Which is reliable? Chinese nuclear submarine sank VS Houthi sunk US aircraft carrier.


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Jul 1, 2024
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Western media sink Chinese nuclear submarine near Taiwan.

Recent. The Chinese carrier strike group entered Japan 24 nautical miles

And near Taiwan. China maintains three aircraft carrier strike groups.

The Houthis sank a US aircraft carrier.

US aircraft carrier withdraws from the Red Sea.

@F-22Raptor Do you think Western media and me. Who is more reliable?
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After Western media sank a Chinese nuclear submarine.

Western media may sink a Chinese aircraft carrier again.

The Houthis sank a 100000 ton American aircraft carrier. The US Navy withdrew from the Red Sea.

The US aircraft carrier strike group was heavily hit by the Houthis in the Red Sea.

Currently, the US Navy has withdrawn from the Red Sea.
What is the purpose of US Navy if they cannot keep the Red sea open.


And this as well.

More than enuff $$$ to entice the sinking of Chinese subs
in addition to slavery of Uyghers in Xinjiang together with genocide and sales of Uyghers body parts to the world

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They are talking about the new sub type 041 but it's a 4k tonnes aip sub with nuclear reactor. Tphuang explains it best
It's impossible to fully sunk a sub at wuchang because water depth level of Yangtze river is only 5m. But even 039C has >6m draught + the sail on top When u look at the picture it only show the shadow of the cranes lol there are not enough evidence to support that a sub sank underneath the water.he said that if a nuclear sub were to be built it would be at jiangnan shipyard in shanghai not far inland in Wuhan. Type 041 will be in mass production but they are still in testing phase or prototype idk lol
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Meanwhile at US shipyard man they always bring up BS china story while publishing their own on the same day lol good way to cover shit up huh
The U.S. Navy’s Virginia-class submarine program is also $17 billion over budget
I don't care what it's. if china can mass produce the new type along with type 93 and type 096 or even type 095 then that's a win at least we know theres a new sub type in the works for PLA. Time to pump them out like dumplings.if they can build 2-3 subs at jiangnan that would be great. Wuhan for 039c jiangnan for type 041 then huludao for 093,095, and 096.


To get part of the 1.6 billion?? or was it 90 billion??
War Street Journal fabricates LIES?


Wildcat Politics 2037: Wall Street Journal - China's new nuclear submarine sank due to slipway accident; Dongfeng-31AG allowed the United States to break its defenses and save face by creating false news
The Houthis sank a US nuclear powered aircraft carrier in the Red Sea.


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