RAWALPINDI: Construction work on the long-anticipated Daducha Dam was formally launched on Friday after Punjab caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin laid the foundation stone for the project.
CM Naqvi inspected the site of the Daducha Dam project. He was given a briefing by the FWO officials on the construction of the dam. While talking with the media on this occasion, the Punjab CM stated that Rawalpindi city faces an acute shortage of water and the situation gets worse in summer as the shortfall reaches up to 60 MGD.
“We have got the work commenced on an emergency basis to address the shortage of water. This dam, being constructed at the cost of Rs14 billion, will meet a major chunk of water demand of the Rawalpindi city after its completion.”
It will provide 35 million gallons of clean drinking water daily to Rawalpindi.
“The long overdue problem of the residents of Rawalpindi will be resolved with the construction of Daducha Dam.”
The Punjab chief secretary and Rawalpindi commissioner have put in a great amount of hard work to get this project commenced, he said.
CM Naqvi informed that preparations are being made in Murree before snowfall in the winter season.
The state-of-the-art project, which will ensure a daily supply of 35 million gallons of water to the garrison city, will be completed in two years at a cost of over Rs14 billion, he added.
Frontier Works Organisation (FWO), the contract holder for the project, started working at the dam site after bringing machinery. The dam was proposed in 2001 and its contract was awarded to the FWO after 19 years, in 2020.
Daducha Dam is being built in Daducha, a small village on the outskirts of Rawalpindi. A total of 16,194 kanals of land have been acquired in Rawalpindi and Kallar Syedan for the construction of the project.
Farmers in Sindh and South Punjab are all set to get a new heat-resistant hybrid rice variety with high yield potential during the next season after the completion of its successful commercial trial in Larkana.
Yuan Longping High-Tech, a leading Chinese agricultural company and Guard Agricultural Research & Services (Pvt) Limited have conducted a successful commercial trial of their 14th Hybrid Rice variety In Sindh.
Compared to the previous varieties, the new one has the potential for more yield besides it is resistant to heat and lodging.
“The new variety has more yield potential. It is also heat tolerant which will help cope with the challenges posed by high temperatures and prolong summers. In collaboration with Yuan Longping High-Tech, we trialed this new variety for three years.
Now, it will be available for commercial plantation from the next season,” said Momin Ali Malik, Guard’s Seed Division Executive while talking to a group of journalists.
Journalists from Lahore also visited Larkana along with the Chinese and local scientists and witnessed the new variety near harvest.
Mr Tai, a representative of Yuan Longping High-Tech, said that it was the 14th variety being introduced with the Sino-Pak collaboration. He said that the new variety has more yield potential than the previous ones.
“Previous varieties have increased the production from 60-70 to 120 maunds per acre. The new variety is heat tolerant with the yield potential of more than 150 maunds per acre,” he said.
Guard started introducing hybrid rice technology to farmers in Sindh in the early 2000s after years of research and field trials in collaboration with China’s Yuan Longping High-Tech Agriculture company.
The efforts helped double per acre rice yield and boosted the farmers’ income leading to the alleviation of poverty in the rice-growing areas of Sindh and Southern Punjab.
The first artificial rain experiment took place in Lahore on Saturday to combat smog, Aaj News reported.
Caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab Mohsin Naqvi announced at a press conference that an artificial rain experiment had been successfully conducted in Lahore.
CM Naqvi explained that the UAE assisted in the orchestration of this unprecedented endeavor.
Naqvi described the process in detail, stating that 48 flares were let off for cloud seeding, with a focus on the Shahdara surroundings, and that rainfall was artificially induced throughout eleven Lahore areas.
Even as CM Punjab Mohsin Naqvi celebrated the first-ever artificial rain experiment in Lahore's success, he emphasised the careful planning that went into the project.
He thanked the Environment Department and the UAE team for their thorough review of the procedure, which produced the much-anticipated outcomes.
He noted that not a single rupee from Punjab's budget had gone into this ground-breaking accomplishment, and he gave the UAE government credit for helping to bring the artificial rain project to fruition.
LAHORE: A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed to transfer the management of Data Darbar Hospital to the Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF).
