US ON FULL ALERT!! The Hunt is on!! US Navy P8 Poseidon 'Sub hunter' is flying over the coast of Florida in search of rogue Russian submarine!!

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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US ON FULL ALERT!! The Hunt is on!! US Navy P8 Poseidon 'Sub hunter' is flying over the coast of Florida in search of rogue Russian submarine!!

The Russian Navy nuclear Submarine Kazan is 66 miles away from Florida coast, equipped with 4500-km Kalibr-M missiles, off the coast of Cuba!! New Cuban Missile Crisis.


US Civil Defense News
Hmm let me check what main stream US media is reporting

They don't report none of the stuff from actual war front
Hmm let me check what main stream US media is reporting

They don't report none of the stuff from actual war front

This Russian fleet has a nuclear submarine and Guided missile frigates, oil tanker. Its a small fleet went to Cuba for exercises. This is just a normal exercise / visit.

The nuclear submarine in the fleet is Yasen class, a 13,000 ton nuclear powered monster. Can carry 32 Oniks or Kalibr missiles. The real strength of russian navy is its submarine force. If ever Russia has a deadly intentions against US, then those submarines will not surface, those will remain at depths and won't even require to come that close or expose themselves.
Another US media report:

The submarine cannot be called rogue.

If it is 66 miles away and has 4500-km range Kalibr-M, how much worse is it that if it was 2000 km away. This is just sensationalism.
Russia has officially acknowledged a frigate only.
Though maybe a submarine is somewhere lurking near a US coast and putin is showing his middle finger to Biden. After all this russian show of power near a US border is all about what US is doing in Ukraine.
It’s a capable design, but the intention is not overtly hostile; the Russians are just signaling their displeasure. It’s when they surge many of this class to patrol boxes in the Atlantic and start conducting live missile drills with ordnance going down range, in undetectable and unpredictable manners, towards the US when the USN will get concerned.

This is also not the first time the Yasen or Yasen-M class subs have operated in the Atlantic.

This is just a training opportunity for the P-8s.

US ON FULL ALERT!! The Hunt is on!! US Navy P8 Poseidon 'Sub hunter' is flying over the coast of Florida in search of rogue Russian submarine!!

The Russian Navy nuclear Submarine Kazan is 66 miles away from Florida coast, equipped with 4500-km Kalibr-M missiles, off the coast of Cuba!! New Cuban Missile Crisis.


Ever heard of hunter killer submarines
Within a decade Chinese carrier strike groups will freely navigate around the US and Britain.

Blood thirsty Anglo saxons can't kill babies forever.

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