The Dark Legacy of Former DG ISI Nadeem Anjum: A Tale of Constitutional Breaches and Human Rights Violations

Cash gk

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Sep 20, 2015
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Lt. General Nadeem Anjum, the former Director-General of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), is remembered for a highly controversial tenure. His time in office was marked by allegations of constitutional violations, political interference, and human rights abuses. Though he retired a year ago, he was granted a one-year extension, which recently ended. His role in various political events during this period left a lasting impact on Pakistan's democracy and public trust.

Nadeem Anjum’s appointment as DG ISI was contentious from the start. Former Prime Minister Imran Khan opposed his selection, but the then Chief of Army Staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, appointed him regardless. This decision went against the Prime Minister’s preference, setting the stage for growing tensions between the civilian government and the military.

A major controversy during Anjum’s tenure was his alleged involvement in the no-confidence vote that led to the removal of Imran Khan as Prime Minister in 2022. Many believe this political move was not only due to internal dynamics but also influenced by foreign pressure. There were claims that a U.S. official, Donald Lu, played a role in Khan's ouster and that the ISI under Anjum helped facilitate the process, signalling deep interference in Pakistan’s political scene.

After Khan’s removal, the constitution required new elections to be held within 90 days, but under Anjum’s leadership, these elections were delayed. The ISI, along with other state institutions, played a part in stalling the electoral process, a violation of Pakistan’s constitution. This delay left the country without a legitimate democratic government and deepened the political crisis.

In November 2022, Imran Khan survived a serious assassination attempt during a rally in Wazirabad. Despite being shot multiple times, he survived. Critics argue that such an attack could have been prevented if the intelligence agencies, including the ISI, had been more vigilant. Under Anjum’s leadership, the agency was accused of failing to protect a prominent political figure during a highly charged time, and some even speculated there was more than just negligence involved.

Throughout Anjum’s time as DG ISI, reports of human rights abuses became more frequent. Journalists were kidnapped, tortured, and, in some cases, killed. Political opponents and their families were allegedly abducted, detained without charge, and threatened. Some judges and members of parliament were also harassed, with their families held as leverage in some instances. The ISI, which should have been protecting national interests, was seen as enabling or even orchestrating these actions.

During the general elections, which eventually took place, the results were heavily contested. The PTI party, led by Imran Khan, reportedly won over two-thirds of the vote. However, the results appeared to have been manipulated to favour opposition parties that had received significantly fewer votes. The ISI’s alleged involvement in this election interference further damaged its credibility and undermined the public’s trust in Pakistan’s democratic system.

Anjum’s influence extended into the judiciary as well. Reports emerged that Supreme Court judges were blackmailed or coerced into making decisions that aligned with the military’s interests. Some judges were forced to resign under pressure. Toward the end of his extension, there were last-minute attempts to amend the constitution to weaken the judiciary further, moves that alarmed both the legal community and the public.

Under Nadeem Anjum’s leadership, the ISI, once regarded as a respected intelligence agency, suffered a severe blow to its reputation. Once viewed as the pride of Pakistan, public opinion turned dramatically against the ISI. Polls suggest that as many as 90% of Pakistanis now hold a negative view of the agency, a reflection of the deep damage done during Anjum’s time in office.

Nadeem Anjum’s tenure as DG ISI is seen as one of the most controversial in the agency’s history. His actions, or lack of action, severely tarnished the reputation of Pakistan’s intelligence community. Many hope that the new DG ISI will work to restore the institution’s integrity, but rebuilding public trust will take time. Until accountability is ensured for the wrongdoings during Anjum’s leadership, his legacy of political interference, corruption, and human rights violations will continue to cast a long shadow over Pakistan’s intelligence agency.
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