.

But to many, including PTI critics on media, just what a fight what an exceptional fight by PTI defying every odds, they have won the elections. Yes their 30% wining seats results will be changed but message is clear even to their opponents that who have the real support among masses. I don't see PDM-2 led govt to survive more than 2-3 years. IK needs to sort out some relations with establishment quietly now. Future is his, and his party!

And again, just what a fight ...will never forget yesterday in whole life. Imran Khan, a legend - a true super star and fighter.
Stealing people mandate is ripping the constitution and treason.
Had not results changed early morning today, PTI led candidates would had crossed 145+ mark easily. Many results will now be challenged in election tribunals since PTI candidates have form 45 signed by ROs as primarily results and where PTI candidates clearly in huge decisive lead as reported by nearly entire media. But we know that ECP and SC is in completely bed with generals so PTI will not get the justice. Nevertheless, we know, even PMLN/PPP/others know - who are the real winners.

Thumbs up for the PTI voters who flocked in huge numbers yesterday. What a fight!
I didn't vote yesterday even though all my friends and family voted

And looking at the way results are getting changed and elections have been rigged, I feel proud of my decision

I was not part of this circus that is called elections in Pakistan. Alhumdulillah

People might disagree with my decision but it is what it is. This election was a sham to begin with and remained one till the end

@Bilal @HRK
Yaar I would still have asked you to vote. Let them do the deed. Let Allah be the judge, in the end as a Muslim we know that which they believe to be a win is the worst loss they are buying for themselves.

Agarche But Hain Jamat Ki Astinon Mein
Mujhe Hai Hukm-e-Azan, La Ilaha Illallah

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