Pakistan General Elections 2024

For god's sake.. just put us under a marshal law.... why are we wasting this much money on useless elections.. only to get it wasted at the end.
This, i dont get these smoke and mirror games when everything is clear to see.
😂..hows yr he elections
Disclosing the final results of the national and provincial assemblies has become a state secret. Let's hope no FIRs are raised and all the politicians arrested for treason.
This, i dont get these smoke and mirror games when everything is clear to see.
There are people that have spent their whole careers to get to this point, so to lose and accept it quickly would mean to feel they wasted all the time and effort, and probably lots of money.

They have to go through the stages of grief.
Disclosing the final results of the national and provincial assemblies has become a state secret. Let's hope no FIRs are raised and all the politicians arrested for treason.

Ghaddars calling everyone else Ghaddar
Disclosing the final results of the national and provincial assemblies has become a state secret. Let's hope no FIRs are raised and all the politicians arrested for treason.
They won’t have to go far for IK ;)

He’s already in Adiala where he won 90% of the vote amongst the prisoners.
Look for the one leading the dance.
For Gods sake junior officers show some guts be men and remove your corrupt superiors
That would undermine good order and discipline, so they can’t do that. But to refuse an illegal order is something they could do.
Pakistan Army is using foul against its enemy Pakistan, while the people of Pakistan are attempting to establish rule of law in their rightful land using power of democracy and vote.
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The problem with PTI is it wants exactly this, an armed rebellion. A dysfunctional state is better than no state.

Honestly causing an armed rebellion for PTI or imran khan is bonkers. The guy is no che guvera or mandela. Ajeeb chutyia awaam hai
It's not about PTI or Imran Khan anymore, it's about being able to have a say. Look at the situation of most people in this country - they deserve basic dignity. The working class and lower middle class don't have enough food to eat, clean water to drink, access to healthcare, energy to heat or cool their homes - they can't even sleep at night during the summer due to the heat and the lack of electricity. That's basic human dignity that is being stripped off them.

The blatent rigging they are doing at the moment is just spitting in the faces of the people - you included. Whatever choice you made, if you made a choice - is worthless in their eyes. You don't have a right to an opinion in how this country is governed and whether the government is effective or not. That is what the rigging represents.

Alhamdulillah, i know that you are doing well in life, you will bare it and carry on, you will use your resources and your skills to make it work for you - but think about those who don't have that choice or capability. Think how frustrating it is for them.

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