Pakistan General Elections 2024

Where have you seen order and discipline up till now?

Apart from the fact that all the leeches are patiently waiting in line for their turn. This is the discipline they have been reduced to. One gets only few chances to get back the lost respect, sadly, the institution we all relied on, has left us speechless, de motivated, de moralized, isolated and in consequential in the grand scheme of matters.

All actions have equal and opposite reaction, My worry is, the holy cow might now be able to absorb the reaction this time.
That would undermine good order and discipline, so they can’t do that. But to refuse an illegal order is something they could do.
Not accepting decision of people of Pakistan is by far the biggest treachery. When military junta will learn to behave like an obedient & loyal organisation ? This is utterly disappointing. People of Pakistan have spoken. No need to change results.

It's not about PTI or Imran Khan anymore, it's about being able to have a say. Look at the situation of most people in this country - they deserve basic dignity. The working class and lower middle class don't have enough food to eat, clean water to drink, access to healthcare, energy to heat or cool their homes - they can't even sleep at night during the summer due to the heat and the lack of electricity. That's basic human dignity that is being stripped off them.

The blatent rigging they are doing at the moment is just spitting in the faces of the people - you included. Whatever choice you made, if you made a choice - is worthless in their eyes. You don't have a right to an opinion in how this country is governed and whether the government is effective or not. That is what the rigging represents.

Alhamdulillah, i know that you are doing well in life, you will bare it and carry on, you will use your resources and your skills to make it work for you - but think about those who don't have that choice or capability. Think how frustrating it is for them.
40% live below the poverty line.
And let's not forget the media and their role. They have an opportunity to speak out against the violations and riggings in a loud voice.

However, just take a look right now at the websites of Dawn, Express Tribune and Dunya News. Not one article about the widespread rigging and abuse despite the overwhelming evidence which should be reported on. That should be the lead story.

This tells you everything, that the Khaki Criminals now control both print and broadcast journalism in this country - and the country itself.
Where have you seen order and discipline up till now?

Apart from the fact that all the leeches are patiently waiting in line for their turn. This is the discipline they have been reduced to. One gets only few chances to get back the lost respect, sadly, the institution we all relied on, has left us speechless, de motivated, de moralized, isolated and in consequential in the grand scheme of matters.

All actions have equal and opposite reaction, My worry is, the holy cow might now be able to absorb the reaction this time.
They need a mechanism to accept and process this loss, allowing PTI back in power, and allowing economic reforms, but keep it from become a flood of demands by all that oppose the status quo. To prevent anarchy, in general and in the ranks. It was after the French Revolution that the new Republican army of France under napoleon went on to victory after victory; on the back of motivated troops and officers. So the Pakistani troops refusing the orders of the PML-N allied royalist officers is the only way to slow down the rigging and change the status quo, without causing a colonel’s coup as in many countries, that squanders all that is won through the ballot box.

If they read the writing on the wall, they should see that even they will come out better off once reform take place (in due course) and should welcome the change.
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They need a mechanism to accept and process this loss, allowing PTI back in power, and allowing economic reforms, but keep it from become a flood of demands by all that oppose the status quo. To prevent anarchy, in general and in the ranks. It was after the French Revolution that the new Republican army of France under napoleon went on to victory after victory; on the back of motivated troops and officers. So the Pakistani troops refusing the orders in favor of the PML-N royalist officers is the only way to slow down the rigging and change the status quo.

If they read the writing on the wall, they should see that even they will come out better off once reform take place (in due course) and should welcome the change.
Exactly.. stronger Pakistan.. means... stronger armed forces... but it's beyond me.. what line of thinking they are following... to make the country weak.. and then believe.. armed forces will remain strong...
Exactly.. stronger Pakistan.. means... stronger armed forces... but it's beyond me.. what line of thinking they are following... to make the country weak.. and then believe.. armed forces will remain strong...
I always said corruption exists everywhere and in every country, but the corrupt in Pakistan will wreck their country for a couple of thousand dollars.

Even their corruption is short sighted, instead of creating a strong robust economy which would mean more windfall for all those businesses they have created for themselves, they are content to drag the country down so that they can live in their little fiefdoms while 200 million plus suffer with next to nothing.

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