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Was Apollo 11 landing staged? Rumors about US mission resurface in China

Hamartia Antidote

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Nov 17, 2013
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The rumors began to circulate online after the successful launch of China’s Chang’e 6 unmanned space probe.

In the wake of the successful launch of China’s Chang’e 6 unmanned space probe on May 3, a new wave of rumors questioning the credibility of the U.S. Apollo manned lunar landings has swept Chinese social media.

Conspiracy theories about the Apollo moon missions have persisted since the late 1960s, and Chinese social media users in 2024 are the latest skeptics to spread them.

Below, AFCL debunks five of the most widespread rumors that have emerged since the launch of Chang’e 6.

Did Chang’e chief architect hint that the Apollo landing was staged?

Chang’e 6 chief architect Pei Zhaoyu was invited to be a guest analyst onto a special program aired by China’s state-run broadcaster CCTV on May 3, 2024.

At the one-hour and 40-minute mark of the program, Pei can be heard saying: “[it] had not found the Apollo basin.”

Apollo’s basin is a large crater near the southern pole on the far side of the moon that was discovered during the space age and later named in honor of the Apollo missions. Pei’s remark was later misinterpreted by Chinese online users as Pei challenging the veracity of the Apollo moon landings by stating that Chang’e 6 had not found any trace of the original Apollo 11 spacecraft in the basin.

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Chinese netizens misconstrued a statement from Chang’e chief architect to mean that the U.S. lunar landing was staged. (Screenshot/Weibo)

But the claim is false. The original context of Pei’s statement makes clear that he is responding to a question about the position on the moon’s surface where Chang’e 6 would land.

Furthermore, it was never intended that Chang’e 6 would land in the Apollo basin. Pei states at around the 24-minute and five-second mark into the program that Chang’e 6 would land near the Aitken basin on the the far side of the moon’s south pole, far away from the Apollo basin on the moon’s northern half.

Did U.S. astronauts admit that the landing was a hoax?

Online users on the Weibo social media platform said that the Apollo 11 landing had never happened, citing a remark by crew member Buzz Aldrin During an interview: “Because we didn’t go there.”

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Weibo netizens claim that a video shows astronaut Buzz Aldrin admitting the lunar landings never took place. In reality, Aldrin was saying that no missions to the moon have taken place since 1972. (Screenshot/Weibo)

But Aldrin was responding to questions about why no manned missions to the moon has occurred since 1972.

But a closer look at the interview shows that Aldrin was in fact saying that no manned mission had gone to the moon since 1972, not that the original Apollo missions had never visited the moon.

A similar claim was previously debunked by a fact-check organization Snopes.

Did a White House spokesperson say that the U.S. and China visited different moons?

A claim emerged in Chinese-language social media posts that White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre stated that the U.S. and China landed on two “different moons.” Those posts included a photo of her.

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Netizens claimed that White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said the U.S. and China landed on two “different moons.” (Screenshots/ X and Tiktok)

But keyword searches found no credible reports to back the claim.

Reverse image searches of the photo shared in the posts show that it was in fact taken by Reuters at a White House press conference on November 18, 2022, has nothing to do with the claim.

Photos of Karine accompanying the claims were lifted from a 2022 press briefing. (Screenshots/ Reuters and X)

Did the U.S. send fake lunar rocks to the Netherlands?

Several users of the Douyin social media platform claimed that the U.S. sent fake lunar rocks to the Netherlands, and that this was evidence that the moon landing was staged.

Several netizens on Douyin suspicious of the moon landings claimed that the U.S. sent fake lunar rocks to Holland. (Screenshot / Douyin)

The claim is partly false. The U.S. did send some fake lunar rocks to the Netherlands, but it does not show that the lunar landing was staged.

In August 2009, reports surfaced that a lunar rock on display at the Dutch national museum in Amsterdam was, in fact, an ancient piece of petrified wood. These reports have since been confirmed as true.

The museum acquired the object in 1988, allegedly brought back by the crew of Apollo 11 following the first moon mission in 1969 and gifted to the Netherlands later that year.

While the American broadcaster NBC reported that the U.S. Embassy in the Netherlands was investigating the matter, no information on any follow-up investigations has been found.

Thousands of undisputed samples of lunar rocks were collected by the six Apollo manned missions, many of which were later sent as gifts and are now on display in various countries, including China.

Have all of NASA’s records concerning the Apollo 11 mission been lost?

Some Weibo users claimed that all of NASA’s official documentation about the Apollo 11 mission had been lost, inferring that the disappearance of the information was a sign that the lunar landing had been staged.

Netizens claimed that all official information about the lunar missions had been lost. (Screenshot / Weibo)

But this claim is false. NASA’s official website contains both a general overview of the program as well as detailed information about the launch and subsequent activities of the lunar module.

In addition, for the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, NASA engineer Ben Feist collected images and audio from the Apollo 11 mission, and created a website so that the public could experience the moon landing process at that time.

This public information has been supplemented by images and audio collected by NASA engineer Ben Feist and uploaded on a separate website.

Hamartia Antidote

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Nov 17, 2013
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How a few muddled words during China’s Chang’e-6 launch set off a flurry of faked moon landing rumours​

  • Mission scientist Pei Zhaoyu struggles to form a sentence during a live broadcast, sending patriotic doubters of the 1969 moonwalk into overdrive
  • Leading research organisations step in to call for reason

The China Association for Science and Technology has urged doubters of the 1969 moonwalk to “seek truth from facts”. Photo: Nasa/Reuters

Some of China’s top research bodies have sought to quash an online flurry of conspiracy theories that the US’ 1969 moon landing was faked – suggestions based on a lunar scientist’s garbled sentence in a live interview with state television.

