Pakistan General Elections 2024

Zardari for PM.

Bilawal for Punjab CM.

What a sight.
I think Bilawal wouldn't want to desert his Sindh based voters, it will hurt him in the long run. He would probably jsut become FM again.

If I were Bilawal I would fight for the PM post, otherwise threaten to support PTI from the outside to form a govt. PTI may not be compatible with PPP in the govt, but outside support would always be acceptable to IK.

This would make PML fall in line.
I think That's why Imran Khan is asking for some form45, this might be hard copy of vote details written on paper infront of the party representatives inside the couting room.

I'm just drawing parallels from Indian couting room procedure, as I've been once a representative.
Similar yes
I am all for PTI doing all of this, but PTI is going to be a massive disappointment.
They will be to some extent, but democracy is an evolutionary process. If the people get some, hopefully most of what the PTI politicians have promised it will mean life will improve just that much for the average person. With each successive government, if political parties are kept within the bounds of national interests (and stop making off hand remarks that hurt national interests) we are bound to improve rapidly (because Pakistan is so far behind, we are comparable to sub-Saharan African countries, and I can say this because I have many patients from sub-Saharan Africa and I see the same struggles).

with expectations so high, off course there will be disappointment, but think not of the politicians but the policies.

The one that I like is sustainable development; no more boom bust cycles and trying to get off the IMF cycle. It’s like me telling a patient to ease off the sweets, fix their diet, and go to the gym. It’s going to be painful but in the long run the patient will be healthier and have a better quality of life.
But PTI and its supporters cannot accept defeat fair and square.

Suppose after 3 years the economy is about to collapse and thus a (non-rigged) vote of no confidence is initiated against PTI.

PTI instead of resigning like most dignified politicians across the world do, will instead start the same drama of "Yahoodi Saazish, Amreeki Saazish, Fauji Saazish," and polarize the nation in times of economic hardship.

This is recipie for civil war which will result in the fall of the writ of state and feudal/tribal rule across the country. Is feudal rule really the end result PTI supporters want?

No prime minister has completed their full term. Politicians in power have made policy knowing the system could collapse at any time, leading to schizophrenic actions.

We need to move beyond the ruling party making all economic policy with their party interests in mind. This is why we get lopsided economic policy.

They may go berserk, it’s totally possible, but having gone through this process, if the system can guarantee the next polls on a schedule, then it will be less likely it will be seen again as an all or nothing episode, and we won’t get a repeat of there last two years.
In India the system has been changed long ago. All elections are done by EVM machines.
EVM machine software can be manipulated, so having a paper record as well is necessary.

In the US, I still vote via a paper ballot and the US population is larger than the Pakistani population.

So an EVM (that has software safeguards) with a paper record as well as a record for the voter to take home is probably the best.
In India the system has been changed long ago. All elections are done by EVM machines.
Yes this is what PTI wanted but the mil-establishment created hurdles and delays.
Quite depressing what Pakistan has become.

A certain institution going to this level to deny public mandate.

No party symbol, disparate independent candidates, leaders in jail, election process in disarray, mobile networks down, abduction of candidates, not allowing elections after 90 days, creating fakes to confuse voters, allowing absconders to contest elections.

I guess I am taking a break from all this for an indefinite period.

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