Rafale M Deal: India and France to Fast-Track Negotiations After Elections

Yeah yeah whatever, you're puppy of west/USA to contain China and nothing else

Puppy of the west that buys cheap russian oil despite criticism of USA and the west lecturing us you are supporting russian war against uk
Puppy that currently has strong relations with both USA and Russia two rivals and both Israel and the gulf States X avd even Iran again rivals
We march to our own beat nobody dictates to India
We are the furthest away from being puppy on this planet
Remember Indians saying this 10 years ago. Despite all this, PAF set to induct 5th Gen in a few years as IAF stays with 4th Gen. Riddle me that....
I see no 5 th gen fighter in the inventory of PAF in the upcoming years ,

Truth is that you have made a huge mistake in getting the j10 from China ,u should have acquired j11 ,j16 ar any other flanker series from Russia , this is one of the major capability that your don't have
In a war like situation your 18 block 52 f-16s will be hard pressed
I see no 5 th gen fighter in the inventory of PAF in the upcoming years ,

Truth is that you have made a huge mistake in getting the j10 from China ,u should have acquired j11 ,j16 ar any other flanker series from Russia , this is one of the major capability that your don't have
In a war like situation your 18 block 52 f-16s will be hard pressed

Not really important what you think, it was stated by ACM, I will take his word over the anonymous Indian guy on the internet. Hope you understand.
We must ALL collectively Pray to GOD almighty, for a War Soon

So that we can settle this IAF Vs PAF debate

This debate has been going on for 5 years , very sad thing

It is time for Closure 🤣

We don't have to do anything

PTIans will do the job for us
Have you seen what IK has been tweeting recently

He is thinking of himself as the next BangaBandhu

It's popcorn time for us
Not really important what you think, it was stated by ACM, I will take his word over the anonymous Indian guy on the internet. Hope you understand.

Your Forex reserves is at 9 billion USD
which includes the forex with banks

Pls explain how you will come up with 4 billion USD for Some 30 J31CE

Franky , the Saudis and UAE won't be happy if their donations are used for Arms purchase
Your Forex reserves is at 9 billion USD
which includes the forex with banks

Pls explain how you will come up with 4 billion USD for Some 30 J31CE

Franky , the Saudis and UAE won't be happy if their donations are used for Arms purchase

Saudi and UAE donations have been used to support the Pakistan military for around 50 years. This shows a real lack of understanding about Pakistan's relationship withh some Arab countries.

I guess according to you then we will have to keep the receipts and handback

8 Hangor subs
10 Sea Sultans
6 Jinnah Class Frigates

Pakistan always seems to find a way, much as that may upset you.
What you mean to say is
Send better aircrafts

It was foolish to Send Mig21 up against F16s
That I agree

I really do not know if it was due to Abhi (who by all accounts seems to be a very decent fellow) or the MIG-21 Bison. Who knows. Neither us were in the cockpit that day....
Saudi and UAE donations have been used to support the Pakistan military for around 50 years. This shows a real lack of understanding about Pakistan's relationship withh some Arab countries.

I guess according to you then we will have to keep the receipts and handback

8 Hangor subs
10 Sea Sultans
6 Jinnah Class Frigates

Pakistan always seems to find a way, much as that may upset you.

Hangor class - Chinese loan
J10ce - Chinese loan

Jinnah class frigates are currently under design phase and are based on Turkish Milgem class Corvette
Indian Navy classifies these kinds of ship as Corvettes
They will unlikely match the 3000 ton Abhay class Next Gen Missile Corvettes under construction for Indian Navy

Sea sultan - 3 second hand aircraft’s purchased to be modified in turkey
It’s not a cutting edge ASW platform like it’s made out to be ,
It’s a 20 year old airframe with Fy2010 specs upgrade

All these discussions are futile

Pakistan has to pay back 25 billion USD next financial year

While their forex is at 9 billion USD

I don’t think Sharif can get this much money without signing away a valuable idara of Pakistan
Again, do it. Then we can talk … or since how many years the same peoples tell us what will be in x years and still nothing happend?

And the funniest part of your fan-boy claim is, that since how many years is India desperately trying to develop an UAV at least comparable to the good old Predator let alone anything more sophisticated and now your are buying for a heavy price tag Reapers in the US and still try to claim from CAD to service you will get an autonomous UCAV ready???

Really, try harder
The HAPS has already flown, it is one of the components of the CATS programme.
And the prototyping of loyal wingman is complete afaik.
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Hangor class - Chinese loan
J10ce - Chinese loan

Jinnah class frigates are currently under design phase and are based on Turkish Milgem class Corvette
Indian Navy classifies these kinds of ship as Corvettes
They will unlikely match the 3000 ton Abhay class Next Gen Missile Corvettes under construction for Indian Navy

Sea sultan - 3 second hand aircraft’s purchased to be modified in turkey
It’s not a cutting edge ASW platform like it’s made out to be ,
It’s a 20 year old airframe with Fy2010 specs upgrade

All these discussions are futile

Pakistan has to pay back 25 billion USD next financial year

While their forex is at 9 billion USD

I don’t think Sharif can get this much money without signing away a valuable idara of Pakistan

Airframe is not relevant, its the tech in it, no one knows exactly what that is, but typically you will make sweeping statements.

The fact that despite economic challenges Pakistan, through it's own means and support if allies, is surpassing India in many areas seems beyond your capability to comprephend. Let me give you just one example. With 10 Erieyes PAF can keep 3 permanently airborne to cover all of Pakistan, India has 3 Phalcon and 3 Netas. That is barely enough to cover it's western borders let alone China, but yeah, go on talking....its what you guys do best....

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