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Russian Air Force (VVS)


Nov 9, 2014
As it seems, Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) handed over the second and final batch in 2023 of new-build Su-57 multirole fighters to the Russian MoD (VKS). However it is not known, how many aircraft have been delivered in each batch.

via: https://uacrussia.ru/ru/press-cente...riynykh-istrebiteley-pyatogo-pokoleniya-su-57

RuAF Su-57 final batch 2023 - UAC - 5.jpg

For more images see:


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Has it achieved IOC? They need a full squadron of 18 planes for that.


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Dec 26, 2023
The ZALA Aero Group company showed its production of drones and a new version of the Russian kamikaze drones “Lancet”. The video was created by Alesandr Rogatkin. In order not to waste your time, we will tell you briefly, as always, and only about the published facts. As can be seen from the video, “Lancet” drones began to be produced on a huge scale, we are already talking about hundreds, and maybe thousands of drones. To expand production, the company simply bought a former shopping center and converted it for drone production, thanks to this, the production of Lancet drones was increased 50 times. The production area is 50 thousand square meters meters. The Lancet-1 and Lancet-3 drones that we are used to are officially called “Product 51”, which is a large drone, and “Product 52,” the designer of the Lancet drones, Alexander Zakharov, announced this. There are training classes at the production site, in which military personnel are taught to launch drones "Lancet" Well, now the most interesting thing, the new drone "Lancet", which is officially called "Product 53". Unfortunately, the answer to the main question of whether the warhead of the drone has been increased has never been answered. Now the new Lancet drone is equipped with a folding wing and is placed in a transport and launch container, from where it is launched. That is, time for preparation for launch is saved. Most likely, containers with drones will be installed on cars. Another main feature is that drones can now operate in a swarm, launched in a group, they exchange data and search for the target themselves. In my opinion, this is the most important thing, drones operating in a swarm are weapons of the near future that need to be developed. The designer reported that the drone is almost impossible to intercept using electronic warfare equipment. It is also noted that it is not critical if the drone falls into the hands of the enemy, the drone is software protected and it is impossible to use its technology.



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Dec 26, 2023
Footage of tests of a Russian interceptor drone armed with a 30 mm shotgun. The model of the drone and shotgun is not reported. According to the developer, this complex can defeat an enemy drone at a distance of up to 40 meters. A 200 gram shot produces a dense cloud of damage with a diameter of about 1.5 meters. The drone can also be used against ground targets.



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Dec 26, 2023
Since there is no topic about the Ethiopian army, I am posting it here. The Ethiopian Air Force has received Russian export Su-30K fighters. The ceremony of introducing the first two Su-30K aircraft into the Ethiopian Air Force took place last Tuesday, January 16. Russia previously supplied 18 Su-30K fighter jets to India in the second half of the 1990s. In 2008, India returned 18 Su-30K fighters to Russia under the “trade in” system, receiving new Su-30MKIs in return. In 2011, all aircraft were transported from India to Belarus to the 558th aircraft repair plant in Baranovichi. In 2013, 12 former Indian Su-30K fighters were purchased by Angola after modifications and repairs were carried out in Belarus. The Su-30K was developed in 1993 on the basis of the Su-27UB and is a transitional model to the Indian version of the Su-30MKI aircraft.



