Top-10 Countries with the Lowest IQ in the World 2024

No shit …

Nepal is dumb because is 100% hindu

India was ruled by Muslims for a 1000 years and civilized it

Next time you see Taj mahal or the Red fort in Delhi think for a minute of technology and wealth of the empire that built it..

Hindus only have a clay dick to show for and absurd rituals
Both Hindus and Muslims in the north are shit, muslims are backward with more kids and stuck in the middle ages.. I'm from the south and we have had our own kingdoms, we have been ahead and are still ahead than rest of the country or for that matter even south asia including BD, Pak and SL...

Hindu or Muslim all you guys are shit, should have learnt a thing or two from your southern cousins
This is a clearly racist article. Your behavior in spreading this racist article is more abhorrent than the author of this article.

IQ itself is a specialized term for the modern scientific study of human education science and culture. It is only a partial assessment of an individual's attributes, and the benchmark for IQ is the average of Western educational, scientific, and cultural standards. But this benchmark is not the entirety of human culture.

Although the current human society has mastered a lot of advanced technology and culture, but there is still a lot of knowledge can not be explained by modern scientific and technological theories, IQ assessment for this part of the content is unable to assess.

For example, the meridian theory in Chinese medicine. Countless scientists all over the world have used all the means available to mankind, but they have not been able to find the “meridians” in the human body. However, when we use the meridian theory to treat diseases, it is very effective. These phenomena cannot be explained by modern science at all.
If a Chinese medicine expert who has never received modern education were to take an IQ test, it would be a very low value. What would be the result if a religious guru with no modern education were to take an IQ test?

There are many modern anecdotes about celebrities whose IQ is at the “retarded” level. This does not affect the respect people have for them. But to rank them by IQ is a typical discriminatory behavior.

@Musings Please step in and put a stop to this spread of racial discrimination!

Dunning-Kruger effect

You will find those that are low IQ themselves most obsessed with IQ (cheap clickbait need and their inability to first look into and analyse what the sample study even was and where the source data comes from and so on).

They have no understanding of importance of education to improve IQ and intelligence over time for every human population on planet they have long made some zero-sum racist, tribalist idiot thought process early in their head that makes it impossible to get past.

i.e the tabula rasa of the human species and what is to be built constructively with time and how from all we have learned so far. Their basic inability to grasp this in their spoiled brat need to put others down, to feel better about their own stupidity.

They want to keep putting their dumb circle peg in their dumb circle hole....and drool with other droolers wanting the same....and keep doing this repeatedly too.

Their infantile needs are funny to watch.
Nepal 🏆 has the lowest recorded average IQ of 42.99 !

Factors like poverty, limited access to quality education, and the rural nature of much of the population contribute to this score. Know the names of top-10 countries with the lowest IQ in the world as of 2024.

IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is a measure that tries to assess human intelligence through various cognitive tasks. It’s important to note that IQ does not necessarily reflect a person’s overall intelligence, creativity, or potential, as many factors such as education, socio-economic background, and cultural influences can affect IQ scores. Here are the top 10 countries with the lowest average IQ scores.

What is IQ?​

IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is a way to measure how smart someone is. It checks how well a person can solve problems, think, and remember things. Most people score between 85 and 115, with 100 being the average. It is often used in schools and by doctors to understand a person’s thinking skills.

How is IQ Measured?​

IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is assessed by evaluating an individual’s cognitive abilities. The main goal is to determine how a person’s mental development compares to what is expected at their age.

An IQ score below 70 is often considered a sign of intellectual disability, while an IQ above 130 places someone in the category of being highly gifted.

Top-10 Countries with the Lowest IQ in the World as of 2024​

Nepal, with an average IQ of 42.99, holds the title of the country with the lowest IQ in the world as of 2024, followed by Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guatemala.

Here is the list of top-10 countries with the lowest IQ in the world as of 2024:

View attachment 68058

Country with the Lowest IQ – Nepal​

Average IQ: 42.99

Nepal has the lowest recorded average IQ of 42.99. Factors like poverty, limited access to quality education, and the rural nature of much of the population contribute to this score. Educational improvements and better resources are essential for enhancing cognitive development in the country.

Second Lowest IQ Country – Liberia​

Average IQ: 45.07

Liberia’s average IQ is 45.07, one of the lowest globally. Years of civil war, widespread poverty, and a lack of proper educational infrastructure have severely impacted the nation’s cognitive growth, with many children lacking access to good schooling and basic learning tools.

more details and analysis here :


I guess #notALL oriental people are high IQ.. Nepal, wtf .. :unsure:

Africa, everyone knows the score, Guyana and those other south American places in the list have majority African populations :LOL:

@Lulldapull @Paitoo @vsdoc @Mrloveday .. pls tag more ! 🫡
Oh bhai I’ve met Africans who are geniuses academically, but I’ve also met hillbilly who were dumb as a bucket full of dicks!