The signing ceremony took place at the Chief Minister’s Office in presence of Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi, Corps Commander Lahore Lt Gen Syed Aamer Raza and DG Anti-Narcotics Force Maj Gen Aneeq Ahmad Malik.
The signing parties, Secretary Health Punjab Ali Jan and Regional Director ANF Brig Sikandar Hayat Ch, signed the MoU.
According to the terms of the agreement, the ANF will oversee the rehabilitation and upgrading of Data Darbar Hospital. The hospital’s focus will be on the treatment and rehabilitation of individuals struggling with drug addiction.
Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi announced the dedicated allocation of Data Darbar Hospital for the rehabilitation of drug addicts.
LAHORE: On the special direction of Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi and keen interest, the first cancer hospital at the government level has been made operational in few months.
The CM inaugurated the Mayo Cancer Care Hospital at Manawan and while announcing to provide free treatment facility to the patients in the cancer hospital revealed that every patient will be provided free treatment and no patient suffering from any stage will be denied treatment in the first government cancer hospital.
For the time being, the cancer hospital comprises 100-beds and will be increased up to 1000-beds in coming few years.
The CM visited the cancer hospital and reviewed facilities being provided to the patients. He obtained token from the machine and ordered to simplify the automated system adding that besides English writing, Urdu writing should also be displayed on the token machine for the facilitation of the patients.
The CM reviewed treatment mechanism of the cancer patients and monitored the whole Chemotherapy mechanism. He visited the room for collecting blood samples and also planted a sapling in the lawn of the hospital.
He revealed that Chemotherapy and surgery will be carried out in the cancer hospital. All the administrative and financial affairs of the cancer hospital have been handed over entirely to the King Edward Medical College University. A state-of-the-art hospital has been built for the treatment of cancer patients at the government level.
He apprised that the cancer treatment is highly expensive which a common man cannot afford adding that free treatment will be provided to the patients in this hospital. It is a dire need of the people of Punjab to have a high-quality cancer hospital at the government level. It is the foremost responsibility of the government to provide a state of the art hospital for the cancer patients at the government level.
CM while addressing the inaugural ceremony of the Mayo Cancer Care Hospital apprised that the first complete cancer care hospital of Punjab has been established. No patient suffering from any cancer ailment will be denied treatment facilities in the Mayo Cancer Care Hospital.
Even the patient suffering from the last cancer stage will also be provided treatment facilities in the Mayo Cancer Care Hospital. It is highly deplorable for not having a complete hospital to provide cancer treatment facilities in a population of 13 crore. There were cancer department in the hospitals but there was not a single complete hospital.
Mohsin Naqvi stated that owing to few weeks of hard work, the Manawan Hospital has been turned into Mayo Cancer Care Hospital.
The government has established a cancer hospital and now it is the responsibility of the doctors and the staff to provide complete care to the cancer patients. If the doctors of cancer care hospital take the ownership then the hospital will earn a great name and fame.
CM directed to ensure care of the patients like being done in the private hospitals otherwise it will become a routine government hospital.
The doctors will have to take the ownership of the hospital for ensuring better treatment facilities. It is a great milestone to establish a complete hospital for the treatment of cancer patients in a big hospital of the big Punjab province. It will become a cancer hospital comprising 1000 beds by the Grace of Almighty in coming ten years.
The Cancer Care Hospital will be exemplary if the management succeeds in formulating a better system for the cancer treatment. The diagnosis of cancer is considered equal to giving death information. If the cancer patients are encouraged then their lives can be saved. If God forbid, anyone is diagnosed with cancer ailment then he must be aware about visiting the Mayo Cancer Hospital.
The government has established a hospital and provision of treatment and fulfilling other responsibilities is in the hands of the doctors. The doctors and the staff will have to adopt a professional attitude. The patients across Punjab will be provided free treatment facilities in the Mayo Cancer Care Hospital, he added.
Provincial Ministers Dr Javed Akram, Dr Jamal Nasir, Secretaries of SHC&ME, C&W, Commissioner Lahore, Special Secretary SHC&ME, VC KEMU, CEO and concerned officials were also present on the occasion.