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Dec 26, 2023
The first Russian UAV Kor-112 made of plastic polymer. The Novosibirsk company OKB tested the Kor-112 heavy UAV. The Night Bird UAV is created according to the “flying wing” design, which allows the drone with a base weight of 21.5 kilograms to take off from any site or from water, without a catapult, with a take-off run of only 50 meters. The drone was successfully tested in cold weather of 37 degrees. The Kor-112 UAV is controlled by changing the thrust differential of the power plants. The efficiency of this method of taxiing is higher than that of the classic method with a deflectable plane, which allows you to control the drone not only in the air but also on the ground. To maintain flight, the thrust of one engine is sufficient, this allows you to return the drone if one of the drives fails. The drone is made of thermoplastic polymer, which has not been used before; any breakages or holes can be easily repaired on the drone using a soldering iron. The UAV is equipped with a cargo compartment with a hatch in the lower part of the fuselage, which allows it to accommodate any load weighing 13.5 kg, including ammunition. The drone is equipped with Chinese engines, but Russian ones can also be used in large-scale production. The company can produce up to 1,000 drones per month, currently producing 60. In an emergency, the drone returns to the starting point on its own. The estimated flight range of the drone is 30 kilometers, in repeater mode 60 kilometers and above, the drones change frequencies and transmit data to each other. The drone's flight time with an electric motor is 2.5 hours, with additional batteries up to 6 hours, with a gasoline engine 2 hours. The drone's flight altitude is 6 kilometers, speed is 215 km/h. The cargo compartment of the drone is 620 mm long, 160 mm high and 360 mm wide. The wingspan of the drone is 2700 mm, the length of the drone is 1200 mm.



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Dec 26, 2023
The Aeroscan company, part of the ZALA AERO group of companies, showed a promotional video with drones produced by the company. The video occasionally shows the new Russian kamikaze drone “Izdeliye-55” and the ZALA Z-16 reconnaissance drone. While little is known about the Lancet-55 loitering munition, the drone is equipped with four motors and continues the line of drones using the X-wing aerodynamic configuration of the Russian Lancet family of drones. The drone has a short range, is easy to operate and is absolutely safe for the operator. The Lancet-55 drone is launched from a container in the same way as the Lancet-53 drone, which we previously talked about. The drone displays an image of the target in Full HD in real time, with the choice of the optimal approach angle to the target. According to the developer, the main advantages of the drone are absolute invulnerability to electronic warfare equipment and complete safety of the operator.



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Dec 26, 2023
Russian troops began to receive modernized kamikaze drones “Cube”. ZALA AERO specialists, at the request of the Ministry of Defense, increased the weight of the UAV warhead and also carried out other work on it. In fact, now this is a completely different drone, significantly different from the one that was before. It is unknown how much the drone has changed, but it was previously reported. The drone is made of radio-absorbing materials and reaches speeds of up to 130 kilometers per hour, has a payload of 3 kilograms and a flight duration of 30 minutes. The advantages of the “Cube” drone are hidden launch, high precision bombing and ease of use. The kamikaze drone has a self-destruction function and an order cancellation system, when used, the UAV returns “to base.” Earlier, the Kalashnikov concern reported on the fulfillment of the state defense order for the supply of “Cube” loitering ammunition to the troops. At the same time it was announced that the production of drones had been doubled. The kamikaze drone "Cube" together with the drone "Lancet" were developed by ZALA AERO.



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Dec 26, 2023
Russian Be-12 seaplane drops bombs, review. The crews of the Be-12 anti-submarine amphibious aircraft and the Ka-29 helicopter of the Russian Black Sea Fleet conducted exercises over the Black Sea. The purpose of the exercise is to search for and counter enemy naval drones. In the video, a Be-12 Chaika turboprop amphibious aircraft bombed a mock enemy. The Ka-29 helicopter practiced firing at a sea target from a heavy machine gun. The Be-12 Seagull seaplane was built from 1963 to 1973 at the Taganrog Aviation Plant No. 86 named after. G.M. Dimitrov, a total of 142 aircraft were built. The Be-12 aircraft is still in limited service with the Russian Navy today. At the time of its creation, the Be-12 was the largest production amphibious aircraft in the world. The aircraft can carry anti-submarine bombs, torpedoes, mines, and a total of 24 weapons are used. The Be-12 is equipped with two AI-20D engines and is capable of speeds of up to 550 km/h, with a tactical range of up to 650 kilometers, and a maximum flight range of 4,000 kilometers. Weight of combat load is 3000 kilograms.