What more to say here?
A good rule of thumb is that if a computer or AI can do something, then that is not a true gauge of intelligence. All it measures is rote memorization and simple pattern matching.

Humans are bad at memorizing lots and lots of data, so anyone who can rattle off lots of useless junk will seem smart, pass tests, and get good jobs.

Ironically, many of our tests and job qualifications are based on concepts which were formed before computers became widespread. Nowadays, most things can be looked up on a computer. The skill that is really valuable is the ability to ask the right questions to the computer.
Being able to compute large numbers in your human brain is a measure of intelligence. Now computers are better at it. It does not mean your human brain is dumb. But the economic value to the human brain is probably low because computing devices do it at a lower price point.
Both Hindus and Muslims in the north are shit, muslims are backward with more kids and stuck in the middle ages.. I'm from the south and we have had our own kingdoms, we have been ahead and are still ahead than rest of the country or for that matter even south asia including BD, Pak and SL...

Hindu or Muslim all you guys are shit, should have learnt a thing or two from your southern cousins

and what are 2M+ indians doing in GCC?...

learn from malu?....

You say all this nonsense yet Nepal has a huge Hindu majority with a teeny veeny baby IQ. These Hindus have all this advanced Aryan Wedic knowledge and they are the most low IQ group of the people on the planet. Vild saar
well let me tell you a fact that all the grammar of DEV NAGI LIPPI or current Hindi & snaskript Script was wriiten and compiled in whats SWAT velly today what dose that tell yopu about the people there but look at the people there today and there life style or educational standards so please keep your thunderringtyphoon sky hy sky rocketting IQ with yurself ;) :P
well let me tell you a fact that all the grammar of DEV NAGI LIPPI or current Hindi & snaskript Script was wriiten and compiled in whats SWAT velly today what dose that tell yopu about the people there but look at the people there today and there life style or educational standards so please keep your thunderringtyphoon sky hy sky rocketting IQ with yurself ;) :P
So what you're saying is the archaic language and culture you stupid baboons keep chimping over originated from my ancestors (since it is proven that we are the descendants of the Gandharan people) and that you cultureless and rootless clowns are wearing it like a skinsuit and degrading it.
So what you're saying is the archaic language and culture you stupid baboons keep chimping over originated from my ancestors (since it is proven that we are the descendants of the Gandharan people) and that you cultureless and rootless clowns are wearing it like a skinsuit and degrading it.
you seem to have comprihenssion issue where did i even mention Arabic script knowledge or culture ??

waise for starting

Arabic numerals, which are the ten digits from 0 to 9, originated in India. The numeral system known as Hindu-Arabic numerals was developed by Indian mathematicians around the 6th century CE. This system included the concept of zero and positional notation, which were significant advancements in mathematics.

The numerals were later transmitted to the Islamic world, where they were adopted and further developed by Arab scholars. The term "Arabic numerals" comes from this transmission, as these digits were introduced to Europe through translations of Arabic mathematical texts in the Middle Ages. Thus, while the system is often referred to as "Arabic," its origins can be traced back to Indian mathematics. between,Calculation with Hindu Numerals, c.

try to think before you write what i said was it was lands of whats KPK & current north west punjab that had been a centre or knowldege and learning for thousnads of years ..before so much educated and proporous guys came from Arabia in 7tth centuary and the people who lived here are all gone and look what they are doing to each other today ........ how hard that for you to understand
So what you're saying is the archaic language and culture you stupid baboons keep chimping over originated from my ancestors (since it is proven that we are the descendants of the Gandharan people) and that you cultureless and rootless clowns are wearing it like a skinsuit and degrading it.
I used to have very little interest in learning Sanskrit because I knew the only other people who converse in it are disgusting sex pests who commit acts of murder for cows. P words taunt Pakistanis about an identity crisis, but actually, the only reason we've been forced to distance ourself from the Indic world is because the current biggest representatives of it are freaks who think walking around nanga and munching disgusting gobar beef tallow prasads off a temple floor is the peak of civilization. P words will pretend they aren't disgusting people, but the rest of the world feels that way about you, and that's actually why you find yourself constantly bleating about racism and ewil Vesterners and Britishers disrespecting you and not seeing BHARAT's progress (it's not because of jealousy saar).

