Why are Taliban banning each and everything starting from martial arts to women education? What are they trying to achieve?


Mar 16, 2024
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Ever since Taliban came to power in Afghanistan, they have instituted all sort of bans such as women are banned from studying, men are jailed for beard, and now they banned martial arts. I wanted to know what is the motive behind all these? Why are the Taliban so much interested in banning everything that comes in their way rather than focusing on developing the economy and infrastructure of the country?
Afghanistan is a multi-ethnic country ruled by the Pashtuns, who make up only 40% of the Afghan population. There are also Tajiks, who make up 25% of the population, and more than 20 ethnic minorities, including Hazaras, Uzbeks and Turkmen.

The Taliban, as Pashtun rulers, the only thing they have in common with these minorities is Islam. The Taliban regime was already unstable, with weak local control. If it does not emphasize the values of a unified Islam, then these minorities will split the country.
A cultural purge of all things they deem outside of their vision of “traditional” Afghan culture. The goal being to drive off any (minorities especially, the way the Vietnamese drove away ethnic Chinese after the American war) that would try to race out pockets in the country where any of the norms of the American or Soviet periods can endure. Once the purge is complete and their control is absolute, the. They will rule the way they did in the late 90s, except with more relations and trade with its neighbors.
The Taliban ban is the norm of the world for most of its known history.

Also don't fell for Western propaganda, Taliban bans singing, but the Western propaganda machine portrays it as 'Taliban bans women's voice'.

One of the signs and symptoms of past civilizations in advanced stages of decay is the explosions of women's singer. Such as what happened in Baghdad at the end cycle of the Islamic golden age.
99% is propaganda

In order to look Morally superior they have to make other look inferior

From Western standards Russians are also Barbaric , so barbaric that they would not allow their athletes to compete in Olympics with their flag. They were not allowed to sing their own National Anthem

The Afghans are building massive projects with China

Standards of Morality failed when 40,000-200,000 Palestinians died but they are quite vocal about LGBT rights or woke ideologies , and what is wrong with Muslims

CHINA is also morally wrong because they work hard in factories and have outperformed other people in Manufacturing
99% is Western propaganda
In order to look Morally superior they have to make other look inferior

The Afghans are building massive projects with China

Agree, the West doesn't actually care about women.

If they care about women, they would have cracked down on Romania's sex trafficking industry rather than lamenting women in Afghanistan or Iran.

If they genuinely cares about women, they would have be enraged by the rapes of Palestinian women.

But no, they suddenly cares more that Afghan women suddenly no longer be able to run a country (as they're not capable of doing such).

This is not about women, it is about them trying to impose their Western value on an Islamic Society.
The Narrative on World Media , follows certain pattern

Almost like a Global Agenda that News Papers must write 40-50 anti Muslim articles yearly

During the Covid pandemic , there was a sharp decline about anti Islamic culture articles on Western News and News paper , every one was worried about Covid vaccines

However after the end of Pandemic , the media , restarted anti Islam campaign , which follows "CYCLES"

To spread , anti Islam , articles and anti Muslim culture articles always highlighting Islam as a Sub standard faith

These articles don't acknowledge we toppled your Running governments or supplied weapons but all fault is with Muslims


1- It is not highlighted how Natural Resources are stolen from Africa
Africa coffee , Gems and Dimonds

2- It is not highlighted how Libya's 300 billion are stuck in European banks

3- It is not highlighted how Governments are Topped by Western Nations, it is not item open for discussion

4- Talking against Zionist is of course not appreciated

5- Anti Iran articles are always welcomed every now and than

6- Not highlighted how Indigenous Population their Youth are committing suicide , and their youth get kidnapped or killed routinely and no action takes place

7- Poor immigrants are allowed to die in Ocean , their children taken away locked up in Prisons that is all ok, People from South America or central America are like animals because they want a better life for themselves and their children

If you read western News , you will Subconsciously have biased tendencies , because if you keep reading articles published over and over again , over 10-15 years may be 20-30 years you start to imagine may be the problem is actually with Muslims

Ever read a article in Western Media , where it talks about hardworking Muslim father , earning a honest living for his Muslim Children and wife?
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Ever since Taliban came to power in Afghanistan, they have instituted all sort of bans such as women are banned from studying, men are jailed for beard, and now they banned martial arts. I wanted to know what is the motive behind all these? Why are the Taliban so much interested in banning everything that comes in their way rather than focusing on developing the economy and infrastructure of the country?
they are sending women to where they actually belong and where they can contribute to the society in the best way possible. They are sending them back to the Kitchen instead of being a society butterfly
Afghan Taliban can implement Islamic laws in Afghanistan. Fine.

But also develop Afghanistan, so other nations cannot invade Afghanistan ever again and oppress the peoples there.
Ever since Taliban came to power in Afghanistan, they have instituted all sort of bans such as women are banned from studying, men are jailed for beard, and now they banned martial arts. I wanted to know what is the motive behind all these? Why are the Taliban so much interested in banning everything that comes in their way rather than focusing on developing the economy and infrastructure of the country?
what exactly did the western women contributed to the western society apart form spreading porn feminism homosexuality euqal pay and wokism bullshit???
what exactly did the western women contributed to the western society apart form spreading porn feminism homosexuality euqal pay and wokism bullshit???
Why are you quoting western lands? Where did I say that Afghanistan should follow western model? Moreover, educating women and letting them contribute to the society is not Western values. If you look at countries like China and Russia, they don’t follow the western culture but even there women are educated and can work. You are mistaking modernisation with westernisation my friend.

Look at Malaysia and Gulf countries for example. These lands never followed western norms. The UAE, Qatar and Malaysia have banned LGBT, transgender, and live in relationship. But they are highly developed nations because they have managed to tailor their traditional values to the needs of the modern world. The problem amongst many Muslims are that they believe modernisation is westernisation whereas many countries in the world have developed without following western values.

@Raiden @AZADPAKISTAN2009 My answer to your questions my friends.
Meanwhile nearly half of the Arab woman are employed. More than half of emiratí women are employed. Women employment in KSA even with all the restrictions will put some countries in subcontinent to shame.

Well then, I hope things work out for Afghans they seems to have won the war on women.
Saudi and UAE emarati also had 40 years of Prosperity , with 400-500 billion coming in yearly 95-99% education figures program running for at least 20 years, free education

They (Saudi/Emarati) and Afghan are not same from perspective of safe environment from which to grow a society from. Afghani people had shortages of food and resources for many years

Afghan faced a war for 40 years, it takes for Nations to develop their human Resource practice

Let us not be harsh on the peaceful Afghan on our border

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