I got called a "bitch a** ni**a" for saying that Elahi and SS's administrations were not as bad for Punjab. The administrations from 2000 to 2018 were not as incompetent as they are portrayed by PTI supporters (not for all of Pakistan, but specifically for Punjab—although the federal ones were inept). Despite the terrible growth rates we have witnessed since the late 2000s until now, compared to at least what came before them—the lost decade of the 90s and now instability of 2018-2023.
Over the years, I have bookmarked some of these articles, but now I have decided to gather all of these articles and graphs and copy paste them into crappy writeup of sorts- so they kinda follow a structure, highlighting the more important parts. This way, you don't have to read everything, just the highlighted parts and graphs to understand the gist of my main point.
We'll judge our provincial governments from 2000-2018 by three standards: education, health, and law & order, as that's the provincial domain.
This is my way of saying- its wrong to assume that they did nothing, they just sat around and people voted for them because ppl are "ghulams" of Elahi, SS style of politics (whatever that may entail)
We (or vast majority of Punjab) voted PTI for its anti-establishment stance, end to puppet PM's not sharifon, elahi (back in the day) ke ghulam crap
During the last 18 years every district of Punjab was given a main Gov hospital to serve the need of the district and serve as the heart of the larger healthcare system of that district - thats why the name District headquarter hospital before 2000s a lot of districts didn't have this facility
Before Rescue 1122 we had no EMS in Punjab nor fire brigade service
Think of all the road accidents and properties they saved, they were game changers during the flood relief efforts
It was started in 2004 and by 2018 not only was this service available in all districts of Punjab in some capacity but they were also training other provinces and countries due to their high professional standards
There's more to write here with the healthcard program, expansion of PHC unit program- all of these interventions had a direct impact from the lows of 80s,90s due to the expansion of our healthcare network through public private partnership in the 2000s and most of 2010s
All of it is here - look through it if you want - but you see Crazy % of catching up in the 2000s in almost every health metric from where we were before Elahi, Shehbaz times (from 70s,80s,90s our government really didn't give a crap if we truly look at the data)- as a sample example our child vaccination in the 90s was 35% now its at 80%, in the 90s only 13% of the women delivered babies at a health facilities now ⅔ women use a health care facility as our healthcare infrastructure has expanded a lot after the 2000s due to PPP model, there's more but its just to illustrate the larger point
Education from 2000 to 2018 (wont post everything just the more important parts, to not make it boring)
Bringing 13 million more children into school: Lessons from Punjab
Well, upon reflection, the reality is much more mixed when we consider the challenge of population growth.
Source: Authors estimations based on population censuses and household surveys (PSLM, HIES, DHS)
Source: Authors estimations based on population censuses and household surveys (PSLM, HIES, DHS)
Remarkably, the growth is largest for girls, with an estimated 24 percentage point increase in enrolment --versus 15 percentage points for boys. In other words, Punjab is quickly developing down the path of modernization.
Punjab followed randomized evidence, using data to track progress….
First, at the heart of these series of reforms was sustained political leadership and commitment to education. The Government of Punjab placed school access at the center of the education policy and in 2003, made education free for all at the point of access. This meant that students didn’t pay tuition and received free textbooks.
The Government of Punjab also made institutional changes, creating a monitoring and implementation arm that was independent from the education bureaucracy and devolving financing to district governments through performance-linked budgeting.
Pakistan is home to the most frenetic education reforms in the world
Reformers are trying to make up for generations of neglect
In April 2016, as part of its latest scheme, private providers took over the running of 1,000 of the government’s primary schools. Today the number is 4,300. By the end of this year, Mr Sharif has decreed, it will be 10,000. … Leaders of struggling districts are called to Lahore for what Allah Bakhsh Malik, Punjab’s education secretary, calls a “pep talk”. Asked what that entails, he responds: “Four words: F-I-R-E. It is survival of the fittest.” About 30% of district heads have been sacked for poor results in the past nine months, says Mr Malik. “We are working at Punjabi speed.”... The Punjab Education Foundation (PEF), another quasi-independent body, oversees some of the largest school-privatisation and school-voucher programmes in the world. It has a seat with the ministers and administrators at Mr Sharif’s quarterly meetings. The Punjab government no longer opens new schools; all growth is via these privately operated schools. Schools overseen by PEF now teach more than 3m children (an additional 11m or so in government schools)
…. The latest stocktake claimed an “unprecedented” 10% increase in primary-school enrolment since September 2016, an extra 68,000 teachers selected “on merit”, and a steady increase in the share of correct answers on a biannual test of literacy and numeracy. https://www.economist.com/briefing/...-most-frenetic-education-reforms-in-the-world
We are one of the few provinces where literacy rate is almost stagnant since 2018
In 2023 our literacy increased from 66.01 to 66.3 ONLY .02% increase
Our literacy rate in 2017 was 64.7% -so in 5-6 years we only increased by 1.6%!