The interview with state broadcaster CCTV took place during the launch on May 3 of the Chang’e-6 spacecraft to return the first samples from the far side of the moon.

During the broadcast of the launch Pei Zhaoyu, deputy chief of China’s lunar probe programme at the China National Space Administration, appeared to struggle for words as he discussed the selection of the landing point for the mission.

“We didn’t find that … that from the Apollo basin…,” Pei said.

Noticing that Pei was having trouble organising his thoughts, the host of the broadcast quickly moved the conversation on to another topic.

By Apollo basin, Pei was referring to a large impact crater located in the southern hemisphere of the lunar far side, which is one of the planned landing points for Chang’e-6.

But many online users linked the basin’s name to Nasa’s Apollo mission over 50 years ago on the near side of the moon, and thought Pei was trying to say that no remains of the mission were found.

Soon short videos tagged with key terms such as “didn’t find” and “Apollo” and highlighting Pei’s broken sentence were rife, with many users saying that this proved the Americans never walked on the moon.

The China Association for Science and Technology then weighed in to scotch the suggestions, saying the groundless comments were made amid a wave of nationalism and patriotism, but proof of the 1969 moonwalk was in the samples, photos and videos of the mission.

Where does NASA keep the Moon Rocks?​

“Most people question the Apollo moon landing out of their simple feelings for the country, but we still would like to call on everyone to remain rational and think independently and seek truth from facts,” the association said.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Geology and Geophysics also took to social media to dispel the rumours, reposting a Tencent News interview with a space scientist who said the speculation was an “overinterpretation” of Pei’s comment and online users should think based on “solid evidence”.

“The Apollo mission and Apollo basin have no other connection except the same name. It’s clear that Pei did not say in the broadcast that the mission was faked,” the article said.

The reposted article detailed evidence of the Apollo 11 moonwalk and said that anyone who claimed it was faked would have to provide “multiple pieces of solid evidence” to support the suggestion.

About 14 per cent of the Chinese population was defined as scientifically literate in 2023, compared with just 3 per cent in 2010, according to a national survey by the association. The average in advanced economies is usually above 20 per cent.
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Hamartia Antidote

Elite Member
Nov 17, 2013
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With China returning samples from the moon a new wave of "hey maybe China was actually there first" videos are being generated. The usual footage of Hollywood type sound stages with men in Apollo gear walking around...some of which are from Youtube documentaries made 50 years after Apollo...and some with Stanley Kubrick and 2001 a Space Odyssey.

China's time

Historical film of American moon landing images​


Some footage lifted from a 2018 imax movie documenting the 2018 Movie: "First Man"

First Man IMAX® Behind the Frame​

The photograph was taken in September 1969, after the successful Apollo 11 mission to the moon in July that year. It shows the controversial former Nazi aeronautics engineer Wernher von Braun, who was brought to the U.S. after World War II and played a key role in developing the rocket technology used in the Apollo 11 mission. In the photograph, von Braun is walking on a replica model of the moon landing at the Southeastern Fair in Atlanta, Georgia.

The photo was attributed to United Press International (UPI), a leading news agency at that time, and not the U.S. government, and it was republished by several regional newspapers, along with the following caption:

"Dr. Wernher von Braun, one of the leaders in America's space flight program, took a walk on the moon as he strolled through an exact replica of the Apollo 11 moon landing after officially opening the exhibition at Atlanta's Southeastern Fair."


3 weeks ago

USA FAKES THE MOON LANDING | Countryballs Animation​

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Senior Member
Aug 2, 2017
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USA did it before.

And that was using crap technology from '60.

I think USA will be very easy to repeat another moon landing.

2026 is a piece of cake.

There's no excuse to push back from 2026 target.

If it happened, then we can question '60 moon landing as fake.


Senior Member
May 4, 2019
USA is having far more advanced technology, what they have achieved in 1960-70, if someone achieving now and challenging them. People can laugh only


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2017
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USA is having far more advanced technology, what they have achieved in 1960-70, if someone achieving now and challenging them. People can laugh only

If USA can't fulfill their 2026 target, I will laugh.

USA solved all moon problems back in 1960.

And USA didn't go to the moon in just one trip, but multiple trips.

Even a third world poor and backward countries like India and China can send robot to the moon.

USA just need to add a seat and some life support, then send it to the moon.

That's easy.


Senior Member
May 4, 2019
If USA can't fulfill their 2026 target, I will laugh.

USA solved all moon problems back in 1960.

And USA didn't go to the moon in just one trip, but multiple trips.

Even a third world poor and backward countries like India and China can send robot to the moon.

USA just need to add a seat and some life support, then send it to the moon.

That's easy.
No, not that's easy.

It's very complex machines and mission, required very high skills, a small mistake can cause route of the failure.

China or anyone else, if they are getting success now, you can't disrespect them.

I only said about comparison in my first post!!


Full Member
Dec 28, 2023
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USA did it before.

And that was using crap technology from '60.

I think USA will be very easy to repeat another moon landing.

2026 is a piece of cake.

There's no excuse to push back from 2026 target.

If it happened, then we can question '60 moon landing as fake.
I don't think you know how White man's mindset works. Basically, you bullshiet some number like 2025. Then you invent some problem and oops it's delayed to 2026.

White man will continue to kick the bucket further down the road at fixed intervals. Trust me on this one 2026 won't be the last time USA delays so called moon landing by a year or two.

Sharma Ji

Sep 18, 2012
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Even a third world poor and backward countries like India and China can send robot to the moon.

USA just need to add a seat and some life support, then send it to the moon.

That's easy.
Easier said than done.


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2017
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Easier said than done.

At first yes.

But for the second time and so on, basically you just repeating the process over and over again.

Just like SpaceX made a reusable rocket.

At first it was like hell, but the second times and so on, it's repeatable and copy-able.

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