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UK Elections 2024: Labour Wins


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Sep 14, 2017
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I have no dog in the fight. But I think Starmer will be no better than Sunak. Sunak is a smart banker and knows all about creation of wealth. He was given a terrible hand in the form of Brexit and the consequent meltdown of British politics and nation. He is not blameless though. He should have used his financial smarts and warned British people that with Brexit, U.K. will sail down the Thames into the North Sea. Starmer may be a smart prosecutor but is wholly untrained in the art of creating wealth. He will not make things better in the next five years. You can take it to the bank.

Tories the party of fiscal competence? Remember Sunik was the chancellor. Between this and the money they've wasted giving their friends PPE contracts for non-existent or useless PPE? Billions stolen thru fraud written off under his furlough scheme . Highest taxes in over 70 years and nothing to show for it. Where has it all gone? And the Tories have the bare faced cheek to claim to be the party of fiscal responsibility. His election campaign all on immigration he was out of his depth from day one he took over number 10.


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May 7, 2024
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Tories the party of fiscal competence? Remember Sunik was the chancellor. Between this and the money they've wasted giving their friends PPE contracts for non-existent or useless PPE? Billions stolen thru fraud written off under his furlough scheme . Highest taxes in over 70 years and nothing to show for it. Where has it all gone? And the Tories have the bare faced cheek to claim to be the party of fiscal responsibility. His election campaign all on immigration he was out of his depth from day one he took over number 10.
Covid was a onetime event with no blueprint to follow. We have had plenty of malfeasance too. I think it is unfair to judge him on that. Elections are not for punishing past decisions, it is about future. The question for voters should be, will you be better off five years hence with Starmer instead of Sunak. On that, I am unequivocally a 'NO'.


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2017
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Covid was a onetime event with no blueprint to follow. We have had plenty of malfeasance too. I think it is unfair to judge him on that. Elections are not for punishing past decisions, it is about future. The question for voters should be, will you be better off five years hence with Starmer instead of Sunak. On that, I am unequivocally a 'NO'.

Who elected him......i know i didn't....?

Mistakes? He made them FFS He was part of the issue. Until very recently Sunak was the Chancellor of the UK or have people forgotten he is the one who been managing our economy to where it is today?? The issues we've seen recently are global and are a result of external forces, in some cases changes made twenty years ago. This is political chicanery. He's full of it. Austerity here we come.


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Apr 10, 2024
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Here's the thing.

Tories would lose whoever was the leader but there is another factor in why Reform has such a massive following.

Old-white racists have flocked to Farage as they simply could not bear to vote for the Hindu sepoy. Yes some would have done it anyway as they got disillusioned with Tory policies but there is also a racial factor at play here.

Hope the Indians like Braverman and Patel understand their place and stop thinking that being more white than whites is going to help in them being truly accepted.

Thing with indians is, is that like sunak, braverman and priti Patel, the indians honestly believe that their shared hatred of Islam and Muslims with white europeans will somehow merge the indians with the white european races and make them one. They will then set out to genocide the Mulsims of the world. What the indians don't realise is that ultimately the white europeans see indians like they see ALL non-whites. For now, they may use indians for Islamaphobia but they have the same disdain for indians. indians can never merge with the white european races.


Jun 23, 2011
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Starmer is a principled Zionist as this cuck is bringing his children up as Jews.

This Zionist shill should never have been Labour Leader but someone like Andy Burnham who actually resonates with people(has personality and charisma) and also is a much better human being.

However, still we have very powerful Labour figures like both Andy Burnham and Sadiq Khan to try to keep this muppet in check.

It will be an uphill battle but unless we support the principled dissenters in the Labour Party where it makes sense then there is little hope of changing government policy.
Steve Rotherham is also as good as Any Burnham - powerful manchester and Liverpool mayors. Saddens me that Corbyn was cut out of the party. A good man sidelined.