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Dec 26, 2023
Ultra-long-range missiles R-37M of Russian Su-57 aircraft. R-37M air-to-air missile, extra long range, export name of the RVV-BD missile. The R-37M missile was put into service in 2004 and was created on the basis of the R-33 missile, which we previously talked about. The Russian R-37M missile is designed primarily to destroy reconnaissance aircraft and jammer aircraft at long range. The missile now has no analogues, since the range of hitting targets, according to test results, reached 304 kilometers; according to experts, the missile can hit targets at a range of up to 400 kilometers. The R-37M or RVV-BD missile can be used by Mig-31BM, Su-57 and Su-35S aircraft. When using external target designation, Russian aircraft using these missiles at long range become invulnerable to enemy aircraft and air defense systems. It is possible that missiles were also used in Ukraine, but this was not officially reported. The missile guidance system is inertial, with radio correction up to 100 kilometers and active radar homing at the final part of the flight path, which is about 40 kilometers. The R-37M missile is capable of hitting targets flying at speeds of up to 2,500 km/h at altitudes of up to 25 kilometers. The length of the R-37M rocket is 4.2 meters, weight 600 kg, warhead weight - 60 kg, rocket service life - 8 years.



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Dec 26, 2023
The Russian Ka-226T transformable helicopter took off for the first time in Kolyma. One of the main advantages of the Ka-226T helicopter is its modular design. In 30 minutes, the helicopter can be converted into a passenger, cargo, ambulance, search and rescue and police version by replacing one module with another. The helicopter is resistant to side winds and has a high rate of climb; the coaxial design ensures compactness and high maneuverability. The helicopter continues to be improved; work is underway on a new modification of the Ka-226T helicopter, with the replacement of French Arrius 2G1 engines with more powerful Russian VK-650V engines. The cruising speed of the Ka-226T helicopter is 190 km/h, the rate of climb is 12.5 m/s, the flight altitude is up to 6100 meters, and the range is up to 475 km. Maximum take-off weight is 3600 kg, payload in the transport cabin is 785 kg. The helicopter can be operated by one to two pilots and can carry up to seven people.



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Dec 26, 2023
The Russian training aircraft UTS-800 made its first flight, the footage was published by the Ural Civil Aviation Plant. The aircraft is intended for training pilots of fighter and bomber aircraft. The UTS-800 is equipped with modern equipment, including a digital flight control system and a multifunctional display. Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced a competition designed to find a replacement for the foreign fleet of training aircraft; Yak-152 and UTS-800 aircraft took part in it. The aircraft is equipped with modern systems and is not inferior to foreign analogues in terms of payload, thrust-to-weight ratio and maneuverability. The aircraft's components are made in Russia, and the airframe itself is made of domestic composite materials. Currently, the UTS-800 is equipped with a General Electric H80 engine. It is planned that the aircraft will receive a Russian VK-800SM turboprop engine. The cost of a flight hour for a UTS-800 aircraft is about 25 thousand rubles or 285 dollars. The aircraft's cruising speed is 360 km/h, flight altitude is up to 8000 meters, maximum take-off weight is 2150 kg.



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Dec 26, 2023
An episode of testing by Russian military personnel of a drone equipped with the Russian Fagot ATGM. The Russian ATGM "Fagot" was put into service in 1970 and has a firing range of up to 3000 meters. In this case, it is impossible to hit targets at such a range, since the drone does not have ATGM guidance devices at the target. A drone with an ATGM installed can only be used at close range from the target. Perhaps the ATGM has control, since there is an unknown block on the back of it.



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Dec 26, 2023
Russian military personnel spoke about their experience in using the Supercam-S350 multi-purpose UAV and showed its assembly and launch. The Russian Supercam-S350 UAV is produced by the Unmanned Systems company.



Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Russian military personnel spoke about their experience in using the Supercam-S350 multi-purpose UAV and showed its assembly and launch. The Russian Supercam-S350 UAV is produced by the Unmanned Systems company.

It's interesting the propeller is in the front which enables it to be launched by hand.

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