I will never forgive uncouth chimps like @Guru Dutt for tainting Indic identity and our heritage. Return to your Dravidian roots and let us be man.
I used to have very little interest in learning Sanskrit because I knew the only other people who converse in it are disgusting sex pests who commit acts of murder for cows. P words taunt Pakistanis about an identity crisis, but actually, the only reason we've been forced to distance ourself from the Indic world is because the current biggest representatives of it are freaks who think walking around nanga and munching disgusting gobar beef tallow prasads off a temple floor is the peak of civilization. P words will pretend they aren't disgusting people, but the rest of the world feels that way about you, and that's actually why you find yourself constantly bleating about racism and ewil Vesterners and Britishers disrespecting you and not seeing BHARAT's progress (it's not because of jealousy saar).

I will never forgive uncouth chimps like @Guru Dutt for tainting Indic identity and our heritage. Return to your Dravidian roots and let us be man.
I say this with no hatred whatsoever btw. I did some deep meditation to understand what exactly made me hate BHARAT so much, to unpack whether it was some secret internalized racism or inferiority complex (it wasn't), and I realized it's because of how disgustingly unaesthetic and ugly it is and how that ugliness constantly threatens to engulf our parts of the world. I don't deny Pakistan is backwards - it was the frontier region of South Asia, less developed and with more violence, but still lacking the spiritual ugliness and suffocation of Hinduism. We already have problems, we don't need that other nonsense along with it.

But nope, it's not enough you animals have Wishwaguru, you want our lands to be taken over by the same nasty practices so that we can also become stupid arrogant stinky scrawny timid runts who are disrespected by everyone.
Oh bhai I’ve met Africans who are geniuses academically, but I’ve also met hillbilly who were dumb as a bucket full of dicks!

What more to say here?

mai kya see...

there are exceptions, and there are rules

look around, bro, its not that hard :LOL:
Being able to compute large numbers in your human brain is a measure of intelligence. Now computers are better at it. It does not mean your human brain is dumb. But the economic value to the human brain is probably low because computing devices do it at a lower price point.

I never said the human brain is dumb, merely that it is evolutionarily adapted to do certain things well and not others.

Computing large numbers is a worthless skill in an evolutionary context so it is not common. People who do have that skill usually use tricks that probably did have some evolutionary advantage in other contexts.

Even with all the hype about AI, a computer is only a computer and the answers it gives will only be as good as the questions. The skill which will increasingly become valued will be the ability to ask the right questions to AI.

Amusingly, this was predicted by Isaac Asimov, my favorite science fiction author, in 1956, when computers were in their infancy, in his short story Jokester.

Early in the history of Multivac, it had become apparent that the bottleneck was the questioning procedure. Multivac could answer the problem of humanity, aIl the problems, if -- if it were asked meaningful questions. But as knowledge accumulated at an ever-faster rate, it became ever more difficult to locate those meaningful questions.

Reason alone wouldn't do. What was needed was a rare type of intuition; the same faculty of mind (only much more intensified) that made a grand master at chess. A mind was needed of the sort that could see through the quadrillions of chess patterns to find the one best move, and do it in a matter of minutes.
Reason alone wouldn't do. What was needed was a rare type of intuition; the same faculty of mind (only much more intensified) that made a grand master at chess. A mind was needed of the sort that could see through the quadrillions of chess patterns to find the one best move, and do it in a matter of minutes.

life is tougher than chess
I never said the human brain is dumb, merely that it is evolutionarily adapted to do certain things well and not others.

Computing large numbers is a worthless skill in an evolutionary context so it is not common. People who do have that skill usually use tricks that probably did have some evolutionary advantage in other contexts.

Even with all the hype about AI, a computer is only a computer and the answers it gives will only be as good as the questions. The skill which will increasingly become valued will be the ability to ask the right questions to AI.

Amusingly, this was predicted by Isaac Asimov, my favorite science fiction author, in 1956, when computers were in their infancy, in his short story Jokester.

Early in the history of Multivac, it had become apparent that the bottleneck was the questioning procedure. Multivac could answer the problem of humanity, aIl the problems, if -- if it were asked meaningful questions. But as knowledge accumulated at an ever-faster rate, it became ever more difficult to locate those meaningful questions.

Reason alone wouldn't do. What was needed was a rare type of intuition; the same faculty of mind (only much more intensified) that made a grand master at chess. A mind was needed of the sort that could see through the quadrillions of chess patterns to find the one best move, and do it in a matter of minutes.

I am contesting this statement of yours
A good rule of thumb is that if a computer or AI can do something, then that is not a true gauge of intelligence

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