Top-10 Countries with the Lowest IQ in the World 2024

Nepal 🏆 has the lowest recorded average IQ of 42.99 !

Factors like poverty, limited access to quality education, and the rural nature of much of the population contribute to this score. Know the names of top-10 countries with the lowest IQ in the world as of 2024.

IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is a measure that tries to assess human intelligence through various cognitive tasks. It’s important to note that IQ does not necessarily reflect a person’s overall intelligence, creativity, or potential, as many factors such as education, socio-economic background, and cultural influences can affect IQ scores. Here are the top 10 countries with the lowest average IQ scores.

What is IQ?​

IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is a way to measure how smart someone is. It checks how well a person can solve problems, think, and remember things. Most people score between 85 and 115, with 100 being the average. It is often used in schools and by doctors to understand a person’s thinking skills.

How is IQ Measured?​

IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is assessed by evaluating an individual’s cognitive abilities. The main goal is to determine how a person’s mental development compares to what is expected at their age.

An IQ score below 70 is often considered a sign of intellectual disability, while an IQ above 130 places someone in the category of being highly gifted.

Top-10 Countries with the Lowest IQ in the World as of 2024​

Nepal, with an average IQ of 42.99, holds the title of the country with the lowest IQ in the world as of 2024, followed by Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guatemala.

Here is the list of top-10 countries with the lowest IQ in the world as of 2024:

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Country with the Lowest IQ – Nepal​

Average IQ: 42.99

Nepal has the lowest recorded average IQ of 42.99. Factors like poverty, limited access to quality education, and the rural nature of much of the population contribute to this score. Educational improvements and better resources are essential for enhancing cognitive development in the country.

Second Lowest IQ Country – Liberia​

Average IQ: 45.07

Liberia’s average IQ is 45.07, one of the lowest globally. Years of civil war, widespread poverty, and a lack of proper educational infrastructure have severely impacted the nation’s cognitive growth, with many children lacking access to good schooling and basic learning tools.

more details and analysis here :


I guess #notALL oriental people are high IQ.. Nepal, wtf .. :unsure:

Africa, everyone knows the score, Guyana and those other south American places in the list have majority African populations :LOL:

@Lulldapull @Paitoo @vsdoc @Mrloveday .. pls tag more ! 🫡
IQ by what standards?
There is no set benchmark.
The major reason Westerners gave to colonise us was to "civilise" the barbarians. They deemed foreign cultures and practices as "inherently sub-par". It's not that international law and customs didn't exist for us Asians.

West only pulled ahead due to colonialism and slavery which led to rapid industrialization due to availability of cheap labour and a market to sell their goods.
Islam brought code of laws, morality and whole lot of wisdom for people who understood

Think - no cow pee drinking , women need not be burned when hubby dies , cleaning of body with water not poo, no use of foul language etc
Oh bhai they have all things you refer in your post it's a misconception that Islam brings these laws and ethics to the subcontinent
Why you think chanderguptmuria's kingdom and kingdom of ashoka had none of these laws and ethics? They were running large kingdoms like mughal empire without these laws and ethics so your theory is wrong and ridiculous/absurd that hindus had no rule of laws and ethics before arrival of Islam in the subcontinent lol

And do research history of the subcontinent before you post crap/nonsense here
Complicated question

Chinese at one point would have looked not very high iq post ww2 , one of the poorest places in the world

Yet now that have more people over 130-140iq than anyone and look at them now

That tells me your material and social conditions as well as the vision of your vanguard can lift everyone up

There is also an element of western supremacism in this notion

When orientals are seen to be on average smarter per the test what do the Euros say?

Where is your shakespeare or Mozart, you guys are mechanical....
Yea we don't claim umma chumma with all Hindus around the world, for us our national identity takes more importance... Our support to Citizens of other countries who happen to be Hindus is more of a lip service

Hmmm apparently you do with Bengali Hindus, though it looked forced

@Sharma Ji even the belief that intelligent people make an intelligent nation is a flawed one.

