Why Iran never retaliates

I had two thoughts in my mind

1. Maybe Iran is waiting for the nuclear deterrent to mature

2. The shale production and introduction of renewables/EVs has maybe altered the balance of power for good
This is my thought:

Rule #1: Iran will not start a hot war with any country.

Rule #2: Iran will defend itself if attacked directly but will quickly return to Rule #1.

Rule #3: Iran will continue a defensive war only if no other option exists, meaning the war is imposed upon Iran.
If you want to answer this question, ask and answer the basic questions first. How do they retaliate? How do you (Iran) retaliate in such a way that it prevents Israel from escalating further.
Iran needs both nukes and EFFECTIVE missiles and other delivery mechanisms. It would have to launch a massive barrage of weaker missiles to overwhelm the defenses and only then send nukes delivered by fattah 1/2. Iran would need massive numbers of hypersonics both in ballistics and cruise missiles in order for the nukes to not be wasted by the opponents air defenses.

Air defences of the Zionist entity are not that good - maybe around 50% against modern SRBM/MRBM as demonstrated by Hezbollah/Houthis/Iran from previous attacks.

They are only good against relatively old tech of 10 years or more and partially successful against anything newer. Once Iran has HGV then the entity may as well not trying to intercept at all.

Just the fact that Iran can send a MRBM with a single warhead that could for example destroy Tel Aviv with cerca 50%+ probability of sucess will give Iran adequate deterrence.

PS - Don't forget the entity failed with 20-22 interceptors to shoot down the Houthi "Palestine" missile the other week and Iran has even more advanced missiles about to come into service or already operational.
His mistake is amazing!
The world thinks it is.
This is the pledge of peace.
If Iraq had had weapons of mass destruction at that time, there would have been no war.
Iran must follow Israel's example!
The problem for Iran is they are under a US-Israel microscope looking at their program because they aren't dumb either, they know that Iran will be itching to race to the bomb. The moment they start racing to it is when the US and Israel will start bombing Iran to prevent that. Iran is simply stuck where if they go for the bomb they get bombed, if they don't they then face the destruction of their only meaningful deterrence outside of the nuclear realm (i.e their proxy groups).
This article is a brilliant piece of propaganda. On one hand, it angers and ridicules Iranians by painting Iran as a weak failed state on the verge of collapse. On the other hand, it paints Iran as a potential military power, a nuclear threat and a danger to world peace.
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Iran is attacking, it's supplying multiple proxy forces to target Israel and has done for years

It's managed to clear northern Israel out

If Israel managed to supply PKK and northern Iran was empty of all citizens would you consider that a great Israeli attack????
If Israel managed to supply PKK and northern Iran was empty of all citizens would you consider that a great Israeli attack????
If done without any or little consequences, then yes, absolutely. If the price is to become boycotted and sanctioned, losing trillions of dollars. The answer is no.
If done without any or little consequences, then yes, absolutely. If the price is to become boycotted and sanctioned, losing trillions of dollars. The answer is no.

Whose boycotting you that wasn't already boycotting you?

The creation of a eastern block is where irans salvation lies, everything else is enslavement to a biased and corrupted western order that only cares about itself and is currently a danger to the rest of the world

Exactly why Iran is right in supporting Russia
Whose boycotting you that wasn't already boycotting you?

The creation of a eastern block is where irans salvation lies, everything else is enslavement to a biased and corrupted western order that only cares about itself and is currently a danger to the rest of the world

Exactly why Iran is right in supporting Russia
Nobody was boycotting us until we adopted the anti western foreign policy, and Russia has a medal in backstabbing us.
Ah...Iran directly attacked Pakistan this year after which Pakistan retaliated. It was pretty unprovoked.

So, that kind of negates this entire thread.
This Israeli article is 10 months old. Although there is some propaganda in it as expected, like Iran wanting to destroy Israel or Iran being behind Hamas attack on Israel, in generel it describes Irans situation pretty well.

So it's not like Iran is hesitant to respond only to Israel and the US....Iran is not responding to ANYBODY, no matter how weak its opponent is, and there is a reason for that.

no balls?
Nobody was boycotting us until we adopted the anti western foreign policy, and Russia has a medal in backstabbing us.
No one was boycotting you until you did what you were supposed to do, as soon as you stand up for your own country it's over

The western order is a headache for the world and something has to give

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