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May 7, 2024
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Who elected him......i know i didn't....?
In Westminster system, you never get to choose who is the P.M. The M.P.s elected him. If he didn't enjoy the confidence of M.P.s, someone could have brought a No Confidence motion and removed him, like it happened with the beloved Khan in Pakistan.
Mistakes? He made them FFS He was part of the issue. Until very recently Sunak was the Chancellor of the UK or have people forgotten he is the one who been managing our economy to where it is today?? The issues we've seen recently are global and are a result of external forces, in some cases changes made twenty years ago. This is political chicanery. He's full of it. Austerity here we come.
The voters who passed Brexit screwed the pooch. Not even the almighty can save U.K. now. Welcome 1970's (Pre-Thatcher era). Hello Stagflation. Your only good luck maybe you may get a younger king (and better-looking queen).


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2017
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1 really hope, Sunak, Starmer, Braverman, Cleverly are kicked out!!! Plus my local labour MP too!!!


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2017
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In Westminster system, you never get to choose who is the P.M. The M.P.s elected him. If he didn't enjoy the confidence of M.P.s, someone could have brought a No Confidence motion and removed him, like it happened with the beloved Khan in Pakistan.

The voters who passed Brexit screwed the pooch. Not even the almighty can save U.K. now. Welcome 1970's (Pre-Thatcher era). Hello Stagflation. Your only good luck maybe you may get a younger king (and better-looking queen).

He still was not our choice… he was / a stand in.

He’s a PM NOBODY VOTED FOR!!! No one voted for him his own party chose Liz Truss over him and she lost out to a lettuce. The way things are going for the Tories Rishi Sunak’s even going to lose his seat.


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2017
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In Westminster system, you never get to choose who is the P.M. The M.P.s elected him. If he didn't enjoy the confidence of M.P.s, someone could have brought a No Confidence motion and removed him, like it happened with the beloved Khan in Pakistan.

The voters who passed Brexit screwed the pooch. Not even the almighty can save U.K. now. Welcome 1970's (Pre-Thatcher era). Hello Stagflation. Your only good luck maybe you may get a younger king (and better-looking queen).

What a little weasel Sunak . Him and his vile Indian Mob need a criminal investigation and long jail sentences. I know Labour Party is bad, but when this guy and his radical colleagues like Suella Braveman call pro-Palestine "hate matches" and arrogantly demonised British citizens unequivocally supported Israel's genocide even against British lawyers warning of complicity in Israel's genocide in Gaza, they need to go. Your Indian people are a disgrace. I got nothing more to say to you.


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Dec 20, 2023
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Just back from the bookies
Conservatives 600-1 ...

Do like Election night , drinks snacks watching all night .

Wonder how many front benchers will remain , some say only two may .
first prime minister in history to lose his seat , it's predicted , another portillo moment renamed to Rishi forever remembered in history .

Corbyn to take Islington north , will love it .
Dianne Abbot speech
Galloway trickery speech
Keirs speech that his a toolsmans son again.
Farage blaming immigrants
Suella blaming immigrants
How many times laura will say unprecedented on BBC one .
SNP Result .

Bring it on ..


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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I really hope that Sunak loses his seat.

Have really developed a dislike of him as he went above the bare minimum required in his support of the genocide in Gaza.

Just was embarrassing watching him and won't forget his childish reply to that Muslim female Labour MP, who he accused in Parliament of being "Hamas" as she just asked a question about the genocide ongoing in Gaza. At that point he really degraded the position of PM.

If he loses his seat then that would be some justice as the humiliation of that would be with him till the day he dies.
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Senior Member
May 27, 2018
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I really hope that Sunak loses his seat.

Have really developed a dislike of him as he went above the bare minimum required in his support of the genocide in Gaza.

Just was embarrassing watching him and won't forget his childish reply to that Muslim female Labour MP, who he accused in Parliament of being "Hamas" as he just asked a question about the genocide ongoing in Gaza. At that point he really degraded the position of PM.

If he loses his seat then that would be some justice as the humiliation of that would be with him till the day he dies.

Agree - I want to see him lose his seat to. Will be first sitting PM to lose his seat. Let history be made tonight!


Senior Member
May 27, 2018
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Conservative down 240 stages, labour up 200 according to exit polls. Labour landslide it seems…… reform at 13.. majority of 170 if the exit polls are “truly reflective “


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Conservative down 240 stages, labour up 200 according to exit polls. Labour landslide it seems…… reform at 13.. majority of 170 if the exit polls are “truly reflective “

Exit polls suggest that Tories would get just over 100 seats and so Labour would get a majority of around 170.

Fingers crossed that Tories get under 100 and are in double digits!

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