Subramania Swamy - Harvard & yale educated, taught at Harvard. Yale Profs considered him to be a Nobel probable. His contribution to Indian society- net negative and a disaster

Arnab Goswami- Cambridge educated. Boy where do I start with this fool.

Nimmo Tai- JNU . Crashed the economy.

Yes true point, being a good leader is a form of intelligence that's rare

Having self awareness is a type of emotional iq, this is very important for a harmonious society
Africans are at the bottom of the heap.

Desis ever so slightly better.

All types of Goras and orientals on top.

You can see it in our countries too..

@Lulldapull @vsdoc @r3alist @Guru Dutt @gbrchplndpjri @Hussain2216 @Paitoo @Mrloveday @Areesh
No you're wrong intelligence is not heritage of white and orientals, it's God's gifts to all humans, history proved it in past even some African tribal man think better than today’s top scientists if you give them proper education and resources to study and research
Hows about we all just go visit countries where whatever X group is dominant and decide for ourselves, shall we ?
No you're wrong intelligence is not heritage of white and orientals, it's God's gifts to all humans, history proved it in past even some African tribal man think better than today’s top scientists if you give them proper education and resources to study and research
Mean trend, not deviations and sparks.
I highly recommend ppl here read "Guns, germs and steel".. it shows how geography and other factors determined which region or societies could advance faster than others and dominate all aspects of human society
and what are 2M+ indians doing in GCC?...

learn from malu?....

Mallus are another useless group, work like crazy in the gulf but run with commie flags and trade unions in their own state..

I'm from both Tamil Nadu and Karnataka... We have some of the best social Indicators and our per capita state GDP is much higher than bimaru land and other neighbouring countries...

I don't care abt Hindus or muslims, all of them are useless buggers in south Asia apart from few pockets like my state that's ploughing ahead...
Africans are at the bottom of the heap.

Desis ever so slightly better.

All types of Goras and orientals on top.

You can see it in our countries too..

@Lulldapull @vsdoc @r3alist @Guru Dutt @gbrchplndpjri @Hussain2216 @Paitoo @Mrloveday @Areesh
Desis are only worse because our elite and their values have kept the vast majority of our people chained in serfdom. There's no other thing to it and I don't need to explain what those values are.

I'm someone who is personally very intelligent (it probably doesn't show much in my posts, because all my posts here are whimsical and not supposed be serious), but my ancestors were Kashmiri peasants. The only way they were able to escape their cruel fate was because of being forced to move to Punjab. There would have been no other way from my recent ancestor to move up in class and status. What does that tell you about their society?
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Desis are only worse because our elite and their values have kept the vast majority of our people chained in serfdom. There's no other thing to it and I don't need to explain what those values are.

I'm someone who is personally very intelligent (it probably doesn't show much in my posts, because all my posts here are whimsical and supposed be serious), but my ancestors were Kashmiri peasants. The only way they were able to escape their cruel fate was because of being forced to move to Punjab. There would have been no other way from my recent ancestor to move up in class and status. What does that tell you about their society?
I remember reading that they were identifying geniuses in Delhi slums. All that potential is currently going to waste because the elite of South Asia:
  1. Only get to rule because they are holdovers from old oppressive systems which were temporarily defeated and rendered defunct by the ultimate oppressive system of that time - the British empire and global capitalism
  2. Because they realize their current status in society is so precarious and it's only a matter of time before people realize the elaborate con which has been played on them for centuries. So they play games with religion and identity. It happens in Pakistan too, obviously.
  3. On top of all this, the elite constantly perpetuate propaganda against the majority by portraying them as genetic waste, as if the current state of our people isn't tied to the awful conditions which have been imposed on them for so long.

In short, I finally endorse Jamahir's political positions. We need a VERY bloody revolution, because right now, I see South Asia being behind a century compared to other parts of the world, and the gap will continue growing as countries like China progress even further.
@vasanthm You're radical Hindu scum. Calling Muslims backwards and uneducated when we know the discrimination and beatings they get from vile radical Hindu teachers at public schools. No different from the ewil Northies you're virtue signaling against.

And don't pretend your society is enlightened when caste rot and cruelty has fully permeated through it.

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