2015-2018 % increase in literacy rate alone was around 3%, if you take it back to ‘98 it was around 46%- In 2018 around 65%
In those 2 decades our yearly % increase was around 1% or .95% specifically (by sheer numbers it was a lot but due to our high TFR especially back then, % wise it doesn't look as good) - but from 2018-2023 - overall cumulative total was just 1.6%.
From 1998 till now - Government of Panjab built 55 universities in total
From 1860-1998 our total universities were -35
So in 2 decades we built almost 1.5x more universities in Panjab than through out higher education history going all the way back to the british times (afaik these are HEC recognized ones only not every crappy private university throughout Punjab, that number higher)
In 2004 no pakistani university was in top 1000 now we have 4 from Punjab, 4 Islamabad - 10 overall (but tbh 80% credit goes to Musharaf admin here not CM’s, his HE reforms led to this but provinces still have a role to play in HE too although they were not responsible for these reforms)
If our IT exports grow to the much touted number of $10 B, you’ll see most of it will be from urban Punjab too because of the mush/Elahi era work on HE https://www.universityrankings.ch/results?ranking=QS®ion=World&year=2024&q=Pakistan
Law & order- Our sectarian violence came down from the highs of the 90s, The Punjabi Taliban phenomenon of 2010s was handled mostly by police, LEA’s(almost no direct army involvement), The katcha ke Dacoo are a menace in Punjab but they are not as powerful in districts of Punjab than they are compared to the same neighboring districts of Sindh with similar people, culture, geography, safe city project was launched first in Lahore - now its being expanded to 17 cities of Punjab and 2.5 million private cameras were also added in as well.
Metro train was the dumbest thing anyone could do but BRT was not as it was relatively cheap and a great public transportation service for a developing province.
We have BRT in 3 cities - Multan, Lahore, Pindi with Faisalabad one being planned.
Almost a million riders a day, if we keep expanding realitively inexpensive PT service than we can solve a lot of our urban transportation problems.
In 1995 our HDI levels were just above Balochistan and slightly above sindh by a decimal point, In 2021 our HDI levels are 3rd highest after AJK,slightly below GB. Amongst all 6-7 administrative unit including Islamabad,AJK from 1995- till 2021 we improved the most with 0.146 points. @PakCan@RazPaK@Meengla@Mr X@MS Sandhu@Mustang125
The Rawalpindi Ring Road is a major infrastructure project in Pakistan aimed at easing traffic congestion and promoting economic development in the Rawalpindi-Islamabad metropolitan area.
The project involves constructing a ring road around Rawalpindi city, connecting various areas and providing better connectivity to neighboring regions.
It is expected to improve transportation efficiency, reduce travel times, and spur urban growth along its route. However, like any large-scale infrastructure project,
The government is all set to construct five #expressways to connect major districts of the province, enhancing travel facilities for a significant portion of the population.
A sum of Rs139.5 billion has been approved for these projects by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz a few days ago. Minister for Communication and Works Sohaib Ahmed shared these plans He disclosed the details of these expressways:
1. Bahawalpur N5 to Jhangra Sharqi Interchange Expressway: 42 kilometres long with an amount of 13 billion.
2. Multan to Vehari Expressway: 93 kilometres long with an amount of Rs. 26.50 billion.
3. Chichawatni to PirMahal- Shorkot to Garhmahraja- ChowkAzam to Layyah Expressway: 199 kilometres long with an amount of Rs. 66 billion.
4. Sahiwal to Samundri Interchange Expressway: 57 kilometres long with an amount of Rs23 billion.
5. Faisalabad Chiniot to KamalPur Interchange to Tehsil Chowk Chiniot Expressway: 24 kilometres long with an amount of Rs11 billion.